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The End and the Beginning
People already told me in this thread already that i shouldn't claim no matter what this early, and that i should be happy that i even if i get mislynched, i will provide town with information, and if i don't get mislynched, i get to use my role to help town.
Yeah, those people are wrong. I'll explain why, and then ask you what you think.

We're allowed to claim. The host doesn't bar it. Now, when we lynch a player, we ideally want as much information as possible to work with. Of course, any information we have in the thread, Scum also has access to. So we need to be careful. We don't want everyone to claim D1. Otherwse we tell scum which roles they need to focus on.

That's why claims should be restricted to those under threat of a lynch. Imagine you lynch me Day 1, and I flip Cop. What d you gain from it? Even if I get killed tonight, at least it's not a mislynch. We only have a few lynches to work with, scum taking out the cop early is unfortunate but if it forces them to shoot at a player that could have been lynched, it's not terrible either.
i remember god of mafia did the same in the wotlk game
He claimed Lie Detector, and he was one.


Yeah, those people are wrong. I'll explain why, and then ask you what you think.

We're allowed to claim. The host doesn't bar it. Now, when we lynch a player, we ideally want as much information as possible to work with. Of course, any information we have in the thread, Scum also has access to. So we need to be careful. We don't want everyone to claim D1. Otherwse we tell scum which roles they need to focus on.

That's why claims should be restricted to those under threat of a lynch. Imagine you lynch me Day 1, and I flip Cop. What d you gain from it? Even if I get killed tonight, at least it's not a mislynch. We only have a few lynches to work with, scum taking out the cop early is unfortunate but if it forces them to shoot at a player that could have been lynched, it's not terrible either.
He claimed Lie Detector, and he was one.
he said we were lynching town cop he turned to be blue mafia GF lol


The End and the Beginning
@Ratchet since you only scum read me and Juliet

can you tell me more about Juliet? i already know why you think i'm scum
I scum read Phoenix and to a lesser extent Melkor too. I think Juliet fit the bill of a player that didn't want to get too involved in a wagon but wanted to join it when it was safe. She spent several posts before voting agreeing with the wagon, but it was only when I said "I think the players agreeing but not joining it look the worst" that she joined it. Her defence for this afterwards has been to try to mischaracterise my position, including ignoring a post where I town read YTW, so she can argue I was being inconsistent in another post where I said I somewhat townread him, and then claimed she hadn't read the post (despite having gone through that part of the game to cherrypick the other posts she brought up). Between that and her poor thread activity, she fits the profile of scum pretty well.


Last game I played with jester was in ToS almost half an year ago

WoW had jesters, kind of I guess.
And i can't remember last game i played with Jester. And I play bunch of them
Again, last game hosted by Drago has a jester

that's all i'm saying

and the way he acted and isn't defending himself since the wagon got going, is weird asf

scum would try to do something at least

or any buddies of his would show up


Throughout Heaven & Earth,I alone am d Honored One
Do ya think this is town Ratchet behavior, dragging on this way out with his town read on poor play excuse?
Ratchet game play isn't making sense to me

Him asking for indigo claim early and then himself claiming cop is bad thing for me.

But he claimed cop. I wanna see if anyone counters it if not then it's quite risky to Lynch someone who claimed cop.

Also, he is active and we need activity so considering everything I would like to wait until we have more information on the matter.
Basically what I'm saying is there's nothing wrong with suspecting someone but some of you have no good reason to stay on this vote yet you're doing it anyway without even looking in other direction. And in my eyes, this looks bad on you. Even if idk he flips as indie or something.

seems to be working...
Do you have TMI?
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