Is jinbe gonna witness greatness soon?

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The anime team has the same interpretation as me : Zoro got push back by King because he was not using CoA on his blades. Which correlates with when Zoro was able to lolnope King’s beak attack, King’s flying kick and King's punch.

The funny thing in this fight is that except for King’s flaming kick and one Imperial Deep Pride Stake, he never succeed to touch Zoro’s body so every Zoro’s wounds in this fight is because Zoro hit the background.(Note that this only two hits on the body happens during the Enma disobedience chapter).

But even tho King only hit Zoro’s body twice, Zoro was still fairly bruise and has stamina issues, which means that:

-King was strong enough to slam a hakiless Zoro hard enough on the background to create wounds
-King was skilled and fast enough to put Zoro on his backfoot skill and speed wise

Keep in mind that Zoro was restraining his haki because of Enma which means that Shushui Zoro or (as we saw) a Zoro that mastered Enma cannot be puch back anymore.

So I will give credit to King for his strength (stronger than hakiless Zoro) and for his speed and skill (that were able to put Raid Zoro on his backfoot).

When you know that Zoro is able to put Haki all over his body to protect him from a hill size explosion and fast enough for it to be instantaneous, you realize that all Zoro’s wounds were fairly avoidable…but this can be put on the “Enma nerf”.

In conclusion, I think that Zoro’s CoA is top tier level (the only thing that broke it since the return of the timeskip was Hakai) he should just use it more and he could be a durability and sturdinesses freak.

PS: I do not think that Shusui Zoro could have been able to beat King. One clearly needs advCoC to do so.
Yo this random out of focus squiggle drawing from Oda has no business being this hard lol or is it just me?

anyway was read a debate earlier lol, people will call Zoro “subordinate” when they can’t back up their favorite character having better feats:risiup:
"he's just a subordinate" like broo, that’s the point 💀 Zoro's a fucking anomaly. He's the character you ask why he isn’t #1, he not the boss but he got the sauce :myman: Oda depicted and stated this dozens of times in the story, it's like calling Garp a vice admiral level.

It’s crazy cuz this is where the insecurities that Shishio was talking about take root for some fandoms, they throw blanket word like subordinate like they are talking about Sanji or Killer lol, then become insecure because Zoro pulls off feats that are as great or greater than the so called captains.

Also congrats 1000's y'all:cheers:, here's a reaction to one of the best scenes in One Piece:


❀ 𝓂𝑜𝑜𝓃 𝓅𝓇𝒾𝓃𝒸𝑒𝓈𝓈 ❀
anyway was read a debate earlier lol, people will call Zoro “subordinate” when they can’t back up their favorite character having better feats:risiup:
"he's just a subordinate" like broo, that’s the point
ikr i never understood why “subordinate” is supposed to be an insult, like…yeah he is? he and the other #2’s all shine best where they are, and the fact that he stands next to Luffy in the series like a partner and not against him as a rival or something is what makes him so good :yearight:
Yo this random out of focus squiggle drawing from Oda has no business being this hard lol or is it just me?

anyway was read a debate earlier lol, people will call Zoro “subordinate” when they can’t back up their favorite character having better feats:risiup:
"he's just a subordinate" like broo, that’s the point 💀 Zoro's a fucking anomaly. He's the character you ask why he isn’t #1, he not the boss but he got the sauce :myman: Oda depicted and stated this dozens of times in the story, it's like calling Garp a vice admiral level.

It’s crazy cuz this is where the insecurities that Shishio was talking about take root for some fandoms, they throw blanket word like subordinate like they are talking about Sanji or Killer lol, then become insecure because Zoro pulls off feats that are as great or greater than the so called captains.

Also congrats 1000's y'all:cheers:, here's a reaction to one of the best scenes in One Piece:
The mere subordinate, the mere commander was on a medicine plot to remove him from helping out against the Yonko because he was too strong after his power up, the mere subordinate is now clashing with YC1+ level characters as if he was clashing with Monet or Pica, he's not using named attacks for a reason. Zoro clashing with Kizaru and not going straight CoC Asura enter named move just to match a guy swinging a light sword is the haters worst nightmare. :risitameh:
I like how Oda is handling Zoro's curent power.

Not only he made Zoro a full fledged top tier without some boof but He is avoiding making Zoro dependant of CoC like Shanks.

Most of Zoro's ridiculous feat are insane hype because he is doing them in base without any significant boost.

No DF, no Science power.

-Overpowered Fujitora's Gravity
-Has Big Mom screem for Kaido to dodge
-Stopped Hakkai a combo attack from two Yonko with coa barrier (an attack not even Roger Can Say he faced).
-Has Big Islands AP
-Overpowered and negged most of Big Mom and Kaido's attack in Wano.
-2 vs 1 seraphim with just two Sword style while protecting Lucci and Kaku.
-Hyped by Sanji to be strong enough to handle Lucci, Kaku and Stussy, Sanji only joined when the four seraphim decided to attack.
-Send S-Hawk flying in a combo attack with Kaku while Luffy needed G4 with Ryu to acomplish the same against a weaker Seraphim.

Being able to do crazy stuff like that without CoC only mean when he use it he will be on another level even among Yonko.

I Originaly though Oda gonna have Zoro spam CoC but I'm glad he mad him rely more on CoA and just physical strenght to overpower his enemy plus Swordmanship.

The harder its to make him use CoC the better and the more innacessible Asura is for most of his opponent.
We still eating now stomping seraphim through a wall

You know what is coming right:myman::willsmith:
Or either is Shanks or either is beckman like gracoll game and film red :pepebusi:
There will never be a real fight between the RHP and the Strawhats, a Shanks vs Goofy fight would be like marineford Luffy vs Mihawk, you can't touch him because he's weak to slashes and Zoro is supposed to use swords against a dude with a rifle? If Zoro can't clash with the strongest swordsman of the crew then don't even bother.
Btw the Seraphim took no damage. Not even a KoH Rengoku Onigiri would work on King according to Zoro but a basic Onigiri is the move that he uses to quickly "defeat" a flame on Seraphim. :saden:
The real value of that page is that it brought back down to earth some delusional Goofybros (just a few tho), muh base Luffy Yonkou level sky splitter negs KoH Zoro, WCI Luffy beats rooftop Zoro and King, ID oneshots King, etc. :kobeha:


Kitetsu Wanker
I Originaly though Oda gonna have Zoro spam CoC but I'm glad he mad him rely more on CoA and just physical strenght to overpower his enemy plus Swordmanship.

The harder its to make him use CoC the better and the more innacessible Asura is for most of his opponent.
This is just Zoro operating at idle because all we are seeing now is a stalling device until Kizaru comes.
That's where aCoC and Asura will return. :goyea: