Is jinbe gonna witness greatness soon?

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Bro i seriously think Kizaru will be Zoro's admiral matchup.

Idk if Fuji will be an enemy by the final war and there's more setup for Zoro vs Kizaru

Kizaru almost killed him at Sabaody and made him look powerless. Then Rayleigh steps in, the VC of the Roger Pirates, and scraps with Kizaru with a bit

It'd be fitting if the unofficial VC of the SH's and Right Hand of the future Pirate King, Zoro takes out Kizaru and avenges that humiliation he experienced at Sabaody
Yeah i agree that Kizaru will be Zoro's admiral fight
Plus he's always been fighting the right hands man of the captains
This fight will be so dope and push Zoro into another level
"Zoron too weak. He cant damage Kaido. Kaido will neg diff Zoron. A yonko can kill a weakling like Zoron with a glance or CoC":mihanha:
Turns out its the Yonko who needs jesus especially loser like Kaido and BM:rolaugh:.
WB didnt cry out when Akainu melted his innards and didnt make any expression while losing half of his head:finally:
Shanks was pretty much expressionless while losing a hand:finally:
Papazuki didnt cry out when WB blindsided him:finally:
Zoro ....well Nothing happened:catpole::catpole:

then we have Kaido:kaidowhat::lawsigh:
Wont surprise me if i see fear of death on Kaido's face in the climatic battle. this dude is a disgrace. He might be the strongest being ever in fiction who is capable of one shotting Universe BUT he sure has a weak heart and is actually afraid to die:ihaha:

and we all know if u are afraid of death in One Piece, well u r an absolute loser and ur main competitor in mental capacity is fucking Stelly:tchpepe::tchpepe:
WB still reigns as the GOAT Yonko:queenmoji:
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▪I think i finally found an answer for snakeman speed for Zoro and it was shown in the manga :

● Chapter 702 :
• Zoro / Luffy / Sanji / Kinemon didn't sense that a fairy was there to steal ppl but Zoro sensed his sword was stolen and identified it to be Shusui but what's crazy is Zoro using his eye with his Coo to determine where that fairy went inside a hall filled with Ppl even Sanji the King of shit Coo and Luffy and kinemon didn't know or sense it even luffy asked where Zoro wanted to go .
• this feat was used by mihawk in MF when he targeted Luffy while using gear 2 ( soru ) while ppl were fighting each other .