This is a topic that I've seen discussed a few times, I felt a proper thread was in order.
I personally think that the answer is yes, and there's a lot of obvious reasons.
First, Brogy's dialogue. "You blew them to bits". I doubt he'd be referring to Saturn and Peter's decapitated corpse(to his knowledge). Although, granted it's possible Brogy didn't see. The explosions were pretty large.
Second, I would say that zoomed in Topman face on the first page posted below is a dead give away that the move is going to deal damage. Pretty common trend in mangas/comics to feature close ups of characters before they get hammered. Saturn and Kuma is a prominent example early in the arc.
Third, the obvious one, the silhouette. I don't see why Oda would draw Topman in the same silhouette as Peter and Saturn who were definitely regenerating, if we were supposed to believe he wasn't hurt by that attack. Though I'll acknowledge that his silhouette doesn't appear that different from his regular appearance, unlike Saturn who's clearly regrowing legs. You could also argue that Oda didn't want to spoil the "reveal" of Topman's durability, but this is the guy that has shown he feels the need to spoonfeed a lot of basic concepts to his reader numerous times. Oda's not expecting his reader to make these kind of inferences lol.
Fourth, I think this clearly is Oda explaining to his readers what makes the Gorosei such terrifying. They all have access to regeneration, and no matter if they're obliterated, they'll regenerate. The glass cannon can regenerate, the sucker can regenerate, the guy who fucked up the economy can regenerate, and even the durability monster can regenerate.
thoughts? I'd be interested in hearing arguments on why Saturn didn't hurt them
@EmperorKinyagi @MonsterKaido @Kurozumi Wiwi @Shiroyru @Monster Zoro's Tesla Supplier etc
I personally think that the answer is yes, and there's a lot of obvious reasons.
First, Brogy's dialogue. "You blew them to bits". I doubt he'd be referring to Saturn and Peter's decapitated corpse(to his knowledge). Although, granted it's possible Brogy didn't see. The explosions were pretty large.
Second, I would say that zoomed in Topman face on the first page posted below is a dead give away that the move is going to deal damage. Pretty common trend in mangas/comics to feature close ups of characters before they get hammered. Saturn and Kuma is a prominent example early in the arc.
Third, the obvious one, the silhouette. I don't see why Oda would draw Topman in the same silhouette as Peter and Saturn who were definitely regenerating, if we were supposed to believe he wasn't hurt by that attack. Though I'll acknowledge that his silhouette doesn't appear that different from his regular appearance, unlike Saturn who's clearly regrowing legs. You could also argue that Oda didn't want to spoil the "reveal" of Topman's durability, but this is the guy that has shown he feels the need to spoonfeed a lot of basic concepts to his reader numerous times. Oda's not expecting his reader to make these kind of inferences lol.
Fourth, I think this clearly is Oda explaining to his readers what makes the Gorosei such terrifying. They all have access to regeneration, and no matter if they're obliterated, they'll regenerate. The glass cannon can regenerate, the sucker can regenerate, the guy who fucked up the economy can regenerate, and even the durability monster can regenerate.

thoughts? I'd be interested in hearing arguments on why Saturn didn't hurt them
@EmperorKinyagi @MonsterKaido @Kurozumi Wiwi @Shiroyru @Monster Zoro's Tesla Supplier etc