General & Others The Whitebeard pirates never knew Wano was Kaido’s territory for 20 years

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That’s true, but let me ask you this - if Whitebeard heard that his friend Oden had been killed by his former crew mate Kaido, and all of this had taken place in Oden’s country that he was on a mission to integrate into the open world, what about his portrayal in the series leads one to believe that he WOULDN’T attempt to fulfill his deceased comrade’s dream?

If Whitebeard had engaged Kaido and won, Wano could have opened their borders as a protectorate of the man who defeated their oppressor as Yonko are clearly wont to do. Instead, by the manga’s own admission (as far as we know), he never even had anyone go to the island and investigate how things went down. Narratively, that doesn’t fit with his character and how he views his nakama, Teach being the lone exception.
I would agree that is does not seem in alignment with whitebeards ideals and i am waiting (and hoping) that we delve into the possible reaction he may have had to the news and what lead to his choice to do nothing. If its completely glossed over then it would indicate a big flaw in the story...i will however say that news traveling out of wano almost certainly happened after the death of oden and it could have payed a factor deciding not to engage albeit it is a bit weak of an explanation.

And a far as a battle with kaido i doubt it would in without casualties on both sided, but i understand that they were willing to go into similar circumstances against the marines for ace..which again could be because he was still alive, but i do believe whitebeards love for his family is portrayed to extend even after death. So i guess it all comes down to what explanation we get..its so glaring i feel we almost are guaranteed more info on this in the coming chapters
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I would agree that is does not seem in alignment with whitebeards ideals and i am waiting (and hoping) that we delve into the possible reaction he may have had to the news and what lead to his choice to do nothing. If its completely glossed over then it would indicate a big flaw in the story...i will however say that news traveling out of wano almost certainly happened after the death of oden and it could have payed a factor deciding not to engage albeit it is a bit weak of an explanation.

And a far as a battle with kaido i doubt it would in without casualties on both sided, but i understand that they were willing to go into similar circumstances against the marines for ace..which again could be because he was still alive, but i do believe whitebeards love for his family is portrayed to extend even after death. So i guess it all comes down to what explanation we get coming..its so glaring i feel we almost are guaranteed more info on this in the coming chapters
You overrestimate Oda at this point. Also, garp told ace that even if they executed him right then and there wb would still come to exact revenge. So Oden being dead is no excuse.
You overrestimate Oda at this point. Also, garp told ace that even if they executed him right then and there wb would still come to exact revenge. So Oden being dead is no excuse.
the only thing i can thing of is oda didnt wanna retcon preskip by having the two crews have a war and jeopardize tarnishing the imagae of whitebeard pre marineford or kaido in wano arc because one of them had to lose. still even if thats the case then oda should have executed this much differently.
Hahahahaha, wait, are there people here defending WB’s inaction?? There is not a rational defense in the entirety of human brainpower than would justify a man like Newgate, who only ever yearned for familial love and camaraderie even over the world’s greatest treasures, NOT checking in on someone he considered a brother for more than two whole decades. Remember how pissed he was when Oden wanted to shack up on the Oro Jackson instead? So his response is to never speak to him again? He forgave Squard for literally stabbing him in the chest, don’t tell me he’d start a blood feud over a friend wanting to have another friend.

There’s nothing that can be said that would make WB look less like a dick here, I just don’t see how he let THAT much time go when he presumably wasn’t doing much - Roger was dead, he was called the Strongest Man in the World and Closest to One Piece, yet we only ever saw him sitting and drinking before Marineford - without EVER thinking about why Wano was still shut off from the world or why his very good friend hadn’t achieved his goal yet.

Oden was in a singular position to open the country’s borders both in terms of power and reputation; if I was WB, and I knew that he had gone with Roger as well as the fact that the crew disbanded and went their separate ways, I would assume Oden made it back home safely and take a year or two before I got worried and went to check and see what was going on, since he’d been so adamant about the idea. Just does not make WB look like an effective friend.
Dude, idk if you have a nf account or if we can link the thread here. If we can, ill link you guys something good. There is a guy on there right now defending it. He spent 6 pages arguing for it being good writting so far.
What about Izo and sister ? He doesn’t give a shit ? Ohhhh
Izou's loyalty was to Whitebeard Pirates, not Wano. His only loyalties would've been to Oden, the man who helped him out when he was younger, not the nation of Wano. If he found out about Oden's death after .. he has no reason to go there.

