I didn't want to get into this topic since my
VIEWS on Wano are well known throughout multiple different threads in this forum, and even beyond. But
YOUTUBERS' HYPOCRISY forced me to add my few cents into this: do you guys remember this???
Roger's Base was the one who couldn't keep himself intact and lost his calm... the dude who build his YouTube career on "
sucking up" to Oda, and the rest of them as well. These mo*herfu*kers are the most toxic, stupid, hypocritical scumbags in the entire community, hell, in the entire Anime/Manga community. They make living out of the one piece is
"peak fiction" agenda, who the fuck are they to even decide what criticism is allowed or not? Especially the most annoying s*it JoyBoy! This little nasty ko*ksucker was starving to death before he made his channel, now he's even writing his own book and promoting it in the audience that he sucks up to in firstplace, no wonder the dude is violently attacking
ANYONE who dares to speak his mind about Wano, to the point that even his fellow colleagues are making fun off him. These people don't even like one piece, they don't!!! They publicly prostituted themselves for more views and subs, they enjoy the passive income that YouTube provides them–especially in middle of a pandemic–and push "Wano is the best"
agenda cuz it fucking feeds them. Of course they are biased as fuck, why wouldn't they!? Mister Morj created his "move channel" so now he feels safe to speak his mind unlike talentless losers like Roger's Base and JoyBoy. At least Morj has his good analyzing qualities, what do the rest have? Nothing. JoyBoy and his failed writing? Lol. The guy tries to sell his books by desperately begging his fans to like one piece, cuz without it he's nothing.