So spoilers tomorrow?

@T.D.A post that spoilers please

It might be true who knows
It was something like:

- Yamato ability reveal, something related to smoke screens (?)
- Yamato reaches Momo
- Yamato to Momo, apologises due to her father's actions
- Yamato offers her hand to Momo, makes a promise to open the country together, create a new better Wano, bla bla bla

Emotional aspect seems to be the embrace between Yamato and Momo (her offering her hand).

But like I said, other details seem odd, so high likely to be fake.


Pepebusi Spammer
This should be cut off in post-production. Japan is a big technology and worldwide famous country yet they don't know how much shit storm can one video create?
You as an editor who knows the upcoming chapter shouldn't hyped up the upcoming chapters to the readers.
If you want to spoil something, just said directly, dont try to hyped up if the result is not what we've hoping for.