People need to make up their mind.. you either want a lovey dovey nakama based manga or a manga about grown pirates.

Akainu killed Ace, do you see Luffy running to Marine HQ to kill ? No.
Teach turned in Ace, do you see Luffy running to Teach to eliminate him? No.
Izou's loyalty was to Whitebeard Pirates, not Wano. His only loyalties would've been to Oden, the man who helped him out when he was younger, not the nation of Wano. If he found out about Oden's death after .. he has no reason to go there.

People need to make up their mind.. you either want a lovey dovey nakama based manga or a manga about grown pirates.

Akainu killed Ace, do you see Luffy running to Marine HQ to kill ? No.
Teach turned in Ace, do you see Luffy running to Teach to eliminate him? No.
Lol so he doesn’t give a shit about kiku is what you’re saying

Izou's loyalty was to Whitebeard Pirates, not Wano. His only loyalties would've been to Oden, the man who helped him out when he was younger, not the nation of Wano. If he found out about Oden's death after .. he has no reason to go there.

People need to make up their mind.. you either want a lovey dovey nakama based manga or a manga about grown pirates.

Akainu killed Ace, do you see Luffy running to Marine HQ to kill ? No.
Teach turned in Ace, do you see Luffy running to Teach to eliminate him? No.
Man what a load of bs, the dude has a sister and you want me to believe he didnt think about her or to visit her once in 25+ years?

And i already covered thee oden already dead part. Ace told garp to just kill him right then and there, and garp told him that even if they did. That wouldnt stop wb from coming for revenge. So dont bring up that bs.
Man what a load of bs, the dude has a sister and you want me to believe he didnt think about her or to visit her once in 25+ years?
Think about her & Visiting her are two different things. Let's not equate those together.

Why Izou join the Whitebeard Pirates when he has a sister in Wano?? You're saying Izou is so loving and caring about his sister that he needed to be there to hold her hand 24/7 making sure his little sister is all good.. you know.. like the good old brother he is.. yet he joined the Whitebeard Pirates.

Oh.. maybe he's a dude with his own purpose in life...hmm well well what do ya know.

And like I said if he found out after Oden's death, he has no reasons to go there anymore. As he would've found out about the Scabbard's stuff as well, where O-kiku went poof. We'll see the interaction between the two shortly.

Oden himself wasn't expecting Izou to comeback.. lmao.

And i already covered thee oden already dead part. Ace told garp to just kill him right then and there, and garp told him that even if they did. That wouldnt stop wb from coming for revenge. So dont bring up that bs.
Nah homie you need to stop your bullshit right now, and listen to your damn self. You're equating what Garp thinks about Whitebeard to what Whitebeard actually is.

Teach who stayed in the crew for years, killed one of Whitebeard's sons.. What did Whitebeard do??

Let it go... let it go.. let it go...

Furthermore, what you're talking about is when Whitebeard had already moved into rescuing Ace, he had already taken the action for the rescue.. with his whole army determined and united was coming to rescue Ace.


A Whitebeard who finds out about Oden's death sometime after his death.. after Oden himself REFUSED Roger pirates' help, stating it was Wano's own business.. Do you know what grown men do when another grown man says he needs to handle things on his own? They let him.

If we're being real we have no clue what happened with Whitebeard Pirates over the 20 years in relation to Wano. There's no panel dedicated to if they found out or if they didn't find out. There's no panel dedicated to whether Whitebeard took action against Kaido or whether he didn't. For all we know its like @Celestial D. Dragon said he very well could've captured Kaido and tortured him, but then let him go or Kaido escaped.
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Think about her & Visiting her are two different things. Let's not equate those together.

Why Izou join the Whitebeard Pirates when he has a sister in Wano?? You're saying Izou is so loving and caring about his sister that he needed to be there to hold her hand 24/7 making sure his little sister is all good.. you know.. like the good old brother he is.. yet he joined the Whitebeard Pirates.

