Fanclub The V̶i̶n̶s̶m̶o̶k̶e̶ Sanji FC: The Prince of love

When will Sanji unlock his COC ?

  • When he will discover All Blue

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Burgess is a walking L with a goofy design, behavior and no charisma whatsoever. :endthis:

Seriously though, ex level 6 prisoners in BB's crew are the strongest crew members by portrayal, I expect most of them to fight the strongest SHs. Best case scenario for Burgess is fighting Franky (goofy and bulky wrestlers), but I can see him fight Chopper.
I think Oda is going to hype up BB OG4 higher than the level 6 prisoners.
Nami with Zeus is stronger than Franky, Robin, Brook imo.
Same for Monster Chopper.
Usopp CoO will be the highest EOS.
Zoro and Sanji are a given.
Yeah, I just looked it up. They are practically synonymous. I've always thought that the first mate is just like the primary consultant of the captain not his second in command, however it appears to be otherwise.
Sanji fits the bill of First Mate more than anyone. Not only has he led the crew to a different island and had them named after him. He even led groups where Luffy and Zoro are in them.

Just exactly the same as this man....

Love the panels!

I'm still convinced Zoro would be the VC if Oda decided to name one of the SHs but if Oda made Sanji the VC, the meltdown would be gigantic loll.
I mean why give Sanji all these leading feats. Dude leads his crew, allies and his enemies. And he was Zeff's second in command since the Baratie opened. Sanji has been leading since he was a kid.
I mean why give Sanji all these leading feats. Dude leads his crew, allies and his enemies. And he was Zeff's second in command since the Baratie opened. Sanji has been leading since he was a kid.
Tbh, I don't think any of the SHs wants to have an official title of second in command, everyone joined for Luffy and to help him be PK. My reasoning for Zoro over Sanji is just cause he's the 2nd strongest.
Different SHs lead at different times, Sanji leading panels were great but I don't think it's absolute.
Tbh, I don't think any of the SHs wants to have an official title of second in command, everyone joined for Luffy and to help him be PK. My reasoning for Zoro over Sanji is just cause he's the 2nd strongest.
Different SHs lead at different times, Sanji leading panels were great but I don't think it's absolute.
Nah non lead like Sanji. Sanji is only second to Luffy when it comes to leading at this point.

But I do agree that we'll never have an official FM from SHs. Oda wants to keep it ambigious. A lot of Pirate crew don't have FMs like the Beast Pirates and the Meme Pirates. We just assume its King and Katakuri due to the card theme (for King) and being the strongest ( for Katakuri). Also bounty is a good way to see who's the strongest for enemy crews. Whilst it's always bad for the SHs.

Each Pirate Crew is different in their unique way. And I feel the SHs are unique in the way that they're a family foremost. Then their roles come in place. And their is no FM place within the SHs.
Nah non lead like Sanji. Sanji is only second to Luffy when it comes to leading at this point.

But I do agree that we'll never have an official FM from SHs. Oda wants to keep it ambigious. A lot of Pirate crew don't have FMs like the Beast Pirates and the Meme Pirates. We just assume its King and Katakuri due to the card theme (for King) and being the strongest ( for Katakuri). Also bounty is a good way to see who's the strongest for enemy crews. Whilst it's always bad for the SHs.

Each Pirate Crew is different in their unique way. And I feel the SHs are unique in the way that they're a family foremost. Then their roles come in place. And their is no FM place within the SHs.
Nailed it, couldn't have said it better.
Sanji is definitely a great leader, would be awesome if he took over Germa 66 and changed the whole army.