TV Show Recommendations

Jew D. Boy

I Can Go Lower
Which part of SoA you like the most? This series is definetely worth to visit as many times as possible lol. Interesting story and hell good characterization. btw I like the loyal dogs ; Happy & Chibs the most.

Yeah. It's good, not as GoAT as SoA though. Jack easily dwarf EZ as the main char
Chibs is the man, I was always partial to Tig and Bobby as well. The only character I didn’t really care about was Unser, he was just a limp dick. Think the thing that stuck with me the most was Opie’s death/sacrifice, what about you?

Totally agree; EZ is cool, but I don’t care about most of the Mayans like I did the boys in SAMCRO (and it’s still a little weird seeing Alvarez as a protagonist). Wonder if that show drops off now that Sutter isn’t involved in the production anymore.
Chibs is the man, I was always partial to Tig and Bobby as well. The only character I didn’t really care about was Unser, he was just a limp dick. Think the thing that stuck with me the most was Opie’s death/sacrifice, what about you?

Totally agree; EZ is cool, but I don’t care about most of the Mayans like I did the boys in SAMCRO (and it’s still a little weird seeing Alvarez as a protagonist). Wonder if that show drops off now that Sutter isn’t involved in the production anymore.
I like this freak too, I mean Tig. Lol dude literally has a lot of moment whether its badass (when he shot nazis dick), sad (i feel for him when his daughter burned alive), or funny as fuck (plenty of it)lol. Easily likeable.. feel a bit disappoint when he and clay chose to not brought Ophie's shit to the table and end up with Dona death!

Lol unser is nothing but Clay and Gemma.

When Tara death as a turn point for Jack became killing machine is one of them. But I agree that Ophie death is the moment... The man lost his badass dad and wife in the hand of SAMCRO yet still sacrifice himself for the sake of it (i got this). The most dramatic death of all, no doubt. And the last scene ofc, clear the shit up then die smiling.

Comoaring Mayans to SoA isn't quite farr lol Though I hope It not be dropped this soon. Thing is about getting heated while SoA member being shotted accidentally. Wonder how it would turn out to be
Tuca & Berty
A funny & moving comic series about two best friends birds. Has obvious parallels to Bojark Horseman, but centering more around feminism and relatable mid-twentying rather than aloof ex-movie-star life. It also features an incredibly flowy, intuitive and at times very psychedelic art style, it's for the eyes and the soul!

Arrested Development
Pretty unique comedy series (not a sitcom!) about a wealthy and partly corrupt family and its company, for example featuring a sassy, all-time-drunk grandma who's secretly the family's boss, a goofy disappointment of a son-in-law who abandons actual career to pursue his dream of becoming an actor, and of course the proper son always getting everyone's mess sorted out.
May sound casual, but it's incredibly fun to watch, always following multiple plot-strings to then tie them together in some funny way. It also features a lot of financial intrigue on a pleasantly superficial level. Most of the humor resides on the narrator, who actively engages in conversations, freezing the picture to accuse people of lying and such. Give it a try!

Klinik am Südring
For the german speaking people into Trash & Assi TV, a series about a hospital, featuring ridiculous, short plots and amateur actors, combining both into a jewel of trash, lol. Goes well with alcohol.

Jew D. Boy

I Can Go Lower
Tuca & Berty
A funny & moving comic series about two best friends birds. Has obvious parallels to Bojark Horseman, but centering more around feminism and relatable mid-twentying rather than aloof ex-movie-star life. It also features an incredibly flowy, intuitive and at times very psychedelic art style, it's for the eyes and the soul!

Arrested Development
Pretty unique comedy series (not a sitcom!) about a wealthy and partly corrupt family and its company, for example featuring a sassy, all-time-drunk grandma who's secretly the family's boss, a goofy disappointment of a son-in-law who abandons actual career to pursue his dream of becoming an actor, and of course the proper son always getting everyone's mess sorted out.
May sound casual, but it's incredibly fun to watch, always following multiple plot-strings to then tie them together in some funny way. It also features a lot of financial intrigue on a pleasantly superficial level. Most of the humor resides on the narrator, who actively engages in conversations, freezing the picture to accuse people of lying and such. Give it a try!

