Is jinbe gonna witness greatness soon?

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Formerly Seth

I don't see any resemblance with Alabasta to be honest. Some similarities with TB, but nothing with Alabasta.
Royal in need.
Country ruined by a Pirate.
Big boy Luffy helping the princess ( momo in this case )
Everyone will fight in different places.
Nothing at all?
I didn't mean to look that deep. I just saw connect Ryuuma and Joyboy and I thought that you think about Joyboy as a person.
fair enough.
I think there is no actual Joyboy but rather a title for someone acting/doing things like him.
i can see that happening. imo it might be better than what we are most likely getting. Joyboy 1.0 then Roger aka Joyboy 2.0 then Jesus Messiah Luffy aka Joyboy 3.0. sounds like fucking android version:lusalty:.
Joyboy being a "title" would make Joyboy/Luffy/Roger as someone who are similar in personality and like u said does similar things. this might be better than having almost "reincarnate" like plot.

tho my initial premise could still happen. Joyboy dude(whatever his real name is) from past age and Ryuma were acquainted to some degree. then we have the new "Joyboy" Luffy and zoro:afrokappa::afrokappa:

Formerly Seth

fair enough.

i can see that happening. imo it might be better than what we are most likely getting. Joyboy 1.0 then Roger aka Joyboy 2.0 then Jesus Messiah Luffy aka Joyboy 3.0. sounds like fucking android version:lusalty:.
Joyboy being a "title" would make Joyboy/Luffy/Roger as someone who are similar in personality and like u said does similar things. this might be better than having almost "reincarnate" like plot.

tho my initial premise could still happen. Joyboy dude(whatever his real name is) from past age and Ryuma were acquainted to some degree. then we have the new "Joyboy" Luffy and zoro:afrokappa::afrokappa:
If Luffy is Joyboy then the only thing we need is a Tailed Beast inside his belly to make him a full Child of the Prophecy:madmonk::madmonk::madmonk::madmonk:
Jesus Oda, please do not make Luffy a Joyboy:chopoff:
If Luffy is Joyboy then the only thing we need is a Tailed Beast inside his belly to make him a full Child of the Prophecy:madmonk::madmonk::madmonk::madmonk:
Jesus Oda, please do not make Luffy a Joyboy:chopoff:
u might be onto something:suresure::suresure:
i dont think Kishimoto wanks Naruto as much as Oda does for Luffy.
so inb4 it gets revealed Luffy isnt Joyboy but he is in fact Sun Wukong's reincarnation:gokulaugh:.
Luffy will do 72 transformation and he already knows 2(Human and Monkey:moonwalk:)
he is immortal and Oda already forshadowed somersault cloud when Momo 1st time used Cloud to fly in Luffy's presence. the cloud was Luffy's power both Momo and Luffy didnt know:kata:
Oda is holding back Luffy's awakening. despite experiencing awakening twice and being familiar with his df the longest yet Luffy awakened 2 types of advance haki. which he only learnt in 2yrs.
Luffy's awakening will be he will turn into a humoniod monkey and create clones from hair. Luffy will also get ryu jingu bang when using awakening:steef::steef:
EOS Luffy= Great Sage, Equal to Heavens:goyea::goyea::goyea:
EOS Luffy a legit Solar system buster. Naruto's puny ass is stuck at Questionable moon lvl:pepelit::pepelit:
btw even in actual lore Ao Guang, Eastern Dragon King(Kaido is a japanese knock off of this guy) is way weaker than Luff... i mean.. Sun Wukong.
maybe Oda is saying something:pepedoffy::pepedoffy:
So True

If Zoro doesn't get conquerors by the end of Wano I'll give up on that thought, I would like Oda to explain his aura shit at some point though
after seeing Dofla, kata, Don Chinjao get introduced as CoC users i will be surprised if guys like Zoro, mihawk maybe papazuki and/or aokiji dont have it. specially Kata. no offense to him as i personally think doffy is at best a mid/high diff fight for him. its not cuz doffy is dangerous to him, its cuz doffy is a super tank and kata has relatively low offense. so it takes yrs for him to whittle down doffy's HP.

imo doffy feels like more worthy of coc compared to him. doffy was charismatic and had qualities of a king. his underlings was so devoted to him that they were ready to die for him with a smile(monet/vergo).

whereas Kata failed to establish anything significant about him that gives u the feeling "wow this guy could be a coc user". most of the adoration and devotion he receives comes from younger siblings. it didnt feel like he achieved via charisma instead more like being the strongest and ideal older brother for everyone. as we know IRL its very common for younger siblings finding their older siblings as cool/awesome and they tend to rely on them a lot. plus kata is really strong and we see many are praising him for his strength/abilities(like capone and others). until the very moment he CoC clashed with Luffy, he didnt feel CoC material. felt like his CoC was a add-on. not to mention he was a last minute guy oda created.

