Is jinbe gonna witness greatness soon?

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Sounds about right for the time of the Dawn of the Hour of the Tiger when Zoro decapitates the dragon(Kaido) in the sky. :finally:
I'm very sure Zoro will use these three techniques against Kaido when he will get his chance of 1vs1:smithnie:

▪ Ultra Gari :shocking:
▪ Rengoku onigiri to mark a new X:myman: ( Rengoku = Hell / Onigiri=to kill oni and it is the only technique that can leave a X mark on its opponent ):kata:
▪ Shi shishi sonson to kill him :endthis:

☆ Other techniques could be used based on the parallel with Oars :
▪1080 pc
▪ Ichi nigorilla
▪ two gorilla cut
▪ Sanzen sekai or ISDS
I'm very sure Zoro will use these three techniques against Kaido when he will get his chance of 1vs1:smithnie:

▪ Ultra Gari :shocking:
▪ Rengoku onigiri to mark a new X:myman: ( Rengoku = Hell / Onigiri=to kill oni and it is the only technique that can leave a X mark on its opponent ):kata:
▪ Shi shishi sonson to kill him :endthis:

☆ Other techniques could be used based on the parallel with Oars :
▪1080 pc
▪ Ichi nigorilla
▪ two gorilla cut
▪ Sanzen sekai or ISDS
where is rashomon?:pepestrike:
inb4 Zoro is Ryuma incarnate like Luffy is JoyBoy:ihaha::ihaha:.
certain fanbases will go on riot:queenmoji:
My fellow Zoro stans after some calculations ( The way oda play with numbers ) i found Zoro will use ashura after 32 chapters :cheers: chapter 1017
why 1017 specifically not 1016 or 1018?:choppawhat:
calc or "aSuRa DoEs NoT eXiSt":suresure::suresure:
where is rashomon?:pepestrike:

inb4 Zoro is Ryuma incarnate like Luffy is JoyBoy:ihaha::ihaha:.
certain fanbases will go on riot:queenmoji:

why 1017 specifically not 1016 or 1018?:choppawhat:
calc or "aSuRa DoEs NoT eXiSt":suresure::suresure:
▪he didn't use Rashomon against Oars nor the dragon in PH:cheers:
▪ Zoro / Ryuma parallels:blush:
▪ Gear 2 = chapter 387 /
Gear 4 = chapter 783
▪ Ashura = appeared the first time in Chapter 417 .
We have this manga divised in two
Prets and postts .
Prets = 600 chapters if we expect Ashura to appear after 417 chapters again in the second half of the story it will be :
600 + 417 = 1017
( 1+1+7 = 9 nine sword style )
▪he didn't use Rashomon against Oars nor the dragon in PH:cheers:
cant deny that but Rashomon>all other attacks (barring oni giri, SSSS, Asura):smithnie:
▪ Zoro / Ryuma parallels:blush:
wait till Oda goes full ham and connects Ryuma and Joyboy:steef::steef:
if it was pre ts i wouldnt have believed it but post ts specially after ROX reveal and more info on Joyboy-Roger-Luffy, i wont be surprised if Oda goes with "Ryuma and Joyboy came from same time. they had a rivalry like friendship(maybe akin to noland and calgara. coincidently Jaya is city of gold. wano is country of gold:choppawhat: )"
it seems Oda plans to connect legends and have them related to one another instead of having them isolated and in a vaccum.
1. 1st Gen: as we see from 4 unlikely pirate was once colleague(WB, BM, Kaido, Shiki) after that Oda connected Roger and garp to them Via Rox incident and Roger to BM via her Poneglyph. then name drops from thriller bark, Capt John got stitched to Rox too.

2. 2nd Gen: then we have Chinjao who 1st got connected to Garp who ended his dream and career. later Vivre Card databooks revealed that Chinjao actually fought both Roger and garp in his career as a pirate and this earned him his infamy along with his head. Roger also mentioned Sengoku as a potential challenge. WB thinking Roger/Garp/Shiki/Sengoku/Ray as his peer and speerHead of this gen. then we have Oden who is connected to Roger/WB/Kaido.

