Fanclub The V̶i̶n̶s̶m̶o̶k̶e̶ Sanji FC: The Prince of love

When will Sanji unlock his COC ?

  • When he will discover All Blue

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Talent is something you make bloom.
Btw, the only reason I don't think it's Shiryu who went to WCI with Aokiji, is because both Shiryu and Aokiji are "sus", per what Burgess told Teach during that Dressrosa call.

I would send Aokiji alongside one of the "OG" crewmembers. Since most of them are fighting Law, the only one left would be Lafitte, who's shown to be one of the most fiercely loyal members.

Lafitte's hypnosis is also a great tool to easily find the location of the Road Poneglyph there.
Stealing Law's Zou and Wano RPs, that would put Teach on the same step as Luffy, each with 3 RPs.
Are you really sanji fan?
You want someone who got rekt by Boa for Sanji?


Vasco is heavy drinker

Bonney is heavy eater

Vasco vs Bonney

Pizzaro or Laffitte vs sanji
lol Boa has insane one shot potential

BB even admitted he'd be dead if he let her go

She's broken and (as far as we know) you can't resist her ability even with superior haki
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Boring ? I want Sanji to have an actually good fight. Laffite would be a shitty gimmick fight that has shitty hypnosis in it. Pizzaro I feel would be another lame gmmick fight.

Burgess is a pure brawler fighter, and also has a great DF for fighting. Thats the type of fight I want Sanji to have. A fight with good CQC against a threatening fighter. Not another lame Sanji vs Queen, spamming of lame powers.
A nice CQC fight would be cool and all but we already had that with Jabra plus Burgess is an idiot even if he's physically strong

A tactical fighter like Lafitte or a feared level 6 pirate that may have a cool fruit like Pizarro make for much better matchups


Throughout Heaven & Earth,I alone am d Honored One
lol Boa has insane one shot potential

BB even admitted he'd be dead if he let her go

She's broken and (as far as we know) you can't resist her ability even with superior haki
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A nice CQC fight would be cool and all but we already had that with Jabra plus Burgess is an idiot even if he's physically strong

A tactical fighter like Lafitte or a feared level 6 pirate that may have a cool fruit like Pizarro make for much better matchups
That's why you need to make quick work of her before she do her thing lol

If the person with Aokiji is tenth captain and a female.

Then Aokiji is the only one from BB Pirates who have plot relevancy against Sanji.
Kuzan won't fight SHs..not after water 7/Enies

He will give taste of Karma to BB by betraying him at critical moment
Sanji vs Burgess is another Queen type of opponent and I don't like it
He needs someone who will challenge him, i think that guy could be Lafitte but i dont mind Aokiji(tbh i doubt that will happen) or even Pizarro
How is Burgess another Queen ? Queen was just straight up idiotic. Burgess fought Sabo well, and base Sabo couldnt even beat him. And then Mera Sabo needed like 20 mins to beat him....and hes like a Low Top Tier.

You dont see Burgess getting distrafted every 10 secs by everything like Queen.

Burgess is the new Jabra....yall need to accept it.