Fanclub The V̶i̶n̶s̶m̶o̶k̶e̶ Sanji FC: The Prince of love

When will Sanji unlock his COC ?

  • When he will discover All Blue

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Same toughts. Beside Shiryu and Burgess, Laffite has the better portrayal in BB's crew. He invaded Mariejoa unnoticed in the middle of the Shichibukai meeting with the high heads of Navy.

After Queen, do u think Sanjino will have another role in the raid? I was thinking about CP0 but many people are talking about Robin and Brook fighting them.
I’ve always been on the straw hats vs Kaido as the final fight in wano.
If we take YCs to be in equal in strengths (approximately)..then judging by how tough it was for luffy to defeat katakuri, zoro vs king and sanji vs queen will be hell of a fights.I feel like sanji and zoro will get their power ups in this fight. For zoro something with his sword (supreme blade?). Idk what sanji's power up will be and no the raid suit is not enough imo.
I agree, it'll be a hard fight. For now, it's simply not the focus so Sanji's able to simply dodge all of Queen's attacks while Queen keeps going just fine after Sanji's. I expect Sanji to go all out and I'd be happy to see him grow in this battle.
Base Sanji in onigashima:

>AP: Destroyed Queen's fangs, causing her to spin, and injuring him in the process.
> Treating Perosperos (a high tobiroppo/veteran lvl) like a fodder.
> Exaggeration in your CoO, easily diverting investments from the hybrid Queen that can produce several consecutive lasers
> Luffy praising his CoO, saying he needed to train more to reach Sanji's level of perfection.
> CoA exaggeration, being able to injure a tobiroppo using iron gauntlets, with only the power of his CoA, besides being able to defend his entire body from the attack of Kanjurou's arrows.

Do you guys think it's safe to say that base Sanji is at least Jack level? Or scabbards level (like Neko) at worst?

Another question, do you think Sanji evolved a lot during these arcs, or was he already so strong since he left TS?

Base Sanji in onigashima:

>AP: Destroyed Queen's fangs, causing her to spin, and injuring him in the process.
> Treating Perosperos (a high tobiroppo/veteran lvl) like a fodder.
> Exaggeration in your CoO, easily diverting investments from the hybrid Queen that can produce several consecutive lasers
> Luffy praising his CoO, saying he needed to train more to reach Sanji's level of perfection.
> CoA exaggeration, being able to injure a tobiroppo using iron gauntlets, with only the power of his CoA, besides being able to defend his entire body from the attack of Kanjurou's arrows.

Do you guys think it's safe to say that base Sanji is at least Jack level? Or scabbards level (like Neko) at worst?

Another question, do you think Sanji evolved a lot during these arcs, or was he already so strong since he left TS?

Base sanji is WAAAAAAAAAAYY stronger than mere jack the mammoth..

just wait and see

Warchief Sanji D Goat

Amagami Sister!⛩️
Base Sanji in onigashima:

>AP: Destroyed Queen's fangs, causing her to spin, and injuring him in the process.
> Treating Perosperos (a high tobiroppo/veteran lvl) like a fodder.
> Exaggeration in your CoO, easily diverting investments from the hybrid Queen that can produce several consecutive lasers
> Luffy praising his CoO, saying he needed to train more to reach Sanji's level of perfection.
> CoA exaggeration, being able to injure a tobiroppo using iron gauntlets, with only the power of his CoA, besides being able to defend his entire body from the attack of Kanjurou's arrows.

Do you guys think it's safe to say that base Sanji is at least Jack level? Or scabbards level (like Neko) at worst?

Another question, do you think Sanji evolved a lot during these arcs, or was he already so strong since he left TS?

For me, Sanji was always a high tier at the beginning of TS. He just got unlucky with some of his fights. But now that Sanji doesn't get restricted by plot, he is showing his true power as of right now against Queen.
causing her to spin
See this thread, i talked about some Sanji's CoO/Speed feats. Hope it keeps that way, seems like the the lasers aren't working until now :sanmoji:
I wonder how Queen will start giving Sanji a tough time :queenhear:

It's known that Sanji's specialization is Observation Haki, according to Oda in a SBS.

Obviously some of these these info changed cuz Jinbei is now a Strawhat, and Usopp has Observation haki too. But i think Oda was pretty clear with their specialization, and most likely settling the strength and power hierarchy on the crew, as it supposed to be since ever.

The first one after the timeskip was during PH.

He basicly managed to vanish and arrive where Vergo and Tashigi were is a few seconds after sensing what was happening.
Notice how Zoro could sense Vergo's presence, but he didn't knew what was actually happening, unlike Sanji.

This one here is used to argue that Sanji may end up getting Advanced Observation, aka Future Sight.
After Katakuri seeing a future where Sanji was going to dodge the shot from the Priest, he shoots Sanji to counter it, but Sanji actually dodged both of them, so even in the future that Katakuri managed to see, he couldn't know that Sanji was going to dodge both the Jelly bean and the shot. Note: Sanji wasn't focused at all, so it was very spontaneous.

