Is jinbe gonna witness greatness soon?

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Gorosei Informer

That's fucking awesome!
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What do you guys think about Zoro x Kuina flashback? I think it's very great and definitely the most underrated flashback. How Zoro reacted to Kuina's death as a child, how her death affected Zoro as an adult, her funeral scene (it's perfect despite being very short), etc.
Easily one of the things that sold me on OP early on. A truly nuanced, symbolic and bitterly ironic tragedy.

It was a candid reminder how fragile humans can be, despite our amazing willpower and determination. Even Achilles had his heel, he wasn't completely invincible/invulnerable.

It's a very understated moment in the series, a very poignant study into the psyche of Woro and why he is so solemn at times, why he takes shit so seriously and is so mature and focused on strength too.

I love his personality so much, a stoic, noble, mature swordsman with a sense of humour, driven/focused and truly selfless when necessary too.

I really hope we get a throwback to Kuina in future, more info on Wado, if it has a will of its own, if it can ge turned black and thus protected from damage and breaking even and maybe Zoro even seeing Kuinas spirot/a vision of her.

There's fanart like that of current him and Kuina and it reminds me of the storyline with Link and Saria in Zelda OOT and the implications that Saria may have been killed offscreen or given her life to become a Sage, how they were childhood besties and how they adored each other and such.

Saria couldn't age due to being a Kokiri but Link could as he's a Hylian instead, so she may outlive him too potentially and he'll age and grow old but she's like a elf/fairy and cannot age, making her effectively immortal then. Now she's a Sage, she has to leave Link behind for much bigger responsibilities/the greater good and Link had to abandon her and his friends 7 years prior to try to save the world too, for the greater good and thus responsibilities and becoming a hero too.

Link in OOT lost 7 years of his life and thus ended up making a self sacrifice for the greater good too. Its like Momonosuke giving up 20 years of his life too.

Oda even drew Zoro as Link for that gaming themed colour spread too! OOT and other Zeldas have the Lost Woods, which are basically self explanatory and if you get lost in them for too long as a human or Hylian or whatever, you die and become a living Skeleton too!

I also wanted to add that I think Zoro would feel very personally about "Death is not an apology" as Brook said. Kuina couldn't keep her promise to Zoro and live out her dream due to her death, especially worse if it was suicide too.
A freaking child commiting suicide is one of the most horrifying, tragic and shameful to the family situations that can happen, like bringing a curse upon your own family imo. To drive a sweet, innocent child to suicide, what kind of family, community and world did she have and live in?!
This is assuming it was suicide too ofc, it's just headcanon as far as we know? Speculation?

I genuinely think Brook and Zoro could be kindred spirits or soul mates (puns intended I guess lmao) and as Brook is a swordsman too, I'd like to see them interact more in that regard too.

I have a theory that since Brook supposedly was able to contact the literal underworld of One Piece and gain powers from it, that music and even soul powers both can provide hallucinations/visages/visionas/mirages/illusions/whatever,
Brook will not only summon the souls of his former crew for a truly final and beyond life and death, one of a kind concert for Laboon when they FINALLY reunite BUT he could summon Kuinas soul/spirit for Zoro or maybe help him understand/communicate with her if her spirit happens to appear anyway?

Given Brook is kinda like the Grim Reaper or even Charon potentially and Woro met the literal Grim Reaper apparently which still hasn't been explained, he hasn't woken up and is "dead" also apparently and Brook gas done anything major this raid either, I think Oda is setting up something BIG here with Wado, Shusui, Enma and Sandai for different reasons too.

Hopefully Nidai and Ame actually come back into the picture too somehow.

If Zoro can copy attacks it would be another parallel with Kaido who can copy Rupee's attacks in Thieving Drunk mode. :crazwhat:
Funnily enough, Zoro trained with apes/monkeys over the TS, apeing means to mimic someone or something and thus monkey see, monkey do.

Another Luffy parallel smack bang right there too.

