Fanclub The V̶i̶n̶s̶m̶o̶k̶e̶ Sanji FC: The Prince of love

When will Sanji unlock his COC ?

  • When he will discover All Blue

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Hmmm, i tend to look at Sanji as the guy who is different, not the same. I can't think of any other dorky badasses in One Piece except Luffy. Heck, in all Manga i've ever read the list is just: Luffy, Sanji, Naruto (pre-skip), Zenitsu and Leorio
Well yes but no. The fact that he has all the SH's traits is what makes him different. I did say only Sanji, differentiating him from everyone else:cheers:

Plus Leorio isnt a badass tbh. He's good for what he is. But badass isnt it unless he shows more in future arcs.
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Yeah Sanji has likely the most interactions with everyone in the crew except Luffy.

But Luffy is the real glue of the crew. If Luffy would died or something The crew would disbanded not long after.
Just think of Sanji as the spare glue lmao:yasu:
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Sanji interacts with Nami a lot :madmonk:
Yeah Toei ships them whilst Oda hints at it.
Well yes but no. The fact that he has all the SH's traits is what makes him different. I did say only Sanji, differentiating him from everyone else:cheers:

Plus Leorio isnt a badass tbh. He's good for what he is. But badass isnt it unless he shows more in future arcs.
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Just think of Sanji as the spare glue lmao:yasu:
Leorio's pretty badass when he gets serious though - Zenitsu's the most dorky badass - strongly recommend Kimetsu no Yaiba, that's where he's from

Don't call Sanji spare! The disrespect :feelscryingman:
Leorio's pretty badass when he gets serious though - Zenitsu's the most dorky badass - strongly recommend Kimetsu no Yaiba, that's where he's from

Don't call Sanji spare! The disrespect :feelscryingman:
I like Leorio's heart more than his strengths. I gave up on him being badass when he got through the Hunter exam without doing anything.

I've heard of Zenitsu and I have seen his scene. But I just dont like demon slayer. Theres one big inconsistent that screams dont give the show a chance.

I like Leorio's heart more than his strengths. I gave up on him being badass when he got through the Hunter exam without doing anything.

I've heard of Zenitsu and I have seen his scene. But I just dont like demon slayer. Theres one big inconsistent that screams dont give the show a chance.

What's stopping you from watching it or reading it? It's great!

Each to their own i guess
What's stopping you from watching it or reading it? It's great!

Each to their own i guess
I just don't like how the demons never attacked the MC ( forgot his name) when he was with his family but the one flipping day he is away....they get stomped. They know demons exist but live in the middle of nowhere unprepared. Like how dumb are they.
I just don't like how the demons never attacked the MC ( forgot his name) when he was with his family but the one flipping day he is away....they get stomped. They know demons exist but live in the middle of nowhere unprepared. Like how dumb are they.
You reeeeeaaaaaaaaallly didnt give it a chance huh?

They dont need to be prepared because there's a military force that fights and kills demons, 24 hours, 7 days a week, anywhere, everywhere

It's by chance that they found the family first and by chance he wasn't there

The fights are awesome and it's got amazing pacing. Never a dull moment.
By plot !!!!!!!

Big red flag for me.
Luffy just so happened to find a devil fruit on the table, by chance it was the one time Shanks wasnt looking - all happens by plot, by chance there were no Marines e.g. GARP of all people, around chasing down Shanks et al

everything happens by plot :funky:
Luffy just so happened to find a devil fruit on the table, by chance it was the one time Shanks wasnt looking - all happens by plot, by chance there were no Marines e.g. GARP of all people, around chasing down Shanks et al

everything happens by plot :funky:
He found it because of Shanks and it was greediness that made Luffy eat it. Marines werent introduced then so it makes sense. And Garp didnt exist.

Luffy eating a DF isnt a big of an issue as the MC's whole family dying. But anyways I watched OP from a young start I couldnt see red flags back then. And now Im stuck reading till it finishes.
Everyone, silence... Give way to the Stealth Black Sanji of OJ..

Yes. I welcome you all.. :)
Another familiar name! Its like OJ never ended!
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He found it because of Shanks and it was greediness that made Luffy eat it. Marines werent introduced then so it makes sense. And Garp didnt exist.

Luffy eating a DF isnt a big of an issue as the MC's whole family dying. But anyways I watched OP from a young start I couldnt see red flags back then. And now Im stuck reading till it finishes.
You talk about reading OP like it's a punishment lmao:lusalty:
I see you're not informed. Oda is lowkey fan of Zoro lol..
Nah Oda actually thinks he's doing Sanji justice. In terms of importance, theyre pretty much equals.

You will see Wano Sanji will shine again and like never before

Have faith
It doesnt count if he uses the trashsuit.
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I had worshipped different gods in WCI arc but no avail.. Lol
Thats nothing...I've sold my soul to many different demons.
Nah Oda actually thinks he's doing Sanji justice. In terms of importance, theyre pretty much equals.

It doesnt count if he uses the trashsuit.
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Thats nothing...I've sold my souls to many different demons.
I hated the fact that he was forever in the previous arc

I will only call it justice if I saw a.zoro flashback having the same treatment.. If not, a bully from Kaido or King will do.