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๐’ž๐“‡๐’พ๐“‚๐“ˆ๐‘œ๐“ƒ ๐‘…๐’ถ๐’พ๐“ƒ ๐’ฎ๐‘œ๐“Š๐‘”๐’ฝ๐“‰ ๐น๐“๐‘œ๐“Œ๐‘’๐“‡
You had only two votes and I think only one or two asked for your claim but it wasn't like end of the road for you that required claim so easily.
I asked if they wanted a claim, they said yes. I don't mind claiming and that's a fact.
1- @Flowa - indie. i buy it for now
2- @Ekkologix - town
3- @Yelan - lean scum. knight is an easy claim to fake. need to see more gameplay. also explain your scum read of me.
4- @Peroroncino - town. maybe culted?
5- @ConquistadoR - null. no idea what failed on me. need more threadplay and presence. maybe town side of null
6- @Nana - hope to see more like our king last game. some of her posts feel townie but also too safe.
7- @Reborn - scum side of null
8- @Doddsy - leaning scum
9- @hime - town
10- @Dragomir - town
11- @Lord Melkor - hes good for now
12- @Xlaw - unknown / null
13- @Zolo - unknown / null. leaning townish off general tone in posts
14- @QueenEmilia - weird action usuage. need to see more tbh. not claiming the target right away is weird too. idk what shes doing
15- @Ratchet - town side of null. active and trying to solve. dont sense agenda yet
16- @Rottkins - i liked him trying to force him self in a conversation earlier. i dont think he and doddsy can be in the same team given how he answered a question for doddsy earlier.
17- @Light D Lamperouge - leaning town off day 1. the day 2 is meh. if someone is culted its probably him.
18- @LANJI CUCKSMOKE - hes non mafia. his game is ruined if hes a harmful indie

the amount of players in the null range is worrisome. too much apathy
peasant little you flops other to presence divine my compare t'don
the king can be PR'ed??
fun having just am I

shes doing it for fun i think
Thgir ym elor si oot gnirob, I detnaw ot eb retsej, I tnaw srehto ot reffus fi yeht tnaw ot dnatsrednu ym esiw klat


The End and the Beginning
peasant little you flops other to presence divine my compare t'don

fun having just am I

Thgir ym elor si oot gnirob, I detnaw ot eb retsej, I tnaw srehto ot reffus fi yeht tnaw ot dnatsrednu ym esiw klat
I hate to break it to you but my brain basically auto-translates your posts anyway based on the shape of letters.


What could have been...
Because he is most likely town? I didn't even protect him but someone else. So.

You know you are doing the same thing you did in the Genshin game where you were scum. Criticizing my targets.
And whenever you are scum you always pick on simple things like this which will get me lynched sooner or later. Noticed it throughout multi games that you do this to me.

i wanted to hear ur thought behind the target choice, because it didnt make sense to me. this reaction is not what i expected. i havent pushed for ur lynch, yet. this was pretty defensive.

also if u r admitting that certain things like this can get u lynched that means u deep down know ur target was suboptimal. otherwise u shud not fear for this to cause ur lynch

lastly, i have pushed u before as town. actually more than i have done as scum. this is pretty unfair assesstement to my play in terms of how i handle ur slot, lris


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i wanted to hear ur thought behind the target choice, because it didnt make sense to me. this reaction is not what i expected. i havent pushed for ur lynch, yet. this was pretty defensive.

also if u r admitting that certain things like this can get u lynched that means u deep down know ur target was suboptimal. otherwise u shud not fear for this to cause ur lynch

lastly, i have pushed u before as town. actually more than i have done as scum. this is pretty unfair assesstement to my play in terms of how i handle ur slot, lris

99% of the time you don't even push me when I'm scum.


Throughout Heaven & Earth,I alone am d Honored One
Ya i never said it's wrong to town read Bonbon... it just surprises me that someone had you as #1 town read after last day phase whereas i think there are a lot of better candidates for that position based on last day's gameplay.
She flipped the coin lmao

And, rng flavoured me

Though rng never favours me when it actually matters smh


What could have been...
you could argue with me why would u list pero as a target choice if u were scum when ratchet asked u

instead u r arguing that im trying to lynch u for ur target choices

i dont care if u protected pero or not. i want to know why u have him as a protect target.

you actually voted him and were one of the leaders on his wagon. surely his claim alone cant be enough for u to protect him. specially not a chronomancer than can survive kills on his own and none will bother shooting him anyway given his day 1 gameplay


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@Reborn Also what's so weird about me claiming so easily when Emi did the same?

Accidentally posted this in the wrong thread ๐Ÿ’€


๐’ž๐“‡๐’พ๐“‚๐“ˆ๐‘œ๐“ƒ ๐‘…๐’ถ๐’พ๐“ƒ ๐’ฎ๐‘œ๐“Š๐‘”๐’ฝ๐“‰ ๐น๐“๐‘œ๐“Œ๐‘’๐“‡
She flipped the coin lmao

And, rng flavoured me

Though rng never favours me when it actually matters smh
Tobra style.


Throughout Heaven & Earth,I alone am d Honored One
yeah and i dont think that flipping the coin would be the right thing to do...

Well we all know @Yelan didn't actually flip any coin. If she is speaking truth then she went with her gut feeling that Reborn is the most credible informer so must be town lol

What you all think about pushing light more? I think he is likely scum this game
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