Is jinbe gonna witness greatness soon?

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Krieg Pirate: 畜生ォ てめェ!! 何の恨みがあっておれ達を狙うんだ!!!
Literally: You monster/brute/beast! What grudge do you have to keep picking on/chasing/going after us?!

Mihawk thinks for a second, then answers: ヒマつぶし
Himatsubushi (killing time, wasting time, etc.)

First of all, that’s a weird answer.

Secondly, hima (time, free time, leisure time) tsubushi (destroy, smash, flatten, wreck, ruin), uses the same verb the Krieg Pirates used when they said, “Don Krieg! It’s him! The man who destroyed/smashed/flattened/wrecked/ruined our fleet!”

潰し/ tsubushi is past tense of the verb tsubusu. Mihawk used it as a noun in his dialog above, which is valid but kind of weird to do.
Mihawk says he’s destroying his free time just the way he destroyed Krieg’s fleet.

I’ve seen some suggest before that Mihawk was “wasting his free time,” or “killing time” in a way that implies that he had things to do before and/or after his attack on Krieg! The headcanon possibilities… Just what was Miho up to?! Do you think he was on his way to do something else?

Light D Lamperouge

𝖂𝖍𝖆𝖙 𝕮𝖔𝖚𝖑𝖉 𝕳𝖆𝖛𝖊 𝕭𝖊𝖊𝖓
I've always thought so as well. To me, "killing time" doesn't mean that he is waiting to do something else. Mihawk is kind of always in the "killing time" mode, just waiting on someone who is worth his time to come around.
I agree. It was probably just a way to relieve some boredom.

Krieg Pirate: 畜生ォ てめェ!! 何の恨みがあっておれ達を狙うんだ!!!
Literally: You monster/brute/beast! What grudge do you have to keep picking on/chasing/going after us?!

Mihawk thinks for a second, then answers: ヒマつぶし
Himatsubushi (killing time, wasting time, etc.)

First of all, that’s a weird answer.

Secondly, hima (time, free time, leisure time) tsubushi (destroy, smash, flatten, wreck, ruin), uses the same verb the Krieg Pirates used when they said, “Don Krieg! It’s him! The man who destroyed/smashed/flattened/wrecked/ruined our fleet!”

潰し/ tsubushi is past tense of the verb tsubusu. Mihawk used it as a noun in his dialog above, which is valid but kind of weird to do.
Mihawk says he’s destroying his free time just the way he destroyed Krieg’s fleet.

I’ve seen some suggest before that Mihawk was “wasting his free time,” or “killing time” in a way that implies that he had things to do before and/or after his attack on Krieg! The headcanon possibilities… Just what was Miho up to?! Do you think he was on his way to do something else?
Feeble minds of mortals cant fathom whats going on Godahawk's mind:finally::finally:

Krieg Pirate: 畜生ォ てめェ!! 何の恨みがあっておれ達を狙うんだ!!!
Literally: You monster/brute/beast! What grudge do you have to keep picking on/chasing/going after us?!

Mihawk thinks for a second, then answers: ヒマつぶし
Himatsubushi (killing time, wasting time, etc.)

First of all, that’s a weird answer.

Secondly, hima (time, free time, leisure time) tsubushi (destroy, smash, flatten, wreck, ruin), uses the same verb the Krieg Pirates used when they said, “Don Krieg! It’s him! The man who destroyed/smashed/flattened/wrecked/ruined our fleet!”

潰し/ tsubushi is past tense of the verb tsubusu. Mihawk used it as a noun in his dialog above, which is valid but kind of weird to do.
Mihawk says he’s destroying his free time just the way he destroyed Krieg’s fleet.

I’ve seen some suggest before that Mihawk was “wasting his free time,” or “killing time” in a way that implies that he had things to do before and/or after his attack on Krieg! The headcanon possibilities… Just what was Miho up to?! Do you think he was on his way to do something else?
Imagine if Mihawk has a time fruit/power, this scene would have a new meaning.


Although I would love to see Mihawk destroy the Pure Swordsman™ cult, I really don't think he has a devil fruit.
Mihawk's skill comes from decades of practice and dedication, plus the advantage of his eyesight. Mihawk is a pupil of the blade, like Ryuma, Cyrano, Zoro, Koshiro, and Ray, who didn't have DFs as far as we know.

If we can accept that Vergo, Garp, Roger, Oden, Shanks, Ray, Oars are at or near the top of their class without a DF, then we must accept that Mihawk might not have one either.

Can the WSS be a DF-user? Both of the other "World's strongest X" characters have a DF. What makes Mihawk different? What makes his title different?

For one thing, World's Strongest Beast and World's Strongest Man are both physical attributes; World's Strongest Swordsman is a title that implies more than physical strength-- it also implies dedication to study and technique. You can't just be born WSS; you have to specifically try to get there, like getting to PK.