Correction: Since the Sabaody split. From Amazon Lily to Marineford, the story just didn't feel the same without Luffy's nakama who were relegated to cover page cameos.
Hmm. That is true but impel down and marineford are very good arcs tbh. At least I didn't missed SH but again I wasn't reading in continuity. But in the arcs where SH were present in pre-skip , they definitely had far more focus.
What’s annoying too is that the movies do that exact post-timeskip formula even before Oda did it, where it focuses on new lame characters and the SH are sidelined.
I wish at least these movies (which Oda sees) have Strawhat focus.
It’s not like their stories are interseting either. People go to see their favs and SH are one of the biggest reasons. Focus on them there if you think there’s no time for them in the original story.
Little garden is 15 chapters and most of the crew did absolutely nothing
You have a problem with the last 30 chapter and they already did infinitely more, ignoring that's the only thing they did
I see the issue with pacing absolutely and I have criticism with the arc myself but the relevancy of the SHs ain't it, which is the topic
Idk what you’re talking about despite Little Garden being that short, it still had way more focus on them. This is just one example but the first result I got from searching “OP Little garden Manga”
You will never see a page like this for Starwhats in recent chapters. A whole page just for Usopp and Nami but their interaction seems natural and you can see depth in the characters thoughts.
Now you only get these kinds of pages for new characters to the point it gets annoying. While SH are only shown when they’re used as a plot tool to move these new characters or Luffy.
And even when they show up they’re usually drawn in small panels and limited to their respective gags.
Hence why the series is currently garbage more than half the readers did not become mid piece readers for lika
This is something Loda arrogance is making him overlook
Hence why the series is currently garbage more than half the readers did not become mid piece readers for lika
This is something Loda arrogance is making him overlook
This just reminds me: When was the last time we saw Nami draw a map ? How much progress has she been seen doing concerning her dream to make a map of the world ?
When was the last time we saw Sanji search for traces and clues about the location of All Blue ?
Nami has not drawn a map on screen since the Arlong arc. Same goes for Sanji and asking about All Blue.
Like Nami still talks about the weather and Sanji still clearly cooks... but neither of those things lasted even 50 chapters after they were introduced.
Just like you don't see Nami's scars even 30 chapters after they were highlighted.
Nami has not drawn a map on screen since the Arlong arc. Same goes for Sanji and asking about All Blue.
Like Nami still talks about the weather and Sanji still clearly cooks... but neither of those things lasted even 50 chapters after they were introduced.
Which is a shame, because there were certainely opportunities to talk about or show the progression of their respective dreams, Skypeia for example could have been a great occasion for Nami's dream, with her drawing a map of Skyepia and its position compared to the blue sea.
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