Theory Teach is destined to defeat Imu (spoilers 1108+)

Hello everyone I'm new to this forum, I wanted to contribute to the one piece discussion, so I came up with this theory, let me know what you think.

Teach is going to take down Imu and separately get pluton.

First of all the 5 elder planets named Saturn, Venus, Mars, Mercury, and Jupiter. clearly these are planets in our solar system, of those the missing ones are Uranus, Neptune, and Earth. I think a lot of people at this point think the world government has Uranus, but let’s take it a little further. If Pluton is ship and Poseidon is a person, what could Uranus be? Uranus isn’t the weapon that fired at Lulusia, Uranus is the strongest and first mythical devil fruit the Hito Hito no mi model Uranus and its owned by Imu. Making him the 6th planet.

In Greek mythology Uranus constantly came down to earth to sleep with Gaia, producing the titans, the Cyclopes, and the Hecatoncheires. The latter two were sent to Tartarus because Uranus didn’t like how they looked. Gaia didn’t like this and the fact the Uranus comes down only to sleep with him, so she asked the titans to take down Uranus. So 8 titans work together to take down Uranus but upon taking down Uranus the Giants, the faries(tontata), and the nymphs are born. Cronos took the chair but didn’t free the Cyclopes and the Hecatoncheires.

History will repeat itself, the Titans(8 of the TITANic captains) will work together to defeat Imu and Teach will get his 3rd devil fruit the Hito Hito no mi model: Uranus which will put him on par with Luffy and give him the world (Claiming Luffy is stronger at the moment).

After receiving Uranus, he will identify the location of Pluton. Pluto is a replacement name for Hades the God of the underworld. You are thinking, but Pluton is a ship that can destroy the world not a devil fruit. What if I tell you this ship is more than just weapons? This ship is going to act like the Arc Maxim where it amplifies the power of a certain devil fruit, Gura-Gura no mi or the yami-yami no mi (probably this one). This will give Blackbeard the ability to take over the world and destroy the world.

Who can take down someone so powerful? The Gods of Olympia. Upon entering Elbaf Luffy will learn of the existence of the Cyclopes and the Hecatoncheires and free them. The Strawhats will also receive a buff, specifically the 5 original Strawhats.

This is where I am ending this one it is already a long read. I can add more detail to that last part if you guys think it makes sense so far. Let me know what you think. The final battle will be between Uranus and Nika and their ships Pluton and the Noah.

Pot Goblin

Hello everyone I'm new to this forum, I wanted to contribute to the one piece discussion, so I came up with this theory, let me know what you think.

Teach is going to take down Imu and separately get pluton.

First of all the 5 elder planets named Saturn, Venus, Mars, Mercury, and Jupiter. clearly these are planets in our solar system, of those the missing ones are Uranus, Neptune, and Earth. I think a lot of people at this point think the world government has Uranus, but let’s take it a little further. If Pluton is ship and Poseidon is a person, what could Uranus be? Uranus isn’t the weapon that fired at Lulusia, Uranus is the strongest and first mythical devil fruit the Hito Hito no mi model Uranus and its owned by Imu. Making him the 6th planet.

In Greek mythology Uranus constantly came down to earth to sleep with Gaia, producing the titans, the Cyclopes, and the Hecatoncheires. The latter two were sent to Tartarus because Uranus didn’t like how they looked. Gaia didn’t like this and the fact the Uranus comes down only to sleep with him, so she asked the titans to take down Uranus. So 8 titans work together to take down Uranus but upon taking down Uranus the Giants, the faries(tontata), and the nymphs are born. Cronos took the chair but didn’t free the Cyclopes and the Hecatoncheires.

History will repeat itself, the Titans(8 of the TITANic captains) will work together to defeat Imu and Teach will get his 3rd devil fruit the Hito Hito no mi model: Uranus which will put him on par with Luffy and give him the world (Claiming Luffy is stronger at the moment).

After receiving Uranus, he will identify the location of Pluton. Pluto is a replacement name for Hades the God of the underworld. You are thinking, but Pluton is a ship that can destroy the world not a devil fruit. What if I tell you this ship is more than just weapons? This ship is going to act like the Arc Maxim where it amplifies the power of a certain devil fruit, Gura-Gura no mi or the yami-yami no mi (probably this one). This will give Blackbeard the ability to take over the world and destroy the world.

Who can take down someone so powerful? The Gods of Olympia. Upon entering Elbaf Luffy will learn of the existence of the Cyclopes and the Hecatoncheires and free them. The Strawhats will also receive a buff, specifically the 5 original Strawhats.

This is where I am ending this one it is already a long read. I can add more detail to that last part if you guys think it makes sense so far. Let me know what you think. The final battle will be between Uranus and Nika and their ships Pluton and the Noah.
Interesting theory fella
I'm a fan of final villian blackbeard so I dig it
@CoC: Color of Clowns this would be a good way to utilize Pluton right?

