Is jinbe gonna witness greatness soon?

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Don't worry my G I predicted that queen would be the legendary kitsune that can shapeshift and well let's say I was half right
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back in dressrosa
I wish that I could write a letter to Oda. I would write down all the good ideas from the members of this temple. I would also send him the newest Playboy magazine from Germany. I sure that the magazine would get his attention :myman:
It's more like a 19:1 in favour of Kaido being defeated last.

How does the recent Chapter support Sanji vs Queen? It instead set up Chopper against Queen.
  • Queen's conflict and grudge seem to be much stronger against Chopper and Drake
    • Chopper
      • Queen tried to kill Chopper after Zoro gave him the antidote
      • Chopper has neutralised his viruses twice in a row
      • His subordinates betrayed him to protect Chopper
    • Drake
      • He has already tried to kill Drake
  • Queen mentioned eliminating Sanji in the same breath as eliminating Zoro. He didn't really give eliminating Sanji any special consideration.
  • Sanji and Queen haven't had any confrontation or any real build-up for a fight later down the line
    • In fact, Zoro has had more of a confrontation with Queen
Sanji's final opponent is unknown, and nothing suggests that they will of necessity push Sanji to high/extreme difficulty.
Judge's mantra was using expendable soldiers.
Thats why Germa clones their soldiers and are used for tactical purposes.
Queen is following the same suit, except the Beast Pirate Army Soldiers are live and sentient.

Queen is an inferior Judge, he has his tech/weaponry outsourced following the layouts of Judge/Vegapunk/Caesar.

Just as when Jabra was gonna "kill" Nami and Usopp, Sanji appears.
Just as when Momo, Nami, Brook, Chopper were being chased by Doflamingo, Sanji appears.
Just as when Tashigi and G5 were being mercilessly assaulted, Sanji appears.
Just as when Rain Base was flooding, the Banana Alligator was going to eat Vivi, Sanji appears.
Just as when Nami was being roofied to be married to Absalom, Sanji appears.
Just as when X Drake and Hawkins busted into the Bathhouse to capture Nico Robin, Shinobu, and Nami, Sanji appears.

Point is Sanji appears when strawhats are in danger and begins his fights. Chopper will not get a free hit on Queen and get a way with it. In no world is Monster Chopper defeating Queen when Big Mom couldn't. We will not see this next chapter. We will see this in several maybe 10 chapters where Sanji appears and saves Chopper this time.

Queen is a gag character. King is not.
Queen/Sanji is fucking around Onigashima. King/Zoro is leading/getting straight to business.
Mr. 2 is a gag character. Mr. 1 is not.
Absalom was a rapist. Zombie Ryuma only took Zoro seriously.
Jabra was a liar. Kaku was a straight arrow.
Hatori was a gag ball. Ohm was serious.
Wadatsumi was naïve, big, and clumsy. Hyuozou was threatening and serious, who Luffy even referenced as strong.

And for parallels in appearances, here you go.

I don't wanna see this Zoro/King disrespect from even you Cinera.
Just because King hasn't used a named attack yet doesn't mean he's fodder.
His hype will begin when Marco begins his solo fight against Hybrid ~ Swordsman King.

What is King going to do with that Sword? Bonk Sanji so he can break it with his Strong Armament Haki?
Are we gonna start saying in the land of Samurai, King doesn't have Ryuo/Advanced Armament?

If Sanji gets King then fine, I was wrong, I will admit it.
But dismissing all potential evidence and pointing towards a ludicrous claim such as Sanji vs. King is quite naïve and surprising from you.

Zoro has had more of a confrontation with Queen
This doesn't mean anything.
Sanji's opponents are always met last.

We didn't know Jabra existed until EL.
Sanji never met Mr. 2 until face to face.
Absalom was on the same ship as Sanji yet they didn't scrap until Nami's wedding.

Now finally with the claims you made that Kaido's fight will end last.
I agree with the 19:1 and 50/50 is an exaggeration.

In God Valley, the assumption to be made is that Xebec lost first.
Big Mom could fly away.
Shiki could fly away.
Whitebeard ???
Rest of the Crew ???
Kaido couldn't do anything, so Big Mom gave him the Seiryu fruit to escape.

This mentality harbored/haunts Kaido in that, when the chips are down, pirates will run away saving their own asses.

God Valley Flashback has still not been dropped yet. Kaido FB has still not been dropped yet.
These two will obviously go hand and hand and may appear at Kaido's death before or after to explain crew structure and what they will do when a Yonko falls.

This hasn't been explored before. And I think this is what Oda intends to do differently in Wano Country Arc.
Random question for the Zoro Wank

On Ch 1003, they had 2 what seemed to be triple page spreads (dont know exact term for it) with Kaido and Zoro Dragon twister, etc

Is there any significance/importance since it was done that way
Probably an easter egg from his battele against ryuma the same dragon was seen or a smaller version also kaido is a dragon so maybe a dragon vs dragon how knows
Random question for the Zoro Wank

On Ch 1003, they had 2 what seemed to be triple page spreads (dont know exact term for it) with Kaido and Zoro Dragon twister, etc

Is there any significance/importance since it was done that way
Yes. Not for now. But later.

My headcanon is this, most of us know the speculation that the recent chapters are in the Reverse Sabaody Order of Arrival.
Luffy, Robin, Chopper, so on, and so forth. Everyone has done what they are best known for. Luffy shocking the Emperors after punching Kaido, asserting his ambitions. Robin being strong/clever/capable to outsmart Black Maria. Chopper developing tthe tools to counteract Queens virus, being that he's a doctor.

Zoro ends up last. Zoro is the main combatant in the crew second to Luffy. Zoro will do what we all know him to do best.
The panels could signify a 1v1 against Kaido Hybrid. It could even be a CoC clash between Zoro's three Swords and Kaido's Kanabo.

Just my theory.