Also, we have Kizaru fighting Rayleigh the Dark King right hand swordsman of Roger the Pirate King, Kizaru using a "light saber" too.
Kizaru is themed around monkeys too, his character song art has him with the see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil monkeys and for a bonus and random point/trivia, there's a phenomena in quantum physics called Rayleigh Scattering, which involves scattering of light or so.
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When can we expect get more into Wado Ichimonji? we already got enough for Enma, Shushui.
Wado was able to withstand attack of a blackblade where as other got broken.

what if Wado is opposite of Enma. Kozaboro created it to rectify it's mistake. Enma is Violent , pulls out more than required haki and cut more than required. where Wado in Koushiro flashback said A swordsman who can cut nothing can cut anything at will. its his will not the sword.

zoro on explaning he went through said he can sense the rhythm of all things around him and can tell where his sword is, turning over a stone to finds it.

and wado mean Road to harmony, and harmony basically means the combination of simultaneously sounded musical notes to produce a pleasing effect , sounded musical notes can be called rythem too. what if what we saw there was Wado powers like Enma and its power if basicsally Breath of all things. this sword can cut anything. once it understands the rythem of it.

Gorosei Informer

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When can we expect get more into Wado Ichimonji? we already got enough for Enma, Shushui.
Wado was able to withstand attack of a blackblade where as other got broken.

what if Wado is opposite of Enma. Kozaboro created it to rectify it's mistake. Enma is Violent , pulls out more than required haki and cut more than required. where Wado in Koushiro flashback said A swordsman who can cut nothing can cut anything at will. its his will not the sword.

zoro on explaning he went through said he can sense the rhythm of all things around him and can tell where his sword is, turning over a stone to finds it.

and wado mean Road to harmony, and harmony basically means the combination of simultaneously sounded musical notes to produce a pleasing effect , sounded musical notes can be called rythem too. what if what we saw there was Wado powers like Enma and its power if basicsally Breath of all things. this sword can cut anything. once it understands the rythem of it.
I concur entirely. I love this so much. This would be so thematically fitting and Yamato means harmony too so it would be very fitting right now too. Its funny as Yamato idolises a legendary swordsman/samurai too and is one of the strongest female characters in the series too. She would been amazing for Kuina as a friend potentially and even Tashigi too if they meet. And thus all roads lead to Woro too Wororororo.

I love this though, Wado being a sort of "pacifistic blade", like how Law doesn't like to kill despite being a swordsman as he is a doctor and it reminds me of Kenshin Himura and his vow to never kill again or even do harm to others I think, same with Vash the Stampede of Trigun too and similar characters?

The music rhythm idea is genius and fits so perfectly with the BOAT as you mentioned, I love that so much. We have Haki referred to as colours and music and colours can be associated too. It could all tie into Binks Sake somehow too, the infamous song in the OP world. Waves of the ocean could be like (sound) waves of music, the fluctuating rhythm, pitches, tempos and whatever.

Thats a fantastic idea man, that's made my day! I really want this to be canon now! @Cruxroux It also ties in very nicely with what I spoke about Brook and Wado too. Enma was showing to be attracted to the sound of Hiyori playing the Shamisen I believe, which would make sense if Oden's will really is living on through Enma at least (although it should through Ame as well really) and I believe Ryuuma has been living on through Shusui and Kuina thus living on through Wado too.

Kaido's name can mean something like "sea road" or something too I believe? Ah here we go!:ō

There also the island of "Hokkaido" ofc too.

I'm not sure how this all works with the Kanji in Japanese language and such but still interesting right?

Aokiji also sings a song called "Kaidou" and it means "ocean guide" in this instance I believe?

People much more versed with Japanese will be able to explain a lot better and correct me as necessary ofc anyway.

You could even say all roads not only lead to Zoro but ZKK even? Worororo!

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I don't know how stupid you have to be to say that Zoro is close to dying because he took "too much" damage after that speech:

"A wound that would kill an ordinary person... I won't lose to it! To face one who is extraordinary, Hawk Eyes... I can't allow myself to be ordinary!"

Edit: Zoro is close to dying and can no longer get up*
Does anyone seriously believe that zoro will die:pepeke: