Is jinbe gonna witness greatness soon?

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Ok guys just calling it in powerwise what else do we miss for zoro
anime confirmed us that KoH was green fire and that was part of his dream of having a flame swords but now he has three also it seems he can turned fire into Acoa whenever he wants
So hakimaster has Acoc Acoa and green flames ig what left is Coo upgrade and black blades looking at his future rivals Shiryu(invisible) I think fujitora is his admiral fight if he having a good CoO that would be the perfect training before mihawk wich is probably that he has FS zoro in this two last fight will take his kenbun to the next level so ig FS and black blades for EOS but at what moment he will gain the latter 🤔
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Both AOT and Sanji boys
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Oh didn't see it 😅
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WORO is the goat look the massive haki @nik87
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En version:myman:
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massive haki trails:

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Let be honest King if we didnt know about his race, we would have confuse him with having two devil powers (like BB) in which the lunarian one is the legendary one while the Ryu Ryu no Mi, Model: Pteranodon is a nice buffer stats but aint very usefull for how King fights.

The lunarian df is grant him all his main axe powers while the ancient one, grand him superhuman power in his base form. The lunarian one sound even better than almost a logia cuz King can manipulated fire and magma at the same time he has super good mobility aerial (he is at the top) and with an almost invincible durability.

So let recap what lunarian grant you:

- 1 super mobility and almost invincibility in the sky - with an hiden card that grand speed light movment when the flame is off
- 2 he can generate fire from every part of his body, it almost like a mera mera no mi without Dai Enkai: Entei (strongest attack from Ace) but king as something stronger Oomori Karyuudon which can cover basically a full island with magma dragons (that right like Akainu)
- 3 he can acess to a stronger flames that grant him the same destruction power that Akainu has magu magu no mi, here is the scale of akainu and King lava attacks (king looks more impressive):

- 4 invunerability to any kind of damage, external or internal (only top tier haki attack could damage him with his flame on)

If there is a df that grant you all of that I mention above, it should have a legendary statue (in fact the lunarian race are potrayed to be legendary race) to the calliber of the ope ope no mi.

Now King had also a very efficient armament haki to coat his blade with a flame that is as hot as magma, we saw that he has an okay coo, when he intercepted Sanji while being invsible (queen the clown was a joke, didnt do shit)

About CoC, we didnt see any hint during the fight that King had coc but Oda left that part ambigus

I know, I sound crazy but Zoro has basically faced a guy with 2 df power in which one grant him legendary status.