Fanclub The V̶i̶n̶s̶m̶o̶k̶e̶ Sanji FC: The Prince of love

When will Sanji unlock his COC ?

  • When he will discover All Blue

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That's even worse because it won't serve any purpose.

First it won't hype Loki at all..

Second, is Mr. Prince just a boxing punch bag for Oda?

My alts on twitter and Sanji Defence Squad under me are all ready. Oda better think twice before releasing next chapter :beckmoji:
Bro really stole my Sanji Defense Squad title.:josad:
Don't use this as an excuse to post hentai and get banned :beckmoji:
You can just not log in for a couple weeks, if you fear your presence on WG forum will end up in Sanji's hypertooling.
We already know how high his durability is
No, we actually have no idea how strong Sanji's exoskeleton actually is, especially when it's reinforced with Haki.

We also don't have a clear understanding on his healing factor, or whether it and his exoskeleton can improve with time or training.

We actually understand very little of Sanji's awakened modifications.

Tell me something

Does oda need to make him a punch bag whenever someone needs a hype to show Sanji's durability? There are many better ways to do it don't you think?
I don't think it's a question of need, I'm saying it's not necessarily a bad thing or a bad look for Sanji. I have no problem with Sanji getting hit in general, but certainly not if they're durability feats or flexes.

Oda said Gaban stands shoulder to shoulder with Ray and Roger

So, don't you think oda making only Sanji a hypetool but Luffy and Zoro stays fine is akin to differential treatment?
Sanji is not Gaban, whatever similarities they might have. On balance, they are very distinct characters.

I could not give less of a shit about "hypetool" narratives period, and least of all about Sanji. The weirdest thing about these stan wars is how quick so many of you are to accept the framings of those biased against your favourite characters. For whatever, you accept their bullshit about perceived humiliations and worry yourself pointlessly about it occuring in the future.

If you understand One Piece as much as you think you do, then you understand that the portrayal of characters reflect their roles in the story.

Egghead was a fantastic showing for Sanji on both speed and durability. If you let the anti stans tell it, that arc was endless humiliation for him. What is the point in giving a shit about people that deliberately twist everything to fit their made up narratives?

Nah man this would be oda shitting on Sanji
You gotta know by now this is an insane take.

If anything, Sanji seems to me like he's one of Oda's Top 3-5 characters along with Luffy, Shanks and Buggy.
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Throughout Heaven & Earth,I alone am d Honored One
No, we actually have no idea how strong Sanji's exoskeleton actually is, especially when it's reinforced with Haki.

We also don't have a clear understanding on his healing factor, or whether it and his exoskeleton can improve with time or training.

We actually understand very little of Sanji's awakened modifications.

I don't think it's a question of need, I'm saying it's not necessarily a bad thing or a bad look for Sanji. I have no problem with Sanji getting hit in general, but certainly not if they're durability feats or flexes.

Sanji is not Gaban, whatever similarities they might have. On balance, they are very distinct characters.

I could not give less of a shit about "hypetool" narratives period, and least of all about Sanji. The weirdest thing about these stan wars is how quick so many of you are to accept the framings of those biased against your favourite characters. For whatever, you accept their bullshit about perceived humiliations and worry yourself pointlessly about it occuring in the future.

If you understand One Piece as much as you think you do, then you understand that the portrayal of characters reflect their roles in the story.

Egghead was a fantastic showing for Sanji on both speed and durability. If you let the anti stans tell it, that arc was endless humiliation for him. What is the point in giving a shit about people that deliberately twist everything to fit their made up narratives?

You gotta know by now this is an insane take.

If anything, Sanji seens to me like he's one of Oda's Top 3-5 characters along with Luffy, Shanks and Buggy.

You cannot come directly at the captain.

You have to first go through my minions and commanders - @kekaro I choose you. Get him :endthis:
No, we actually have no idea how strong Sanji's exoskeleton actually is, especially when it's reinforced with Haki.

We also don't have a clear understanding on his healing factor, or whether it and his exoskeleton can improve with time or training.

We actually understand very little of Sanji's awakened modifications.

I don't think it's a question of need, I'm saying it's not necessarily a bad thing or a bad look for Sanji. I have no problem with Sanji getting hit in general, but certainly not if they're durability feats or flexes.

Sanji is not Gaban, whatever similarities they might have. On balance, they are very distinct characters.

I could not give less of a shit about "hypetool" narratives period, and least of all about Sanji. The weirdest thing about these stan wars is how quick so many of you are to accept the framings of those biased against your favourite characters. For whatever, you accept their bullshit about perceived humiliations and worry yourself pointlessly about it occuring in the future.

If you understand One Piece as much as you think you do, then you understand that the portrayal of characters reflect their roles in the story.

Egghead was a fantastic showing for Sanji on both speed and durability. If you let the anti stans tell it, that arc was endless humiliation for him. What is the point in giving a shit about people that deliberately twist everything to fit their made up narratives?

You gotta know by now this is an insane take.

If anything, Sanji seens to me like he's one of Oda's Top 3-5 characters along with Luffy, Shanks and Buggy.
Yo these closet Zoro fans trying to manifest their delusions on Sanji is so funny!
Remember your oath, Kekru
Oh shit I forgor

Nah but fr tho I agree with @Rumble to some degree. The only full extreme dif fight Sanji ever had was against arlong fish man
Oda need to unleash him instead showing how strong arc bosses are, this is Sanji piece after all

Remember sanjis lighter > other characters entire background for oda. Oda is sanjis biggest fan
@RayanOO add eichiroo oda as a honorary member to the first post:endthis:
Loki is injured and his right leg cuffed in sea stone, technically he's not in position to use Df abilities to magically regenerate and heal. Best guess is, due to sheer will and striking hammer with lighting on the ground he makes his presence known to entirety of Elbaf. Could break sea stone, but i highly doubt we'll get a full fledge fight when he's injured.
Giants are used as hypetool but they are weak. So M3 are used to tank Loki attack, but they are fine, they acknowledge Loki strength and then they are about to stop him but Loki faints.​