Re: the female animators
The amount of vile stuff women in power do (mostly teachers) and the lack of loud response to it - because it's considered "hot" and "why wouldn't you wanna have sex with the person who is by all accounts your parental figure in school" - is sad to say the least.

Just recently there was that American teacher who did stuff with a student and had other students stand as look outs. Disgusting

My favorite ray of light from all that drama is this little king (sorry for the ifunny link lmao):
Pedophiles should be terminated, they don't belong on this planet.
He means lower rank in terms of respect
Kizaru-kun and Rayleigh-san
Rayleigh probably schooled him back in the day or something lol
Of course that is the real meaning but saying it "lower rank" as he is its obviously with malicious intention
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He is obviously using it because Kizaru is younger, not because he is his superior LMAO