The first time something similar happened to Luffy was during Luffy vs Katakuri, after hours of pummeling and intentional "training", especifically when Flampe shoot Luffy, who was completely unaware, same as Sanji.
Curiously the "fading" animation is the same one for both cases.

But during Wano we got massive hints of how Sanji's CoO has great potential to grow beyond expectations :pepecafe:

I know what some people would argue: "this one is just a gag". And nope, it isn't, thats a legit CoO feat which is influenced by Sanji's character traits, and it applies to ANY situation.

Just note the fact that Sanji got SHOCKED with by hearing this conversation, cuz it was not only a girl in danger, but according to him it had something to do with sexual harassment, Sanji couldn't help himself to know where he was going to and what to consequently expect, he wasn't ready as he was supposed to be this time due to his emotional state, acting desperatly, careless and consequently dumb, possibly affecting his CoO
(Just keep in mind Katakuri losing his coolness and his CoO consequently working poorly :kata:It's pretty much the same situation here)

By the way this makes more sense if we bring back the Tashigi/Vergo situation, where Sanji acts much more carefully and focused on what he "saw". :pepecafe:

Now one more crazy speed feat, kicking Oven and saving Lola in a blink of an eye:

Finally, to end with one of the best SPEED + CoO feats EVER, the thing that will prove my whole point on this post :sanmoji:

First off, there was a complete chaos in the live floor after Bao Huang's announcement about Luffy's defeat.

Sanji is in the middle of all of that, but he is chilling as expected, while carrying packed up Zoro and training the Ittoryu: Marimo Style:zosleepy:

But this here is happening at the very same time :quest::crazwhat:

Completely out of sudden Sanji appears breaking the wall, managing to accomplish the most impressive speed and CoO feat at this very same moment CONFIRMED.

Since the panel where Sanji is "using Zoro to hit a Gifter" Sanji already knew that (massive CoO feat):

  1. Chopper was about to get eaten alive, i mean, basicly he was about to die.
  2. Perospero was attacking everyone with a special attack, shooting hundreds of arrows that were going to hit EVERYONE in the Live Floor.
And at the same time he already had a plan to deal with all of this AT ONCE:
"Rotisserie" Strike (Yeah, the spin factor is very important)

Apart from the God Like SpeeD feat which was blitzing Queen by travelling a pretty considerable distance in a blink of an eye and saving Chopper from being killed.

With a single and completely intentional attack Sanji dealt with all the mess around there.
He parried Perospero's "Candy Shower" saving many lives, including Chopper's, sent Queen hitting the wall, bleeding, taking time to recompose and managed to hit Perospero like he was a colateral fodder.

--> Everything carefully planned in a fraction of seconds. Sanji knew EXACTLY what he was doing and WHY he was doing what he did, without even being there to see it and BARELY having time to think about it.

:stealthblack: :lumazed: :jinbewat:


He just got unlucky with some of his fights
It's pretty clear Oda used kinda Sanji as hypetool for strong characters during some arcs with the excuse that he is indeed pretty strong, he has always been, i mean it's is normal for Luffy, Zoro and Sanji being hypetools

THE PROBLEM IS --> Luffy and Zoro sometimes end up defeating someone, even if its a weakling like Monet or Pica, with Sanji he doesn't do that, Sanji fights a strong character, the main antagonist foe example, they acknowledge Sanji as a strong one BUT Sanji gets a bit hurt cuz he fucked up, cuz he understimated his opponent or he is previously nerfed or he just don't have a clue of who his opponent is and how his powers work or he can't fight cuz there is a hostage being threatened or some shit and thats it, Oda doesn't put him to fight again anymore. Dressrosa and Punk Hazard are the main examples of that.

Sanji is a MONSTER, he just don't got the exactly same feats as Zoro (for now atleast), by they way it's fine, it doesn't need to be like that 100% of time
Luffy is the biggest hypetool, but Oda puts him to fight again 100x times if necessary until he overcomes his opponent, despite being helped, sometimes massively helped or even "cheating".

If powerscaling still being a matter, base Sanji fighting hybrid Queen, his strongest form, already puts him above all the Tobiroppo and close to a YC3 if ease, and he didn't get any power up to his "base form". While Luffy at the previous arc got tough time against Cracker and needed help, Katakuri basicly gave up on fighting and let Luffy go. So it gives us a lot to discuss

It's like there is always a good excuse for every single unlucky moment/fight Sanji got post-TS, and there definitely is + most of the time Oda makes it pretty clear, but if Oda had the intention to say "Hey, Zoro and Sanji are almost equally strong, they see each other that way, and Luffy sees them as his most reliable and strong men" but giving a kinda different portrayal by putting them in strictly different situations and achieving different things kinda mades us feel like Oda himself couldn't make the audience feel the way he especifically intended to.

But it is definitely there and it what it is, its something established long ago, nobody can deny the obvious:

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