So i was just searching up on Google for Sanji's DJ hints and i found this.. hidden in plane sight regarding what fire symbolizes in Japan
"火 Ka or hi, meaning "Fire", represents the energetic, forceful, moving things in the world."
which reminds me of a certain fairly popular SBS regarding sanji's eyebrows
D: Why does Sanji-san's eyebrow curl up at the end? Is it for fashion? Make it clear!!
O: Hey!! You there, sit down!! Now listen!! Everyone lives in circles!! The Sun, the Moon, and the Earth all spin in circles!! And!! If the Earth suddenly stopped spinning!! The planet would be covered in tidal waves!! It would be terrible!! Now remember that Sanji's eyebrow channels that same powerful circular energy!! Reflect upon this!! You may go !!"
Now yea the whole world spinning thing is there but with the addition of " circular energy" isn't oda alluding to the fact that sanji has the same energy that
keeps things going in a general sense
Is oda saying that the symbolic energy (fire) sanji has something to do with his eyebrows... basically who he inherited it from or again genetic modifications.
does this mean DJ is a part of modifications knowing that neither judge nor Sora have twirly eyebrows ?
there is another intriguing SBS regarding sanji and him being a DF..
"D: Do all Devil Fruit have that swirly pattern on them?
O: That's right. It's what distinguishes them from other fruit. Sometimes I wonder if Sanji himself is a Devil Fruit."
If sanji has lunarian genes why would oda mention this bull crap LMAO (it might be a play on words) and there is another thing that slightly contradicts the fact that it is the modification
You see in Japan fire also symbolizes emotional drive and body head.. seeing judges intention if he wanted sanji to conjure fire... why'd he render him emotional less if all its going to do is hinder its potential?
And what would oda mean that he wonders if sanji is another DF or not.. (another artifical fruit?)
there is also another possibility.. since weird hair line isn't that uncommon in one piece seeing WB
Can it be that sanji and his siblings were basically someone elses reproductive material infused into Sora's womb since Judge and Sora couldn't have kids? and whoever they got that material from has twirly eyebrows..
so technically Sora is still responsible for the X chromosomes but judge has no involvement
But there that can't be coz oda also stated that sanji and judge's hair color is similar..
so it definitely is Lineage factor related.. it can be that sora's dad or mom has curly eyebrows and that was dominant in the kids.
but still the fact that DJ and fire in general in Japan hugely coincides with emotions..
wouldn't it beat the fact that judge was trying to render sanji emotionless..
this goes well with the theory that sanji's main ability was invisibility in his RS but that also RS only ability we don't know if he got an elemental Buff and Judge.. subduing his emotions while having him conjure fire seems nonsensical.. can it be that judge had a DF ready for sanji or something.. or that sanji did have an ability but since his modified LF was dormant.. it never showed up
so by that logic sanji would be getting another PU in the form of another ability?