3. 3rd Gen: in more recent yrs we have Shanks and Mihawk got linked by their duel and rivalry. BM and Kaido with some sort of "Big favor". Shanks and BB with some bad blood. Akainu and Dragon for some unknown reason(Papazuki seemed to have some suppressed emotion for Dragon:catlewd::catlewd:). Papazuki and Aokiji with their duel and clash of moral.
4. 4th Gen: now we have Luffy who more and more seems to be someone more than "resemble Roger". we are getting JoyBoy-Roger-Luffy deeply connected. Law with sengoku. Kidd with kaido and Shanks. Zoro with Ryuma-Mihawk. Luffy with Shanks-BB. BM-Kaido alliance. latest chap we have Kaido's "Son" Yamato connected to Ace:catlewd::catpole:.
i might have left some out but i think u get the idea.
basically chars that are expected to have interaction between them definitely has them and even chars that we didnt expect to have any relation or connection between them are being connected as we speak.:queenmoji:
Untill we get confirmed info of Ryuma and Joyboy being from different gen.
coincidently Ryuma died from unspecified sickness which sounds awfully like certain someone we know who also had incurable disease and couldnt be cured:myman::myman:
this reminds me Disease is the strongest of all in OP.
STD>>> Everyone else:catlewd::catlewd::catlewd:
▪ Gear 2 = chapter 387 /
Gear 4 = chapter 783
▪ Ashura = appeared the first time in Chapter 417 .
We have this manga divised in two
Prets and postts .
Prets = 600 chapters if we expect Ashura to appear after 417 chapters again in the second half of the story it will be :
600 + 417 = 1017
( 1+1+7 = 9 nine sword style )
last chap of prets was 600? then post ts started at 601? if i understood correctly then wouldnt it become 601+417=1018? unless i butchered the premise and it went over my head. in that case my bad.
Joyboy is a title for Happy go lucky guys like Roger, Ace, and Luffy.
if u r talking about my comment. i wasnt saying Joyboy and Ryuma are connected like Roger-Luffy. i am saying more like Shanks-mihawk, wb-roger-garp. sorry for the confusion.
btw my post isnt exactly "theory" or things i would "like it to happen". its more like "things that might happen" observing the current direction of narratives and how everyone is a relative of eachother:pepecry:
and One Piece is a One big humongous Family:tchpepe::tchpepe:

Formerly Seth

if u r talking about my comment. i wasnt saying Joyboy and Ryuma are connected like Roger-Luffy. i am saying more like Shanks-mihawk, wb-roger-garp. sorry for the confusion.
btw my post isnt exactly "theory" or things i would "like it to happen". its more like "things that might happen" observing the current direction of narratives and how everyone is a relative of eachother:pepecry:
and One Piece is a One big humongous Family:tchpepe::tchpepe:
I didn't mean to look that deep. I just saw connect Ryuuma and Joyboy and I thought that you think about Joyboy as a person.

I think there is no actual Joyboy but rather a title for someone acting/doing things like him.
Last chapter of Pre-TS was Ch. 598 if I remember correctly.
▪he didn't use Rashomon against Oars nor the dragon in PH:cheers:
▪ Zoro / Ryuma parallels:blush:
▪ Gear 2 = chapter 387 /
Gear 4 = chapter 783
▪ Ashura = appeared the first time in Chapter 417 .
We have this manga divised in two
Prets and postts .
Prets = 600 chapters if we expect Ashura to appear after 417 chapters again in the second half of the story it will be :
600 + 417 = 1017
( 1+1+7 = 9 nine sword style )
Chapter 597 is titled "3D2Y".
Chapter 598 is titled "2 Years Later".
Chapter 599 is titled "9 Pirates".
Chapter 600 is titled "The Island of Restarting".

so it seems 597 is the whole training chap.
598 is the 1ts chap after timeskip. so we have to start counting from 598 then.
so if this theory works we might see Asura in chap 1015?
Ashura or Asura.

I'm getting triggered because even I switch between these.

Which one is correct per Viz bois?
Asura is correct

Ashura is a character after all :P
introduction of shitenmaru totally messed it up. before we didnt need to pay attention to the correct spelling.
now we have Koushirou-Kyoshiro. Tsuru-Tsuru. Asura-Ashura:josad:
TLDR: Wano was a Mistake:ihaha::ihaha::risicheck: