Theory The Red Line is a Gigantic Moon Eating Serpent Theory

This theory is not from me, I have it from Reddit and just want to share it with you guys(I post the source at the end of the theory)!!!
So let begin:

I know this sounds crazy, but hear me out.


The story of One Piece has been going on for twenty years, and yet we know almost nothing about the Red Line. Oda is purposely withholding as much info as he can about it. But one thing we can infer is that it looks like an extremely abnormal geographical structure.

There have been theories that near the end of the story the Strawhats will destroy Reverse Mountain and Mariejoa and thus create the All Blue sea(s) underneath. This will also make the world more “free” to sail. It’s a great theory.

But why is blasting away those specific locations important? And doesn’t it make more sense to get rid of ALL the Red Line to make the world All Blue? Of course then that begs the question, how do you remove the entire Red Line?

There is the theory floating around that the undefeatable “Serpent soaked in Blood”, which the giants Broggy and Dory mentioned, is actually a reference to the Red Line. This theory is pretty convincing.

But what if it is actually the other way around? Maybe the Red Line is not a simple stretch of land? Maybe it is an actual serpent!


In Norse mythology, “Odin….tossed Jörmungandr into the great ocean that encircles Midgard. The serpent grew so large that it was able to surround the Earth and grasp its own tail. As a result, it received the name of World Serpent.” (Wikipedia).
Doesn’t this serpent sound like the Red Line?

Reverse Mountain also has some old ruins/pictures of a serpent/dragon in Chpt 101:

Maybe this is Oda hinting on the nature of the Red Line?

We also have a Biblical theme in One Piece. So far we have Adam Tree, Eve Sunlight Tree, and Devil Fruits. But where is the snake in this story? Yes, there are Kuja, snake-neck people, Kashigami, but these are not mysterious entities that seem to play a bigger role in the history of One Piece. If the Serpent is the Red Line, that definitely would be a major part of the story.

I know this is still not very convincing, but please read on.


From the Library of Ohara, we have seen a globe of the One Piece world. It is a planet surrounded by at least 7 or 8 moons/satellites. But throughout the entire story, we have only seen one moon. Enel also goes to see only one moon, which he calls Fairy Vearth. So where are the other moons? Why have they disappeared?

There is another mythical snake legend that may shed light on this question.

In the Phillipines, there is a legend of a giant serpent/dragon that ate moons: the Bakunawa. According to the story, the world originally had 7 moons. The Bakunawa lived in the sea, and one day, seeing how beautiful the moons were, ate 6 of them. It tried eating the 7th, but the people, terrified of losing their last moon, played music to lull the snake to sleep, and thus saved their moon. But every once in a while, the Bakunawa would try to eat the moon again, and the people would have to distract it again. This is what caused lunar eclipses.

So, yes, I am suggesting that the Red Line is or once was a Bakunawa, and ate the missing moons.

Shandians, or their ancestors the Shandorians, used to be Moon People. Shandians, at least 400 years ago, revered snakes like the giant Kashigami as gods. They also had a large golden bell. Perhaps ringing the bell in the past would protect their homeland, the moon, from the Bakunawa. (Nola, the grandchild of Kashigami now living in Skypeia, turned less aggressive and became happy after hearing the golden bell ring for the first time in 400 years.) But just as how they forgot the reason for protecting the Poneglyph, the Shandians have forgotten why they revere snakes in the first place, or why they own such a large bell.

In addition, Oda has hinted that the Missing Moons are important in the story. In Chpt 666, Monet is studying books on Astronomy, and a book with CLIP in the title. Probably a book on ECLIPSES. The Bakunawa is thought to cause eclipses and cause the moon to disappear for a short while.

Ok, so the Red Line may be a Bakunawa serpent. How did it become the Red Line? Is it dead? Or it’s lying dormant? I don’t really know yet. But I think its existence played a huge role in the war during the Void Century.

The Will of D Involves Removing/Waking up the Red Line.

Maybe during the Void Century, people discovered the truth of their world: that a giant serpent is wrapped around their planet. Maybe the serpent even wakes up somehow. Who knows. Anyway, the appearance or the knowledge of this serpent terrified everyone. Some people, members of the D Clan, support removing/freeing this serpent. Removing the Red Line would create the All Blue, connect the four seas, let everyone sail freely. Others, like the twenty kingdoms which later make the World Government, want the Red Line to stay put. Thus, a war ensues.

The World Government is terrible in many ways, but it is not totally evil. They may have good intentions. They just don’t think it’s wise to release a serpent that is capable of eating moons into the world, without the proper means to subdue it. For example, Sengoku seems like a nice guy, and seems to know what the One Piece is, but he supports the government’s stance in suppressing its information.

Another hint that the D’s are related to something monstrous: the Celestial Dragons call the Ds God’s enemy, and they tell their children that if you behave badly, you get “eaten” by D.

Monkey D. Dragon, who at least two years ago was the most wanted man in One Piece, has a red diamond-back shaped tattoo on his face. Hinting that he knows something about the Red Serpent? Possessing this knowledge really would make him one of the biggest criminals of the government.

Now some of you may think, maybe not the Ds, but the Celestial Dragons are the ones somewhat related to the Red Serpent. The Bakunawa can fly in space and air, so it sounds like a “Celestial Dragon”. And the World Nobles are descendants of people who “created the world”.

But I have a different idea. I think the 20 kingdom ancestors were enemies of the red serpent. They defeated it, made it into the Red Line, and claimed themselves as the new Gods/creators of the world.

Why do I think this? How could they defeat such a huge serpent? That will be the subject of another post, PART 2. PART TWO Because the next theory is even crazier.

TLDR: Red line is/used to be a serpent, the Bakunawa, that ate a bunch of moons. The goal of the D clan is to remove the Red Line, but the Twenty Kingdoms/World Government are against this, because waking up a gigantic serpent will cause world chaos.

The Red Line is a Serpent PART TWO: the Bird Dragon


Please first read PART ONE, about how I think the Red Line is an actual serpent, big enough to wrap around the earth and eat moons, and how the D clan/Ancient Kingdom wants to remove the Red Line. This theory is based on the legends of the giant serpents the moon-eating Bakunawa and the earth-surrounding Jormungandr. I think the 20 kingdom ancestors were enemies of the red serpent,and the D clan. They defeated it, made it into the Red Line, and claimed themselves as the new Gods/creators of the world.
How could the twenty kingdoms at the time defeat such a huge serpent? So this is where Part 2 of the theory comes in. And it’s not as solid as Part 1, so I was hesitant to post, but hopefully it brings up some novel ideas. Alright, here we go:


If you look at the Marine Symbol, it has two moon-like parts, connected by a line. And then there are two arches slightly intersecting the line. Why is this the Marine Symbol?

Probably the easiest to interpret are the two arches. They look like two bird wings. Marines have been associated with birds (Seagull on head of Sengoku and Sora, Warrior of the Sea). So what about the moons and the line in the middle? Maybe that symbolizes a moon-eating snake. Maybe sometime in the past, like the Void Century, the 20 Kingdoms defeated the Red Line/snake by getting a giant bird to defeat it. What is this giant bird then?

There is another legendary beast in the Phillipines, besides the Bakunawa. There is also the bird Minokawa:

“Minokawa is a giant, dragon-like bird in Philippine legends. Early people believed this creature is so big that it can swallow (or cover) the sun to explain the occurrence of eclipses. It is even described as a giant bird named Minokawa that lives in outer space which can devour the sun and the moon, and would try to do the same with the earth.”.

Doesn’t the Minokawa sound like a Celestial Dragon? Maybe that’s why the World Nobles call themselves this name, because they were on the side of the Minokawa during the war in the Void Century.

I know the existence of such a huge bird sounds crazy. But there is a big hint that this bird exists in One Piece: the KOZUKI CREST.

The Kozuki Crest consists of a bird with one spot encircled by 8 small spots on its belly, and behind it a big flower and cross bones. There have been theories floating around that the spots represent the One Piece planet and its 8 moons. (These spots have also been seen as signs or tattoos in Shandia, Alabasta, and Fishman Island, places that historically seem to be somewhat allied or friends to the Ancient Kingdom.) Now, what does the bird on the Kozuki crest mean then? It might be the Minokawa! It looks big enough to eat the planet and moons, and big enough to blot out the sun.

(Why does the Kozuki crest contain a Minokawa, symbol of their enemy, the World Government? I’m not sure. Maybe the Kozukis can summon the Minokawa like they do with Zuneisha, but this was somehow abused/manipulated in the past by the twenty kingdoms to defeat the Ancient Kingdom, and thus the samurai closed themselves off from the world. Maybe the Minokawa is the last Ancient Weapon, Uranus. Really don’t know.)

There is also a character in the story of One Piece that has links to birds and celestial bodies: MONET.

Monet was the harpy girl with the Snow fruit spying on Caesar Clown. She told Law to give her wings and other bird features. She also seems to like to read two types of books. In Chpt 666, she is seen studying books with the titles ASTRO—- and —-CLIP—- .

My best guess is they are books on Astronomy and Eclipses. There is also a drawing by Oda depicting her as a child holding a book titled BIRD. Now why did Oda add these specific titles to these books? Is he hinting about a certain bird involved in eclipses?

Another hint by Oda? This is the symbol of rebellion Kinemon passed out to the citizens of Wano. Two birds, a snake, and a moon. Okay, this symbol might just be a total coincidence, but who knows.

So….there was a giant bird long ago. Where is the bird now? Can the government/World Nobles summon it again? I don’t really know…. In Norse mythology, Jormungandr, the giant serpent surrounding the earth, unleashed Ragnarok/world chaos when it stopped biting its own tail. He was defeated by the thunder god Thor, but Thor was also killed. So maybe the Minokawa dragon bird was killed as well. Vegapunk had been trying to re-create dragons (Dragon #13 at Punj Hazard)...perhaps to recreate a new Minokawa and protect the world from the Red Line, if it should awaken again. Not sure.

Oda has promised a huge war to come, in which the entire world will fight for something. What war is bigger than a giant celestial bird and an earth-wrapping serpent, and all their allies and enemies fighting for what they think is the best for their world?

Dragons seem to be really important in the One Piece world. There are also two types of dragons seen so far: the Eastern wingless serpentine type, like Momonosuke and Kaido, and the Western type with wings, like Vegapunk’s artificially created dragon Dragon #13. Maybe the Red Line Serpent is an Eastern Dragon, and the Minokawa like a Western winged dragon. Clash of two dragons, just like clash of Monkey D. Dragon’s rebel army and the Celestial Dragons. That would be pretty epic.

TLDR: In the One Piece past, a bird the size of the sun (Uranus?) fought and defeated a giant serpent. The serpent is now the Red Line. The bird is missing now, but the Celestial Dragons with its past help are now the current Gods of the world. But their greatest fear is that One day the Ds will release or revive the serpent, sending the world into chaos again."



Heavy Metal
Extremely interesting, will give it a deeper read today after work. But maybe a small addition:

In the theory is mentioned the serpent awakes in specific time periods and people need to calm her down again then, or free her then. So maybe this is why roger knew he was to early. He said they are to early, they can’t free the world. What if he knew the snake will awake later, more or less now? It also explains the 20 years pattern of wano. It’s centered around the awakening of the snake.
been a long time since I actually enjoyed reading One Piece Theory.
Just a question if such large scale animals (Snake and Bird) are to fight, where shall the people of earth go to..??
I think overall around the earth, we speaking about a monster who eating fucking Moons/planets, I can imagine they fighting on the sea/atmosphäre, this kinda remind me about the Snake King from Toriko:

Oden said that a war is coming who gonna shake the sea/world, same as WB hint it during his last speech.
I think the battle is going a mixup between earth/space area.

Names who I forget to mentioned:
@Steven , @Bounty , @Paperchampion23 , @King7 , @Lifeismeh @Light D Lamperouge
I think that the red line is modeled after that mythology, but I don't believe it is an actual serpent. First of all, how did it turn into a rectangular rock and secondly, it's beyond my imagination, how someone would fight a serpent with the thickness of a literal continent, that spans over the whole planet. It would instantly obliterate the world. And while we have the red line physically available, where does the counterpart, the bird, reside?

Though the theory sounded very good on paper and if it turns out to be true, I'd gladly look forward to it.
It's a good theory. I for one am a one piece fan that want to see the actual adventure fantasy aspect as the main theme of an arc, instead of wars due to politics or power struggle between factions. I would love arcs about actual adventure, entering a dungeon full of creatures or monsters to find an artifact and beating the final boss to do so, the twists happening are involved with the adventure itself instead of the politics, and so on.

But seeing how One Piece turns into especially post TS, i'm more and more convinced that this kind of fantasy arc will not happen in One Piece. I would absolutely love it if the final battle is against actual Jormungandr, but imo Oda want to shove the Freedom vs Domination / Fate so badly through the final World War between Luffy's army and Imu's army. If Oda want to make a twist from all of these recurring themes to reveal the surprise Jormungandr Final Boss Raid at the end, with the snake being mindless and just like a boss from an RPG - because tbh i guess that big of a snake won't ever even have political intentions to rule the world etc - i would genuinely be surprised since i have been keeping my expectations low about Oda, meaning i wouldn't expect him to have thematic variations between arc and he wouldnt be able to get out of that political wars at each island spreading into global World War vibe.
I think overall around the earth, we speaking about a monster who eating fucking Moons/planets, I can imagine they fighting on the sea/atmosphäre, this kinda remind me about the Snake King from Toriko:

Oden said that a war is coming who gonna shake the sea/world, same as WB hint it during his last speech.
I think the battle is going a mixup between earth/space area.

Names who I forget to mentioned:
@Steven , @Bounty , @Paperchampion23 , @King7 , @Lifeismeh @Light D Lamperouge
Damn, the snake king from Toriko was the first thing that i thought of as well after reading the thread. I like the Jörmungandr idea because it's linked with the old Ragnarok theory you shared with us a while ago, Norse mythology truly gives OP endgame vibes.
The red line certainly is inspired by that mythology, but I highly doubt it's an actual living serpent.
If you take a look at the globe of the one piece World the red line's shape is far too asymmetrical, far too many roughs and edges (not the Form of an actual snake) and that thing would simply be far too big.
Same way that bird would have to be approximately 1/10 of the whole word's size to have a fitting size for that serpent.

Like one move and everything gets flooded and destroyed. It's legit as if a big percentage of the whole globe is moving everytime that serpent moves.
I don't know if the creater of that theory gets what it means. With Literally every slight movement you'd have collateral damage all around the globe. WB's tsunamis would be a fart in the wind in comparison to it.

And ultimately you'd basically end up having a war on the then "serpent less" globe led by humans, while two super gigantic beings simultaneously fight in outer space.
Why would Oda wanted to go for that?

Even though it's a fantastic read, I'm totally not digging it for now.

All that stuff about it are Imo just metaphors. In RL most of the religious stuff is also heavily based on metaphors.