Oh.. maybe he's a dude with his own purpose in life...hmm well well what do ya know.

And like I said if he found out after Oden's death, he has no reasons to go there anymore. As he would've found out about the Scabbard's stuff as well, where O-kiku went poof. We'll see the interaction between the two shortly.

Nah homie you need to stop your bullshit right now, and listen to your damn self. You're equating what Garp thinks about Whitebeard to what Whitebeard actually is.

Teach who stayed in the crew for years, killed one of Whitebeard's sons.. What did Whitebeard do??

Let it go... let it go.. let it go...

Furthermore, what you're talking about is when Whitebeard had already moved into rescuing Ace, he had already taken the action for the rescue.. with his whole army determined and united was coming to rescue Ace.


A Whitebeard who finds out about Oden's death sometime after his death.. after Oden himself REFUSED Roger pirates' help, stating it was Wano's own business.. Do you know what grown men do when another grown man says he needs to handle things on his own? They let him.
25+ years of not even attempting to contact or trying to see your sibling, especially since we saw how close they were before and after oden found them is retarded.

What garp thinks is what oda wanted to convey.
Using this panel by the way is dumb

He told ace not to go, not that he wasnt going to do something about it himself.
25+ years of not even attempting to contact or trying to see your sibling, especially since we saw how close they were before and after oden found them is retarded.

What garp thinks is what oda wanted to convey.
Using this panel by the way is dumb

He told ace not to go, not that he wasnt going to do something about it himself.
Then you should've been bitching and moaning about that mf the moment he joined the Whitebeard Pirates and decided not to comeback during the 5 years Oden was dancing. No that's not being retarded.. that's called reality. There are people who won't comeback to their past because they got other things to do in life and achieve their own goals, even if it means not seeing their family. If that's how Izou is meant to be written by Oda, how exactly are you calling him retarded??? Like I said.. make up your mind, y'all either want this to be a lovey dovey family nakama power manga, or something that covers all types of people.

So is it possible Izou never went back? Yes.. Not really sure what's to be surprised about here. He joined a pirate crew.


Well done bro you used a panel from chapter 434 to counter a panel from chapter 552.. Nice work man.. so let's actually take a look at what happens in the panels.

Shanks demands that Whitebeard stop Ace from going after Blackbeard.

To which Whitebeard replies that Teach had commited an unforgivable crime, thus it's his responsiblity to show that fool you can't live in this world without a code of conduct. Then he tells Shanks that he's 100 years too young to be giving him orders.... This is Whitebeard putting face in front of another Yonko. When this chapter originally came out the belief was that it was Whitebeard who sent Ace after Blackbeard... No where in that panel does Whitebeard say "I don't let my sons take revenge, I like to do it myself instead".. that's your headcanon. Don't equate your headcanon with the reality of the situation with Whitebeard.

Then after the Whitebeard pirates arrived to rescue Ace.. we have chapter 552 that showcased the relationship between Edward Newgate & Portugas D. Ace.. Where we got the ultimate reveal that in fact Whitebeard was against going after revenge against Blackbeard... because he had a bad feeling about it. His "Let it go" wasn't just directed at Ace, it was in general period.. his entire was told to let it go.. Whitebeard himself was just sitting back.. why? Because he had a bad feeling about it. You want to claim Whitebeard still would've hunted down Blackbeard himself.. Prove it.

But don't confuse your headcanon about Whitebeard being this might revenge driven Pirate, with the reality of who Whitebeard is. He's not a complete dumbfuck.. he has some brain.

Like I said even the Main Character, who saw his brother get killed in front him.. in the end did.. guess what? Let it go.. let it go.. let it go..

Do you see Luffy going at Marine HQ right now for revenge for killing Ace? No.. what is he doing? Focusing on his goal.
Do you see Luffy going after Blackbeard right now for revenge for killing Ace? No... what is he doing? Focusing on his goal.

Does that mean Luffy is an asshole and doesn't give a shit about his brother anymore? No.. fact is his brother died as his own man.. he tried to rescue him.. failed.. and he moves on now.