starting from his character design to his personality, abilities, df pretty much everything Oda changed from how he supposed to look, behave and fight. its also the reason why i dont think he would be that important to the actual plot. as we know how OP will end is already decided that means original story dont have any kata.
just compare the relevancy of these 2 char, Dofla and Kata: Dofla got taken out in 2015. thats 5yrs and we already saw doffy couple of times already who is rotting in jail. and mind u these werent Oda's usual gag panels, he was in some of the most hyped chap and he also contributed narrative. my man is dropping fax from jail:steef::steef:

on the other hand we have kata who got taken out in 2018, only 2yrs ago and Oda basically forgot about him. in the last 2 yrs he didnt even bother to draw 1 panel of him. so much for being the next WB:whitepress:
TLDR: Doffy is a Campaign villain and Kata is a Field Boss.
and u know who is more important and holds actual value

so it would be incredibly petty of Oda to give CoC to last min creation like Kata, not important to plot Chinjao, old gen who also isnt important to us now Sengoku BUT NOT giving to char that are basically 2ndary main char Zoro, redefining the next gen like Law and stands as Luffy's biggest Marine obstacle Papazuki who is also the only char so far to make Luffy doubt himself, question the meaning of Life and gave him ptsd:kata:.
mind u aside from BB all the other char in the series combined dont have the equal negative influence on Luffy as Papazuki. and that goes for Yonko, marines, kata. mihawk, WorstGen, WG and everyone and their mother.:steef::steef:
@Light D Lamperouge @Finalbeta @Cinera what are ur opinion on CoC and char like Zoro, Mihawk, papazuki, aokiji, law etc?


Zoro Worshipper
after seeing Dofla, kata, Don Chinjao get introduced as CoC users i will be surprised if guys like Zoro, mihawk maybe papazuki and/or aokiji dont have it. specially Kata. no offense to him as i personally think doffy is at best a mid/high diff fight for him. its not cuz doffy is dangerous to him, its cuz doffy is a super tank and kata has relatively low offense. so it takes yrs for him to whittle down doffy's HP.

imo doffy feels like more worthy of coc compared to him. doffy was charismatic and had qualities of a king. his underlings was so devoted to him that they were ready to die for him with a smile(monet/vergo).

whereas Kata failed to establish anything significant about him that gives u the feeling "wow this guy could be a coc user". most of the adoration and devotion he receives comes from younger siblings. it didnt feel like he achieved via charisma instead more like being the strongest and ideal older brother for everyone. as we know IRL its very common for younger siblings finding their older siblings as cool/awesome and they tend to rely on them a lot. plus kata is really strong and we see many are praising him for his strength/abilities(like capone and others). until the very moment he CoC clashed with Luffy, he didnt feel CoC material. felt like his CoC was a add-on. not to mention he was a last minute guy oda created.

starting from his character design to his personality, abilities, df pretty much everything Oda changed from how he supposed to look, behave and fight. its also the reason why i dont think he would be that important to the actual plot. as we know how OP will end is already decided that means original story dont have any kata.
just compare the relevancy of these 2 char, Dofla and Kata: Dofla got taken out in 2015. thats 5yrs and we already saw doffy couple of times already who is rotting in jail. and mind u these werent Oda's usual gag panels, he was in some of the most hyped chap and he also contributed narrative. my man is dropping fax from jail:steef::steef:

on the other hand we have kata who got taken out in 2018, only 2yrs ago and Oda basically forgot about him. in the last 2 yrs he didnt even bother to draw 1 panel of him. so much for being the next WB:whitepress:
TLDR: Doffy is a Campaign villain and Kata is a Field Boss.
and u know who is more important and holds actual value

so it would be incredibly petty of Oda to give CoC to last min creation like Kata, not important to plot Chinjao, old gen who also isnt important to us now Sengoku BUT NOT giving to char that are basically 2ndary main char Zoro, redefining the next gen like Law and stands as Luffy's biggest Marine obstacle Papazuki who is also the only char so far to make Luffy doubt himself, question the meaning of Life and gave him ptsd:kata:.
mind u aside from BB all the other char in the series combined dont have the equal negative influence on Luffy as Papazuki. and that goes for Yonko, marines, kata. mihawk, WorstGen, WG and everyone and their mother.:steef::steef:
@Light D Lamperouge @Finalbeta @Cinera what are ur opinion on CoC and char like Zoro, Mihawk, papazuki, aokiji, law etc?
Zoro probably has CoC and he might have used it when Kuma made him tank all of that pain

Or Asura itself might be a manifestation of CoC either

Light D Lamperouge

𝖂𝖍𝖆𝖙 𝕮𝖔𝖚𝖑𝖉 𝕳𝖆𝖛𝖊 𝕭𝖊𝖊𝖓
@Light D Lamperouge @Finalbeta @Cinera what are ur opinion on CoC and char like Zoro, Mihawk, papazuki, aokiji, law etc?
Why not. I don't see a problem with them having it. Mihawk conquered the entire sword world, Zoro will do the same. Akainu may also have it as the FA. Kuzan and Law I am not too sure of.


I think Mihawk has CoC but is just too lazy to use it. He'd rather have a sword fight than take down fodder with CoC.
I think it's interesting that there's a Mihawk reaction shot right here, the same size as the Admirals' too.

It also explains comments like these:

But Mihawk doesn't like fighting with an unfair advantage, so he wouldn't use it often. There was a theory a looong time ago about how CoC-users could control the waves or something-- anyway I think it was a theory about how Shanks could travel so quickly. But that theory would also explain why Mihawk doesn't seem to have any sort of steering mechanism on his tiny boat.

On the other hand, it would be really cool if he didn't have it. That would mean he fought Shanks (and possibly Ray or whoever was the old WSS) at a disadvantage and still won.
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