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Ratchet claiming cop and his play here doesn't look like a cop. A cop would mostly play passive and stay under the radar to not attract attention by a mafia kill or mafia roleblocker. Only reason what's making me hesitate on lynching him is losing a cop during a mislynch is a blow and there was no counter claim. Even after Ratchet's claim he still looks suspicious since he accused me for bandwagoning but earlier he said he suspects me for not voting him and he also misrepped me saying I got defensive when I didn't get defensive and I'm assuming he was talking about the post where I voted him and that post was more of a read post on Ratchet.

TAC and Ekko were the players who were not interested in a Ratchet lynch which was strange to me because Ratchet played scummy. I start to wonder if Ratchet is town then are scum the ones saying they are not interested in a Ratchet Lynch?

I should policy lynch you for this post alone. You think Anakin Skywalker was his name? Oh the humanity!!!
What even is the meaning of this post?
I am leaning town on Yo Tan, his tone and thought process seems genuine to me.
How? You agree with his reasoning?

Tobi does look bad indeed, may be low hanging fruit.
It may be low hanging but I'd say it's also rotten.

Ekko defending Ratchet triggers paranoia in me.

which 2 players would you invest first?
Why would you even ask that question? Let's assume scenario where he's indeed cop and tells truth. Let's say he says he'll cop me N1 and you N2. What stops mafia from shooting me N1 and you N2? You should never ask cop or doctor who he's planning to target


@Yo Tan Wa You're taking a risk for no good reason, imo. If there're no potential lynch candidates, sure. You have Phoenix and Tobi for example. What do you think of them?
You're doing what Ratchet got shet for. Ignoring questions.

I've tried owning up to my bad read after the game ends, directly asked to end this discussion since it is dragging but you are refusing to end this talk despite town reading me. You are asking to be lynched Ratchet
Honestly, all you achieved is me wanting to lynch Ratchet even less.

If I'm town playing poorly, end of day I'm still town. You rather drag this out with town then focus on scum?
If you're town, you're part of the team. You're not some indie who plays solo. You should take that into consideration.

Nah you concede to get lynched and i go next if you flip Town cop.
And if you're both town, we start game with 2 mislynches.
We lynching fuji??

I'm down, let's use the force

vote lynch: fuji
This isn't like you. Got so many red flags all over this. Be better.

Can we just not use this vote website kek

If it ain't broke don't fix it
Is this akin to your sook about QT?

alright finally got around to reading the thread

Vote Lynch Ariess
With receipts, what exactly led you to this conclusion. You'd read ~30 pages and so conclusive without any validation (even though I agree with the recipient cos he's scummy as).

Actually I'll just get this over with now.

Jyn Erso, Cop.
Oh boy outed cop on day 1. This is bad.

I am not sure about Ratchet here, he claimed cop too quickly. My character is also from main series, not a side movie like Jyn Erso.

On the other hand, Cop claim is easy to verify later. So Ratchet is not the optimal lynch today.
What do you mean too quickly? imo he knew he was gonna get a big wagon and saved time. I also wouldn't rule it out as main series only cos it'd be silly to outguess the host when there's so much lore to explore and so many characters to utilise for the game.

Scum leans: Aries, Juliet, Melkor, hime

Town leans: Ratchet

Null: everyone else

<Vote Lynch: Ariesss >


The End and the Beginning
Ratchet claiming cop and his play here doesn't look like a cop. A cop would mostly play passive and stay under the radar to not attract attention by a mafia kill or mafia roleblocker. Only reason what's making me hesitate on lynching him is losing a cop during a mislynch is a blow and there was no counter claim. Even after Ratchet's claim he still looks suspicious since he accused me for bandwagoning but earlier he said he suspects me for not voting him and he also misrepped me saying I got defensive when I didn't get defensive and I'm assuming he was talking about the post where I voted him and that post was more of a read post on Ratchet.

TAC and Ekko were the players who were not interested in a Ratchet lynch which was strange to me because Ratchet played scummy. I start to wonder if Ratchet is town then are scum the ones saying they are not interested in a Ratchet Lynch?

What even is the meaning of this post?
Vig, please blast this.


How? You agree with his reasoning?

It may be low hanging but I'd say it's also rotten.


Why would you even ask that question? Let's assume scenario where he's indeed cop and tells truth. Let's say he says he'll cop me N1 and you N2. What stops mafia from shooting me N1 and you N2? You should never ask cop or doctor who he's planning to target

You're doing what Ratchet got shet for. Ignoring questions.

Honestly, all you achieved is me wanting to lynch Ratchet even less.

If you're town, you're part of the team. You're not some indie who plays solo. You should take that into consideration.

And if you're both town, we start game with 2 mislynches.
i asked because if he is really town cop then i could help him with that, that's all i can say without revealing too much
This isn't like you. Got so many red flags all over this. Be better.

Is this akin to your sook about QT?

With receipts, what exactly led you to this conclusion. You'd read ~30 pages and so conclusive without any validation (even though I agree with the recipient cos he's scummy as).

Oh boy outed cop on day 1. This is bad.

What do you mean too quickly? imo he knew he was gonna get a big wagon and saved time. I also wouldn't rule it out as main series only cos it'd be silly to outguess the host when there's so much lore to explore and so many characters to utilise for the game.

Scum leans: Aries, Juliet, Melkor, hime

Town leans: Ratchet

Null: everyone else

<Vote Lynch: Ariesss >
Why am I null


The End and the Beginning
I'm getting the feeling that some people just don't understand how claiming should work. If I left it until near End of Day, then I would force those who are around to make a rushed decision in a panic to avoid the lynch on a Cop. Instead, there is now plenty of time to move to a better wagon. That's exactly how it *should* be played.
That's a scummy post and it feels like you are looking for a reason to scum read a player's post when it is not scummy.
lolwut you gaslit something for the sole purpose of distraction. Anakin Skywalker I think in a Star Wars game is designed to ellicit a reaction from those familiar with the lore. Am i overreacting? Likely. But your counter-reaction to being called on this screams a lack of genuine class.
lolwut you gaslit something for the sole purpose of distraction. Anakin Skywalker I think in a Star Wars game is designed to ellicit a reaction from those familiar with the lore. Am i overreacting? Likely. But your counter-reaction to being called on this screams a lack of genuine class.
What do you mean by gaslit? So if I am understanding this correctly me not sure of the correct character's name from a previous Star Wars game I played was suspicious to you?
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