Fanclub The V̶i̶n̶s̶m̶o̶k̶e̶ Sanji FC: The Prince of love

When will Sanji unlock his COC ?

  • When he will discover All Blue

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Awakening CoC doesn't matter for Sanji, it's not as important.
It's a gimmick to knock out fodders/adv CoC - something Luffy will randomly spam to ko fodders like Batman. Since IJ has no scaling pattern to limit it, Sanji kicks can always upscale however it needs to, for him to keep up with M3.

My question to the fandom is...
when (or if) Sanji faces off against the Admiral Greenbull ( i personally prefer Kizaru amongst Admirals and Aokiji in BBPs) but since it's v likelyhood, will Sanji also break the perma Black sword of Greenbull?
Is that even possible? Can Sanji make the impossible possible?

Let me know your thoughts
Yeah i have been a Sanji vs Aramaki advocate, including him shattering Aramaki's black blade.

Even tho, i have to say Sanji vs Kizaru feels plausible after the events of Egghead.
It's not about the performance of Ifrit, but the lack of difference between Ifrit and Diable - it's the same thing, just a different color and all it does is the exact same thing as DJ, but better. Design-wise it also looked very underwhelming - even though fixed in Elbaf.

I expect the same thing with Black Flames (or whatever), basicaly just a stronger kick with a different color, nothing really new.
By your logic, you can critique Luffy for basically only throwing punches and Zoro for swing his blade.

Unlike those two, Sanji uses combination attacks. We've not seen anyone with CoC use it in a combo, never mind with kicks, and definitely not at the speed Sanji can throw them.

Skywalk and stuff is cool, but not his main powerup, it's stil DJ. And i hate the Germa stuff, but i am not gonna go there.
There are so many things Oda could have done with Sanji, but didn't and simply went the easy road.
I'm not necessarily a fan of the genetic modifications myself, but it works for the story, and we've not scratched the surface.

The fire abilities and Power of Love may or may not have anything to do with them.

What is it you were hoping to see from Sanji in terms of evolution? A ranged attack is something everyone is onboard with, but using his hands - directly or indirectly with weapons - surely isn't, unless it's another Wanze situation.

As it stands, Sanji has fire, flight, invisibility, super speed, super strength, regeneration - those are just the powers we know about. It remains to be seen what the hell this Power of Love thing is, and whether it's connected to Sanji's fire.
By your logic, you can critique Luffy for basically only throwing punches and Zoro for swing his blade
Luffy has alot of different techniques. G2 speed, G3 size and damage, G4 Boundman and Snakeman have different styles and variations of attacks and G5 has no limits to what it can do. Luffy even randomly got Fire abilities aswell.
So no, Luffy is not the same.
Yes he only throws punches and Sanji only kicks, but Luffy has way more unique abilities depending on his gear, while Sanji’s Power Up is a better Diable Jambe. Ifrit doesn’t do anything different than DJ. Oda could have focused more on the heat aspect, having things meld for example and people not being able to stand close to him, have some sort of unique attack, range attacks Fire and Lightning, Ifrit produces lightning, maybe have it effect metallic objects like sword of enemies for example would attract it and give them a shock or some shit.
But no, heat aspect doesn’t matter, lightning aspect doesn’t matter, it’s just a harder kick.

Zoro yes, because it’s harder to give him unique power ups - Ashura was random af, then he simply gets better blades and now CoC. Pretty straightforward aswell.

I'm not necessarily a fan of the genetic modifications myself, but it works for the story, and we've not scratched the surface.
The Germa shit is now part of Sanji, it is what it is.
Storywise it made no sense to give it to Sanji, terrible decision and stuff like the Exoskeleton could have been achieved with Tekkai or simply CoA for fucks sake - that’s the whole point of CoA.
Speed and Strength comes naturally by getting stronger.
The Regeneration aspect exists only on paper, we have literally no indication that it heals him quicker. We saw Luffy, Zoro, Sanji and Jimbei after a week and they all had bandages, Sanji included.
Sure you could say he didn’t activate his Germa mode, but why wouldn’t he, if he can speed up the regeneration process? Why give him this ability if he doesn’t use it…
And the moment after Brachiosnake, Sanji punched the exoskeleton back into place, it didn’t do it automatically.
And i am not saying Sanji should heal like Marco, but maybe like Wolverine where a cutting wound for example would close itself after some time.