Is jinbe gonna witness greatness soon?

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In Ch 42, Johnny tells Zoro that Hawk-Eye visits the Baratie.

I don’t have a Japanese copy for this chapter, but I think Johnny says something like, アニキがずっと探してた 「鷹の目の男」も現れたことがあるって話だ。

That’s along the lines of, “They say the ‘Hawk-Eyed Man’ you’ve been searching for is sometimes seen there.”

Johnny says it so confidently… He’s kind of a doofus and I love him. He and Yosaku act like they’re some kind of renowned bounty hunters, but this scene is only a few pages after Yosaku almost died of scurvy and they proved themselves to be entirely clueless of how to survive at sea. As bounty hunters, they rely on rumors and gossip, which of course, sometimes turns out to be false. Except this time, the Takanome no Otoko actually will visit the restaurant.

Johnny may have heard a rumor about a different red-eyed man and assumed it was Hawk-Eye. But in Ch 49, we find out that it was just a guy who drank so much that his eyes turned red and he exploded. What a legend.

Hopefully, this clears up a common misconception. As far as we know, Mihawk wasn't a regular customer at the Baratie; people were just confusing him with someone else.
In Ch 42, Johnny tells Zoro that Hawk-Eye visits the Baratie.

I don’t have a Japanese copy for this chapter, but I think Johnny says something like, アニキがずっと探してた 「鷹の目の男」も現れたことがあるって話だ。

That’s along the lines of, “They say the ‘Hawk-Eyed Man’ you’ve been searching for is sometimes seen there.”

Johnny says it so confidently… He’s kind of a doofus and I love him. He and Yosaku act like they’re some kind of renowned bounty hunters, but this scene is only a few pages after Yosaku almost died of scurvy and they proved themselves to be entirely clueless of how to survive at sea. As bounty hunters, they rely on rumors and gossip, which of course, sometimes turns out to be false. Except this time, the Takanome no Otoko actually will visit the restaurant.

Johnny may have heard a rumor about a different red-eyed man and assumed it was Hawk-Eye. But in Ch 49, we find out that it was just a guy who drank so much that his eyes turned red and he exploded. What a legend.

Hopefully, this clears up a common misconception. As far as we know, Mihawk wasn't a regular customer at the Baratie; people were just confusing him with someone else.
Interesting stuff. Keep them coming
Remember when the zoro haters keep pushing their agenda of zoro vs orochi? As usual, the manga keep giving the zoro haters the Ls
their last saving grace is Zoro doesnt have CoC(at least for now). God forbids if Oda decide Zoro also has CoC by extension Mihawk too:believe::believe:.
u can already see the meltdown from certain fandoms:emohiyo::emohiyo:
the narrative they built over the decade will be broken like castle of cards:zehaha:
all of their cards will become undone. i am honestly more interested to see what else they will create by then:brootea:
only thing i am sure of is anything they come up with far surpass my wildest imagination:smoothieduck:
their last saving grace is Zoro doesnt have CoC(at least for now). God forbids if Oda decide Zoro also has CoC by extension Mihawk too:believe::believe:.
u can already see the meltdown from certain fandoms:emohiyo::emohiyo:
the narrative they built over the decade will be broken like castle of cards:zehaha:
all of their cards will become undone. i am honestly more interested to see what else they create by then:brootea:
only thing i am sure of is anything they come up with far surpass my wildest imagination:smoothieduck:
You are mostly neutral lmao didn't knew that you were also a Zoro fan


The Honoured One
This chapter shit on the zoro haters so hard.

Orochi is dead. He a goner fr.

Kanjino will be off screened by the scabbards.

And It's looking more and more likely that King will be Zoro's main fight.

All them boys got low diffed.
Only option they have now is to cling on to is with hoping Whos who will be Zoro's arc opponent and King somehow being weaker than Smoothie.

This will all be broken down as well in due time.
This chapter shit on the zoro haters so hard.

Orochi is dead. He a goner fr.

Kanjino will be off screened by the scabbards.

And It's looking more and more likely that King will be Zoro's main fight.

All them boys got low diffed.
Only option they have now is to cling on to is with hoping Whos who will be Zoro's arc opponent and King somehow being weaker than Smoothie.

This will all be broken down as well in due time.
Oh who's who will be Zoro's opponent, a Warm up for Zoro that's what Who's Who role is for this arc. :myman:
You are mostly neutral lmao didn't knew that you were also a Zoro fan
thanks. but i wouldnt call myself exactly neutral:goyea:
i just dont bother with going into extensive power lvl discussion. i dont have the drive to write essays back and forth over fictional character:pepemwai::pepemwai:
so far my understanding is that nothing useful ever came out of these "discussion". it will always turn into a fandom war. ppl will insult u more than they insult ur arguments. if u are a Zoro fan the counter arguments from ppl will start with Zorotard/Zoro dicksucker.
nowadays u will find more post about complaining about "Toxic behavior" from Zoro fans than the actual toxic post of a Zoro fan.
i personally dont agree with @nik87 's arguments about swords BUT if i had to choose
1. hangout with him for a day Or
2. have an online chat for 10min with some ppl(i think u guys know who these ppl are i am talking about)
i will pick nik any day any time. i would rather spend a day with a "wanker" than a moment with a rude hypocrite:cheers:
thats just how i see things.
as far as why i try to be neutral thats cuz i dont give a flying fuck about fandom agenda. I am a Zoro/WB/Garp/Luffy/Mr2/mihawk/Papazuki fan.
no matter how much narrative i push, Zoro will end up exactly where Oda wants him to be. no amount of agenda will help there.
if Oda wants him to be one of the strongest, he will be one of the strongest
if he wants Zoro to be a scrub like YC1, so be it. thats what he will be.
i will just enjoy the shit ppl go through to spin the narrative:ihaha:
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