Fanclub The V̶i̶n̶s̶m̶o̶k̶e̶ Sanji FC: The Prince of love

When will Sanji unlock his COC ?

  • When he will discover All Blue

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1. blocked Zoro's full strength swing, with just one hand, and was unharmed - he didnt even have to try
2. Sabo literally stated he couldn't make Fujitora fight seriously, Fujitora was uninjured
3. G3 slammed him in the face and he didnt even have a mark on him or feel any pain
What are you talking about?

In that sense you're right about the nerf, but at the same time we've got characters who are insanely fast. We don't know how fast the average top tier is, but since pre-skip Luffy could keep up with lightning, I'd be willing to bet there are some top tiers who might even be able to almost keep up with Kizaru.

I agree he's a beast, but i dont think his fruit is that special. The other Admirals all have fruits on a similar level. Need i remind you of Ice Age and Ryusei Kazan? In terms of DC, Kizaru is top, but in terms of lethality, Sakazuki is. In terms of defence/damage mitigation, it has to be Kuzan. The Zushi Zushi no Mi, however, is probably the most difficult to fight against since you're literally fighting against a fundamental force of the universe.
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Yata no Kagami needed charge up time.
1. Kyoshiro did better in his confrontation with Zoro against a name attack. While Fujitora got sent few metres back blocking no name slash.
2. I meant Sabo during Reverie fight, he has bandages nw.
3. Fujutora has a bruise tho on his face from G3 attack, i saw it today only.

Those will feel like Turtle in comparison to Kizaru speed. It's his df literally, when it comes to speed he will always have the advantage, that include attack n reactn speed as well. Keeping up would be like they wouldn't be totally helpless against him.

Well other Admirals df are quite good, enough that they also need to be nerfed to keep at a PL. Bt i certainly don't see Kizaru df weaker one here. Infact i find his df abilities the best out of em.
Kuzan ice age, yes bt in Fight he can't freeze em without catching em offguard.
Lethality, Akainu is shown to be better, bt Kizaru comes close to it.
In terms of defence, he can escape n avoid almost everything with his speed. Bt i guess that would be nerfed as plot demands it.
Yes Fuji df is very op bt his swordmanship in CQC fights, those need feats.

I guess in the end i will say that these Admirals each have DF that can make em as overpowered as Oda needs to. The plot will play the major factor, if Zoro faces Fujutora and Sanji Kizaru, i guess you would be right. If Luffy faces Kizaru, he would be stronger.
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1. Kyoshiro did better in his confrontation with Zoro against a name attack. While Fujitora got sent few metres back blocking no name slash.
2. I meant Sabo during Reverie fight, he has bandages nw.
3. Fujutora has a bruise tho on his face from G3 attack, i saw it today only.

Those will feel like Turtle in comparison to Kizaru speed. It's his df literally, when it comes to speed he will always have the advantage, that include attack n reactn speed as well. Keeping up would be like they wouldn't be totally helpless against him.

Well other Admirals df are quite good, enough that they also need to be nerfed to keep at a PL. Bt i certainly don't see Kizaru df weaker one here. Infact i find his df abilities the best out of em.
Kuzan ice age, yes bt in Fight he can't freeze em without catching em offguard.
Lethality, Akainu is shown to be better, bt Kizaru comes close to it.
In terms of defence, he can escape n avoid almost everything with his speed. Bt i guess that would be nerfed as plot demands it.
Yes Fuji df is very op bt his swordmanship in CQC fights, those need feats.

I guess in the end i will say that these Admirals each have DF that can make em as overpowered as Oda needs to. The plot will play the major factor, if Zoro faces Fujutora and Sanji Kizaru, i guess you would be right. If Luffy faces Kizaru, he would be stronger.
1. That reflects the force of Zoro's slash, it still had no effect on Fujitora who was doing so effortlessly, as is my original point.
2. Who's to say Sabo did that?
3. That's dirt. That is how Oda draws dirt.

As i've pointed out the speed is easily overcome because he's predictable and once he's at light speed, he can't dodge.
Kuzan can literally freeze you if you touch him. He can freeze people on a whim. You're severely downplaying this ability.
Does he? Kizaru's killed nobody, and he was going for pre-skip Supernova. Sakazuki essentially killed Whitebeard and he killed Ace.
No he can't, because he's predictable. Didn't you see Rayleigh stop him from escaping? Rayleigh right now is low-end top tier, the stronger top tiers can definitely pull that off too.
He needs an opponent first and since he was able to low diff Sabo into running away with CQC, that's enough for me.
1. That reflects the force of Zoro's slash, it still had no effect on Fujitora who was doing so effortlessly, as is my original point.
2. Who's to say Sabo did that?
3. That's dirt. That is how Oda draws dirt.