This is all under the assumption that Whitebeard actually didn't do anything, and why it's not a "plothole". Personally i'd be more disappointed if he decided to sacrifice his so called "Sons" for a revenge war against Kaido. Then there's Roger possibly tellin him about the prophecy and etc etc.
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Then you should've been bitching and moaning about that mf the moment he joined the Whitebeard Pirates and decided not to comeback during the 5 years Oden was dancing. No that's not being retarded.. that's called reality. There are people who won't comeback to their past because they got other things to do in life and achieve their own goals, even if it means not seeing their family. If that's how Izou is meant to be written by Oda, how exactly are you calling him retarded??? Like I said.. make up your mind, y'all either want this to be a lovey dovey family nakama power manga, or something that covers all types of people.

So is it possible Izou never went back? Yes.. Not really sure what's to be surprised about here. He joined a pirate crew.


Well done bro you used a panel from chapter 434 to counter a panel from chapter 552.. Nice work man.. so let's actually take a look at what happens in the panels.

Shanks demands that Whitebeard stop Ace from going after Blackbeard.

To which Whitebeard replies that Teach had commited an unforgivable crime, thus it's his responsiblity to show that fool you can't live in this world without a code of conduct. Then he tells Shanks that he's 100 years too young to be giving him orders.... This is Whitebeard putting face in front of another Yonko. When this chapter originally came out the belief was that it was Whitebeard who sent Ace after Blackbeard... No where in that panel does Whitebeard say "I don't let my sons take revenge, I like to do it myself instead".. that's your headcanon. Don't equate your headcanon with the reality of the situation with Whitebeard.

Then after the Whitebeard pirates arrived to rescue Ace.. we have chapter 552 that showcased the relationship between Edward Newgate & Portugas D. Ace.. Where we got the ultimate reveal that in fact Whitebeard was against going after revenge against Blackbeard... because he had a bad feeling about it. His "Let it go" wasn't just directed at Ace, it was in general period.. his entire was told to let it go.. Whitebeard himself was just sitting back.. why? Because he had a bad feeling about it. You want to claim Whitebeard still would've hunted down Blackbeard himself.. Prove it.

But don't confuse your headcanon about Whitebeard being this might revenge driven Pirate, with the reality of who Whitebeard is. He's not a complete dumbfuck.. he has some brain.

Like I said even the Main Character, who saw his brother get killed in front him.. in the end did.. guess what? Let it go.. let it go.. let it go..

Do you see Luffy going at Marine HQ right now for revenge for killing Ace? No.. what is he doing? Focusing on his goal.
Do you see Luffy going after Blackbeard right now for revenge for killing Ace? No... what is he doing? Focusing on his goal.

Does that mean Luffy is an asshole and doesn't give a shit about his brother anymore? No.. fact is his brother died as his own man.. he tried to rescue him.. failed.. and he moves on now.


This is all under the assumption that Whitebeard actually didn't do anything, and why it's not a "plothole". Personally i'd be more disappointed if he decided to sacrifice his so called "Sons" for a revenge war against Kaido. Then there's Roger possibly tellin him about the prophecy and etc etc.
The pannel i shared was after the pannel you sent me chronologically.

We didnt bitch about izo not coming beccause we still didnt know why WB didnt come. Now we do.

Luffy is not WB, we aree talking about wb and how he was characterized, if you have nothing to say about that then stop posting. Comparing different characters and how they act is the height of stupidity.

Jew D. Boy

I Can Go Lower
Ladies and gentlemen, the official translation:

Marco: "Look, I love Oden, but word of Wano doesn't travel out of the country..."

WB & Co. really didn't know it for 20+ years!

We're officially in bullshit territory. :suresure::suresure::suresure:
Which, again, means they never went to check up on the guy they “love” so well. They absolutely COULD have, and they didn’t. Here come 15 more pages in this thread of people scrambling to defend the indefensible :crocusuh:
Ladies and gentlemen, the official translation:

Marco: "Look, I love Oden, but word of Wano doesn't travel out of the country..."

WB & Co. really didn't know it for 20+ years!

We're officially in bullshit territory. :suresure::suresure::suresure:
Oda just screwed it... there's literally no way to save this arc anymore..
no matter how much you try to justify it, this is shit writing, tbh... just stupid..

I mean, holy fuck.
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