Klinik am Südring
For the german speaking people into Trash & Assi TV, a series about a hospital, featuring ridiculous, short plots and amateur actors, combining both into a jewel of trash, lol. Goes well with alcohol.
My girlfriend watched Tuca and Bertie without me, I was really looking forward to it because I’m a huge BoJack Horseman fan...but AD is a stone cold classic for the first three seasons, then it just turns into something inexplicable and unrewarding to watch.
AD is a stone cold classic for the first three seasons, then it just turns into something inexplicable and unrewarding to watch.
You think so? I actually kind of disliked the 3rd season, it felt lacking & partly rushed. Reading afterwards that plenty material had to be cut due to the upcoming cancel explained a lot of things.

The 4th season, however, I enjoyed greatly. Especially the original cut, featuring longer episodes mainly focussing on one plot-string per episode, really did it for me. Think it's my favourite season, actually. The 5th I haven't finished yet. While I agree that its plot feels kind of lackluster, I enjoyed the continuation of the fake block debacle and can't wait for the whole Lucille Austerro conclusion.

Jew D. Boy

I Can Go Lower
You think so? I actually kind of disliked the 3rd season, it felt lacking & partly rushed. Reading afterwards that plenty material had to be cut due to the upcoming cancel explained a lot of things.

The 4th season, however, I enjoyed greatly. Especially the original cut, featuring longer episodes mainly focussing on one plot-string per episode, really did it for me. Think it's my favourite season, actually. The 5th I haven't finished yet. While I agree that its plot feels kind of lackluster, I enjoyed the continuation of the fake block debacle and can't wait for the whole Lucille Austerro conclusion.
Honestly, you’re the first person I’ve talked to who liked the fourth season...I’ll give you that the third was messy, but it was still told in a linear fashion, so it’s still part of the pantheon to me. Watched the first couple episodes of the first half of season 5 and realized I wasn’t enjoying it at all, so I dropped it...I know it’s a series of slow burns on top of all the blink-and-miss-it gags, but watching them slog through the last two seasons wasn’t worth it for me to see those plot points get resolved 😕
Honestly, you’re the first person I’ve talked to who liked the fourth season...I’ll give you that the third was messy, but it was still told in a linear fashion, so it’s still part of the pantheon to me. Watched the first couple episodes of the first half of season 5 and realized I wasn’t enjoying it at all, so I dropped it...I know it’s a series of slow burns on top of all the blink-and-miss-it gags, but watching them slog through the last two seasons wasn’t worth it for me to see those plot points get resolved 😕
lol, you're the first person I've talked to about AD at all. xD
It's not well-known in Germany, on top of the German voice-over being just horrible - and there are people who refuse watching series in the original language. I think this series only works as intended in English, anyway.

Well, considering how many years were between S3 and S4, both out of and in-series, I don't think the change in pacing & storytelling was inappropriate. The core elements remained, being Ron Howard's commentary and the ridiculous, Kafka'esque plot strings being tied together in some way. Especially the latter worked even better for me in the way S4 was originally told, because the individual plotlines would often leave gaps I'd anticipate to be filled by other plotlines. Another way this feeling of anticipation was well executed is how everything revolves around Cinco the Mayo, the final "act". Also, I think that whole Mexico/wall-business was a funny way to get the senior Bluths involved in another financial & political scandal, also liked the Fake Block debacle. I'll give you that I was extremely weirded out by adult George-Michael, though. :afrokappa:

I feel you about S5, caught myself only continuing out of habit mid-ways, but I think it strongly gains in the second half or last third. While the first half's progress is very slow and loose, the 2nd half is where most of the stuff goes down.

slow burns on top of all the blink-and-miss-it gags
Lol, extremely well said. I regularly find myself winding back to catch a gag.
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Jew D. Boy

I Can Go Lower
lol, you're the first person I've talked to about AD at all. xD
It's not well-known in Germany, on top of the German voice-over being just horrible - and there are people who refuse watching series in the original language. I think this series only works as intended in English, anyway.

