Burgess is a walking L with a goofy design, behavior and no charisma whatsoever. 
Seriously though, ex level 6 prisoners in BB's crew are the strongest crew members by portrayal, I expect most of them to fight the strongest SHs. Best case scenario for Burgess is fighting Franky (goofy and bulky wrestlers), but I can see him fight Chopper.

Seriously though, ex level 6 prisoners in BB's crew are the strongest crew members by portrayal, I expect most of them to fight the strongest SHs. Best case scenario for Burgess is fighting Franky (goofy and bulky wrestlers), but I can see him fight Chopper.
Nami with Zeus is stronger than Franky, Robin, Brook imo.
Same for Monster Chopper.
Usopp CoO will be the highest EOS.
Zoro and Sanji are a given.