As i've pointed out the speed is easily overcome because he's predictable and once he's at light speed, he can't dodge.
Kuzan can literally freeze you if you touch him. He can freeze people on a whim. You're severely downplaying this ability.
Does he? Kizaru's killed nobody, and he was going for pre-skip Supernova. Sakazuki essentially killed Whitebeard and he killed Ace.
No he can't, because he's predictable. Didn't you see Rayleigh stop him from escaping? Rayleigh right now is low-end top tier, the stronger top tiers can definitely pull that off too.
He needs an opponent first and since he was able to low diff Sabo into running away with CQC, that's enough for me.
1. Still it was no name slash, and Kyoshiro performed better with named one.
2. Well if Karasu or any others did it, wouldn't that reflect more badly?
3. Drawing dirt accomplishes nothing there, so doubt it was dirt.

Kuzan freezed Jozu when he was distracted, while specifically saying that costed him the fight. Indicating Jozu wouldn't have freezed otherwise. Doffy also breaked outta it, tho Kuzan only wanted to warn him. Bt Jozu part still valid.
Not like you are expecting Aokiji to freeze Top tiers tho, just like Kizaru won't speed blitz Top tiers.
Kizaru laser would have killed Zoro n other SHs in Saboady, almost killed the SNs. Would have killed Luffy if Benn beckman didn't interfere..
Rayleigh hit him because Oda made Kizaru disintegrating into Photons process slow, this limit was placed to save SHs. And yes other Top tier also can do it, bt it is mere distance covering mode, it's not like a critical ability that would cost Kizaru big if it is rendered useless, his speed without it is still quite good. Plus i can see it being removed in Awakening.
Questionable, Sabo mostly showcasing new Df he had acquired and had no mastery on. Also, can't call it low diff when we didn't see the fight end. You could say he had advantage even tho he was far from going all out.
1. Still it was no name slash, and Kyoshiro performed better with named one.
2. Well if Karasu or any others did it, wouldn't that reflect more badly?
3. Drawing dirt accomplishes nothing there, so doubt it was dirt.

Kuzan freezed Jozu when he was distracted, while specifically saying that costed him the fight. Indicating Jozu wouldn't have freezed otherwise. Doffy also breaked outta it, tho Kuzan only wanted to warn him. Bt Jozu part still valid.
Not like you are expecting Aokiji to freeze Top tiers tho, just like Kizaru won't speed blitz Top tiers.
Kizaru laser would have killed Zoro n other SHs in Saboady, almost killed the SNs. Would have killed Luffy if Benn beckman didn't interfere..
Rayleigh hit him because Oda made Kizaru disintegrating into Photons process slow, this limit was placed to save SHs. And yes other Top tier also can do it, bt it is mere distance covering mode, it's not like a critical ability that would cost Kizaru big if it is rendered useless, his speed without it is still quite good. Plus i can see it being removed in Awakening.
Questionable, Sabo mostly showcasing new Df he had acquired and had no mastery on. Also, can't call it low diff when we didn't see the fight end. You could say he had advantage even tho he was far from going all out.
1. Nameless/named is irrelevant on the small-scale techniques
2. Well, no, because we dont know how strong they are, ALSO, there's a chance it's the entire group, plus, Sabo in MJ > Sabo in DR. He trained and a hell of a lot by the sound of what Dragon said
3. Agree to disagree

Yes he did, but that doesn't mean he couldn't do it otherwise. Remember, Doffy dominated Jozu and yet Kuzan oneshot the fucker with his power alone. Doffy broke out but that was only due to CoC and to boot, Doffy was exhausted just unfreezing himself one time. Jozu part is invalid as we know it's way beneath what Kuzan can do. All the Admirals were toying with them.

I'm not expecting Aokiji to freeze top tiers, what I expect is merely making contact with him is excruciatingly painful, frostburn, hypothermia etc. plus Kuzan's fruit allows for a lot of speed and crafted weaponry etc. - to add to this, he can use ice to make it harder for his opponents to move around. Still no weakness.

Sabo fled the fight, he himself said he couldn't even make Issho try. That by default is a low diff.