CoC: Color of Clowns

DNA are the Flowers of the Soul
Interesting theory fella
I'm a fan of final villian blackbeard so I dig it
@CoC: Color of Clowns this would be a good way to utilize Pluton right?
Honestly, Pluton being a ship that magnifies the power of the Gura Gura no Mi makes a shit ton of sense.

I've longed believed Wano's Walls/Borders WERE CREATED by Joy Boy using Pluton's power, and that Pluton was the only ship large enough to carry Joy Boy, and that is why it rests under Wano to this day; Joy Boy's corpse is still riding it, and Onigashima is his skull.

We know the Shipwrights of Water 7 that built Pluton weren't evil people, as they were hyper-obsessed with passing down Pluton's Blueprints to their apprentices, in case Pluton ever needed to be destroyed by another Pluton.

Pluton allowing the Gura Gura no Mi to have greater power doesn't necessarily mean it is JUST destructive force. What if Pluton allowed the Gura Gura user to teraform the earth itself, rather that just rend it apart?

In this case, it could be the other way around, and we could see Pluton being used to collapse the Red Line to destroy Mary Geoise, which would also destroy Fish-Man Island. Which WOULD be Luffy's fault for delivering Caribou to Blackbeard.

The funniest part about this theory is that my Pluton theory has evolved to fit Franky building a second Pluton to defeat Blackbeard's, which would require another Gura Gura Fruit... ORRRRRRRRRRRRR...

A Whitebeard Seraphim...

Hello everyone I'm new to this forum, I wanted to contribute to the one piece discussion, so I came up with this theory, let me know what you think.

Teach is going to take down Imu and separately get pluton.

First of all the 5 elder planets named Saturn, Venus, Mars, Mercury, and Jupiter. clearly these are planets in our solar system, of those the missing ones are Uranus, Neptune, and Earth. I think a lot of people at this point think the world government has Uranus, but let’s take it a little further. If Pluton is ship and Poseidon is a person, what could Uranus be? Uranus isn’t the weapon that fired at Lulusia, Uranus is the strongest and first mythical devil fruit the Hito Hito no mi model Uranus and its owned by Imu. Making him the 6th planet.
Why would Imu need the Mother Flame when he already has the powers of Uranus?


Throughout Heaven & Earth,I alone am d Honored One
Hello everyone I'm new to this forum, I wanted to contribute to the one piece discussion, so I came up with this theory, let me know what you think.

Teach is going to take down Imu and separately get pluton.

First of all the 5 elder planets named Saturn, Venus, Mars, Mercury, and Jupiter. clearly these are planets in our solar system, of those the missing ones are Uranus, Neptune, and Earth. I think a lot of people at this point think the world government has Uranus, but let’s take it a little further. If Pluton is ship and Poseidon is a person, what could Uranus be? Uranus isn’t the weapon that fired at Lulusia, Uranus is the strongest and first mythical devil fruit the Hito Hito no mi model Uranus and its owned by Imu. Making him the 6th planet.

In Greek mythology Uranus constantly came down to earth to sleep with Gaia, producing the titans, the Cyclopes, and the Hecatoncheires. The latter two were sent to Tartarus because Uranus didn’t like how they looked. Gaia didn’t like this and the fact the Uranus comes down only to sleep with him, so she asked the titans to take down Uranus. So 8 titans work together to take down Uranus but upon taking down Uranus the Giants, the faries(tontata), and the nymphs are born. Cronos took the chair but didn’t free the Cyclopes and the Hecatoncheires.

History will repeat itself, the Titans(8 of the TITANic captains) will work together to defeat Imu and Teach will get his 3rd devil fruit the Hito Hito no mi model: Uranus which will put him on par with Luffy and give him the world (Claiming Luffy is stronger at the moment).

After receiving Uranus, he will identify the location of Pluton. Pluto is a replacement name for Hades the God of the underworld. You are thinking, but Pluton is a ship that can destroy the world not a devil fruit. What if I tell you this ship is more than just weapons? This ship is going to act like the Arc Maxim where it amplifies the power of a certain devil fruit, Gura-Gura no mi or the yami-yami no mi (probably this one). This will give Blackbeard the ability to take over the world and destroy the world.

Who can take down someone so powerful? The Gods of Olympia. Upon entering Elbaf Luffy will learn of the existence of the Cyclopes and the Hecatoncheires and free them. The Strawhats will also receive a buff, specifically the 5 original Strawhats.

This is where I am ending this one it is already a long read. I can add more detail to that last part if you guys think it makes sense so far. Let me know what you think. The final battle will be between Uranus and Nika and their ships Pluton and the Noah.
Anything good about Teach and I dig it.

Welcome onboard
i like it
imu may be evil and the goresei are dicks but teach really will be the worst evil and at the end of the day luffy and others / the true marines that are good, will team to take down teach cause its looking like he is going to accomplish and succeed where rocks failed.