Are you a girl? I am not sexist but women in OP are trash as fighters.
it's not you, there is the other guy who keeps saying that woman should just go back to the kitchen blablabla..
i mean...just because girls in OP are trash that doesn't mean you have to make fun of women irl or keep initiating that if there is a female in a group, that group is going to be weaker/trash:feelscryingman:
Just to reiterate, spoiler doesn't discount Numbers being shown, Big Mom pirates being reintroduced or Kaido's son being teased. Roventiar is just teasing spoilers literally based on what seems to be one double spread of the Tobi Roppo.

Edit: I'd wager if they are being shown, others at this party will be too, unless it just jumps back to Luffy and team straight after.