The most dangerous situations you have been in...


Never Feed The Badders Pasta
Teachers used to do this in Europe too and would imprison children in the school jail. Scary times.
Really. That's fucked compared to now. I remember the days ppl used to chase down teachers around the classroom :yasu:
The teachers can't even look at some of the students in the face cos they were so shook. I swr one time, my ICT teacher just broke down and started crying, I had to console her and stuff


I remember the days ppl used to chase down teachers around the classroom :yasu:
The teachers can't even look at some of the students in the face cos they were so shook. I swr one time, my ICT teacher just broke down and started crying, I had to console her and stuff
Wait what? What happened there? Students were harassing teachers?


Never Feed The Badders Pasta
Wait what? What happened there? Students were harassing teachers?
They do that most of the time. The kids here have no manners whatsoever especially the ones from South London. The teachers and their parents can't control them. I have heard one of my boy back from way back tell his mum to stfu and called her a bitch and every other name under the sun. He came in and continue our convo like that shit was normal :wellwell:


They do that most of the time. The kids here have no manners whatsoever especially the ones from South London. The teachers and their parents can't control them. I have heard one of my boy back from way back tell his mum to stfu and called her a bitch and every other name under the sun. He came in and continue our convo like that shit was normal :wellwell:
That's the other extreme...

Adam 🍎

Pretty Boy
Not me, one of the girls i went to college with

She was roofied in the club. And some guy was creeping on her. Luckily bartender noticed it and stopped him, called the cops

Never drink open beer

Sir Tuna Sandwich II

SII - Sakazuki Incinerate Imu
In one class trip some students pushed each other for some stupid reason and Don Le Fishe who was first in line almost fell from a clif
Don Le Fishe almost drowned when a was child
Don Le Fishe was almost run over by a car twice
Happy @Flowa ?
Went quad bike racing when I was younger on holiday. It was around a small track and my dad was ahead of me. He was going too slow IMO so I tried to overtake, ended up crashing into a rock and flew and landed like ten feet away from the bike. Luckily I had a helmet on and didn't land on any rocks so I was fine, but it could've been much worse ig.
*Hit my head hard on a concrete pillar when i was a kid,ended up with a stitched forehead.(no visible scars thank god).
*Almost got kidnapped a few times when i was i kid.First time was during carnival,some random drunk grabbed me by the arm.Luckily my mother saw it and told him to fuck off and he left.Second time i was inside a bus and old lady tried to separate me from my mom when mommy got out of the bus,i started yelling some names at her and she released her hold.
*Got inside the wrong train and ended up inside a dangerous favela at night.It was the last train too,so i was stuck there.Called a friend and he rescued me.
*Got robbed at night while coming back home from an English course near my home.
*Saw a police officer get murdered while i was buying bread on the streets.Lots of gunshots.
*Almost got into a fist fight while coming back from college at night(inside a train too).
*Almost blew up my dog with fireworks(stupid adolescent me).My dad never found out.
*Witnessed a couple of firefights,my mom's apartment got hit with stray bullets.
All this happened in Rio,i don't live in a favela. But there are some dangerous places close to where i live.
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If you are a kid and did something nasty you might get a slap and be deserving but it shouldn't be a form of discipline to be used every time a mistake happens
About ten years ago my uncle slaped me and a couple weeks ago he told my dad a how sorry he was and that he never has beaten his own kids and still feels ashamed of himself when he sees me
but dude you are a grown adult hiding from your dad and now arguing how it's useful to beat your kids
Stop protecting an abuser
Beating kids was normal until 30 years ago and it was limited and had a age where it stopped
Nobody hits a teenager or an adult kid because they stayed out late they tell them to not do it again and that's it
Got slapped by my uncle once,never apologized.He still thinks it was justified to this day.He is a cop,so he is a bit crazy,but i love him of course.
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I'm prior military. My first day in Afghanistan was relatively calm. We were flown in at night to avoid small arms fire, and on approach to the airfield, our aircraft received minor damage, but it was nothing the wasn't repairable. Still calm. Our in-brief consisted of being told we had to shit in buckets, take cold showers, use only red-lensed flashlights at night to avoid sniper fire from the mountains, wear our flak best every wear, and to avoid walking off the set paths around the airfield because there were uncleared mines on either side. Still calm. After a short power nap and daybreak, we head back to the airfield to work on our jets (A-10s). Well, on the way there, a siren went off indicating a mortar strike was inbound and we had to take cover. Still calm but rapid heartbeat. Since we were on the minefield path all heading in the same direction (about 13 of us), we all had to turn 180 degrees and run back the direction. No longer calm, but not freaking out. So, we instantly turned around and started hauling ass, our shelter was about 300 feet away, so it was a lengthy sprint. We made it about 200 feet when I saw a person trip and fall 4 people up from me. He falls off the path, rolls and stop...right in the middle of the minefield. Freaking out. We as a group instinctively slow down to help, but our first yells "keeping fucking running, don't you dare stop!" I turn to as I run passed him, and the poor guy had the most intense look of fear on his face that I'd ever seen. Freaking the fuck out. I run for a bit more and I turn and see him walk a couple of steps and then just disappear in a cloud of dirt and smoke. The rest of us made it to the shelter and we didn't speak a word for like a hour.
Fuck that was intense.So the other guy died,what a bad luck...
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