Good drawing but one of the worst scenes, especially for Nami. I seriously fear for the development of every <10y/o child who grows up with One Piece's ridiculous levels of sexism.
I'm glad I only got to know about OP in my teens.
So serious question guys what are we expecting for this chapter honestly zoro hype at the beginning of the arc?what will be the plot?
And more things are coming out
I hope Zoro does something this time aside of making empty speeches and edgy close ups.
This would've been amazing
Oh yes, I was so waiting for this.
I'm so disappointed.
Absolutely NONE of Zoro's plot lines were resolved. His character arc was basically thrown in the trash entirely.
It really would have Loda robbed us of so many great moments
Oda's treatment of Zoro in wano broke me as a Zoro fan tbh.
I'm disillusioned. Zoro's only good for edgy one liners these days.
One of the best Zoro scenes

Skypiea is a goldmine for good comedy
took me long to find this club, why it's called temple?
the og fc members were a bunch of edgy teens basically
I mean look at opening post. The guy who thought ranking the members with cartel terminology is a good idea must have felt very badass and cool....