I did like his presence and backstory. He came in as a big threat and as the son of Reio and was brutal to his own me , stealing their souls when they died for more power. I just think Kubo got too confused when having Yhwach eat his father, becoming literal god when he can already choose timelines is too far
I like Ywach but I knew where it was leading to. Kubo created an even more broken villain he had no conceivable way of beating.
Even One Piece super fan Greg talked about reading another manga if Kaido was done :suresure:
He was hella mad and disappointed, like all of us.
Imagine hyping this arc soo much to ruin the end and don´t make it better then a usually arc ending like PH.
This arc was believed to be come close to Impel down/MF greatness, in the end we just got a another Dressrosa, a worse version ofc since DR had at least a good writing(if we cut out the dragging shit)...

Tobi as well. Tobi though, not the clown beneath the mask.
Fuck Rin and Obito.
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That’s more of a Pain level threat icl but I get what you’re saying. Kaido is painted as the WSM but I don’t think he’s portrayed in the same villainous manner that BB and Akainu have been portrayed as. I get what you mean though
BB is set to be Luffy's ultimate nemesis but even he isn't hyped like kaido. Akainu is non existent when it comes to hype

Imu and WG are no doubt final enemies who have dominated for 700 years


I will never forgive Oda
IMO Pein is a much better villain than Madara, not in terms of strenght, but in terms of narrative

Madara is great too of course
Madara was a wet fart after the Gokage battle. I’ve never been angrier at a villain than Madara when he sat passively as everyone attacked the Juubi. Suddenly he became useless and a background character for 30 chapters. My big issue with him is he doesn’t add anything to the story as an alive character that Obito didn’t already embody or accomplish.


I will never forgive Oda
I like Ywach but I knew where it was leading to. Kubo created an even more broken villain he had no conceivable way of beating.
Yeah, the explanation is fine IMO but the execution of it in the manga is so jank. I had to go to Reddit years later to even realize the arrow worked as some reverse Ashwaulen for Yhwach.
Madara was a wet fart after the Gokage battle. I’ve never been angrier at a villain than Madara when he sat passively as everyone attacked the Juubi. Suddenly he became useless and a background character for 30 chapters. My big issue with him is he doesn’t add anything to the story as an alive character that Obito didn’t already embody or accomplish.
Other than his intro and power level he became meh afterwards. Pain >> Madara