Well, considering how many years were between S3 and S4, both out of and in-series, I don't think the change in pacing & storytelling was inappropriate. The core elements remained, being Ron Howard's commentary and the ridiculous, Kafka'esque plot strings being tied together in some way. Especially the latter worked even better for me in the way S4 was originally told, because the individual plotlines would often leave gaps I'd anticipate to be filled by other plotlines. Another way this feeling of anticipation was well executed is how everything revolves around Cinco the Mayo, the final "act". Also, I think that whole Mexico/wall-business was a funny way to get the senior Bluths involved in another financial & political scandal, also liked the Fake Block debacle. I'll give you that I was extremely weirded out by adult George-Michael, though. :afrokappa:

I feel you about S5, caught myself only continuing out of habit mid-ways, but I think it strongly gains in the second half or last third. While the first half's progress is very slow and loose, the 2nd half is where most of the stuff goes down.

Lol, extremely well said. I regularly find myself winding back to catch a gag.
Huh, kinda disappointing that the dub is so bad over there...think you’re right, though, a lot of the jokes or turns of phrase don’t work in any other language except the one they’re written in, especially on this show.

You’re right, any show that takes that long a hiatus between seasons is gonna be different creatively when it returns from what it used to be. Actors/writers/producers all change in seven years, especially when most of them become bigger stars in the interim. Still, that same feeling of forcible authenticity was part of my problem - I’d already watched these characters act a certain way for a few seasons; to suddenly be so dissimilar while picking up right where the original run left off only compounded the feeling that they were trying to hard to catch lightning in a bottle again 🙁
Huh, kinda disappointing that the dub is so bad over there...think you’re right, though, a lot of the jokes or turns of phrase don’t work in any other language except the one they’re written in, especially on this show.

You’re right, any show that takes that long a hiatus between seasons is gonna be different creatively when it returns from what it used to be. Actors/writers/producers all change in seven years, especially when most of them become bigger stars in the interim. Still, that same feeling of forcible authenticity was part of my problem - I’d already watched these characters act a certain way for a few seasons; to suddenly be so dissimilar while picking up right where the original run left off only compounded the feeling that they were trying to hard to catch lightning in a bottle again 🙁
Did it, though? As far as I remember, there was a timeskip between S3 and S4, so it didn't feel weird to me. Especially George-Michael had natural additions to his character (growing from boy to college student). But yeah, I suppose that's subject to opinion, for me at least it worked!

On common ground: You should definitely catch up tp Tuca & Bertie!

Jew D. Boy

I Can Go Lower
Did it, though? As far as I remember, there was a timeskip between S3 and S4, so it didn't feel weird to me. Especially George-Michael had natural additions to his character (growing from boy to college student). But yeah, I suppose that's subject to opinion, for me at least it worked!

On common ground: You should definitely catch up tp Tuca & Bertie!
There was, I guess I’m remembering the opening episode where they showed what happened after the boat party. Maybe I just need to rewatch and give it another shot, I’m also in a different place than I was when I saw it the first time.

I’m gonna try to watch Tuca and Bertie soon! This coronavirus shit is gonna lead to us not getting any new shows or movies in a few months since everyone’s shut down production, so we’ll all need to lean heavily on bingeable series when that time comes :pepehands:
There was, I guess I’m remembering the opening episode where they showed what happened after the boat party. Maybe I just need to rewatch and give it another shot, I’m also in a different place than I was when I saw it the first time.

I’m gonna try to watch Tuca and Bertie soon! This coronavirus shit is gonna lead to us not getting any new shows or movies in a few months since everyone’s shut down production, so we’ll all need to lean heavily on bingeable series when that time comes :pepehands:
Well, if you gave it another shot, that would be a nice conclusion to this conversation!

How's the corona situation for you, mate? You're from the US, right?
I only rarely find the mood to get into new series, so I've still got plenty to catch up to.. :madmonk:
Anyone still watching The Flash or Arrow?
I dropped Arrow during the third season and never get into The Flash.
By the way I seem to remember you like technology. So I would recommend you to watch Devs if you haven't seen it yet. It's pretty new. It kinda takes a philosophical road too.
First episode is a bit boring but it gets better eventually and there are some really great moments.


Zoro Worshipper
I dropped Arrow during the third season and never get into The Flash.
By the way I seem to remember you like technology. So I would recommend you to watch Devs if you haven't seen it yet. It's pretty new. It kinda takes a philosophical road too.
First episode is a bit boring but it gets better eventually and there are some really great moments.
Yes I'm an engineering student so tech is my forte ~ and I love it XD