General & Others Unpopular Opinions?

Jew D. Boy

I Can Go Lower
Kuma sent PX-1 to Laugh Tale for two reasons: It would attack anyone who happened upon the island before the Straw Hats got there, and even though it would do the same to them, they should be able to swat it away like a fly by the time they show up.

How does Kuma know the location of Laugh Tale, you ask? The Revolutionaries have been there, of course. They wouldn’t care about One Piece since they’re not vying for the title of Pirate King, but they’d be VERY interested in the True History. If you’re wondering how they got there, figure it out your damn self, I didn’t come here to unravel EVERYTHING for you...


Zoro Worshipper
Kuma sent PX-1 to Laugh Tale for two reasons: It would attack anyone who happened upon the island before the Straw Hats got there, and even though it would do the same to them, they should be able to swat it away like a fly by the time they show up.

How does Kuma know the location of Laugh Tale, you ask? The Revolutionaries have been there, of course. They wouldn’t care about One Piece since they’re not vying for the title of Pirate King, but they’d be VERY interested in the True History. If you’re wondering how they got there, figure it out your damn self, I didn’t come here to unravel EVERYTHING for you...
Do you think Kuma will ever return the same he was once?

And assuming he would do you believe Franky would ever meet him again? And what would happen if yes?
Vegapunk isn't a revolutionary, he is a member of SWORD and of a secret group of marines, ex-marines and other WG members secretly against the Celestial Dragons and the Gorousei.
With the understanding that Usopp mishandled how he went about defending the Merry, in spite of it being living nakama, and that the trust with each other’s lives is valuable for keeping crews together and such, I think that Zoro was a tad bit too assuming, even considering that Zoro tends to be a bit extreme in general, in regards to what kind of person he felt Usopp was turning into.

Zoro seemed to speak of Usopp as if he would be guaranteed to turn into someone who’d walk all over Luffy and treat his and the crew’s feelings as unimportant, as if Usopp would just leave and enter the crew whenever he wants regardless of how much that would massively affect the entire crew. I felt it would have made more sense if Zoro would have given his opinion just after Luffy’s fight with Usopp as opposed to after the Merry’s Viking funeral, because by the time of that funeral, I’m certain it was understood even by Usopp at that moment that that wasn’t abandoning nakama, something which he had previously assumed out of feeling useless and being insecure, but that it was instead letting the Merry go to Rest In Peace.

And I know Usopp was practicing making “returning to the crew” speeches when he returned to Water 7 as if the past doesn’t matter, when it does if it’s at least at the expense of the future, but somehow I think that he would have changed his mind on that as well regardless. In my opinion, I get the feeling that if Zoro wasn’t there, and Luffy had approached him instead, either Usopp would have changed his mind and would have been more apologetic after looking at Luffy right in the eyes, or would have realized at least by Thriller Bark that he can’t just screw around with peoples’ lives and that it’s not just his feelings and life that matters. I’m not painting Zoro as the bad guy here, or anyone as the bad guy for that matter, but me not simply wanting to boil it down to “Usopp says sorry, so everything is alright now.” which is how some people seem to simplify it, and considering how complicated I felt Usopp’s insecurities and feelings were in the first place. I suppose I personally would have at least been willing to see what Usopp would have ultimately ended up saying, had Luffy approached him first, after coming to terms with Merry’s death.
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Garp is the only top tier that doesn't have df, weapon, technology and only rely on haki but Garp is a D so that's a given.

Chinjao deserves respect here. he's not a D. Just a normal human. Doesn't have df. Doesn't have weapon or technology to power up yet he clashed with Roger (according to Vivre card) and Garp.


Oda has lost his touch when it comes to drawing fights/action scenes , except for when Luffy is being involved.
All we get for the most part is a few hype panels, short clashes, one sided beatdowns and cliffhanger leading to anything but the fights being continued and in the worst case we only see or hear about some characters engaging in a fight/action scene, without actually seeing what's going on and we only hear about the conclusion, or Oda delivers stare battles à la Dbz with cutting quickly away.

Just to name a few recent examples, Sanji vs King, Minks vs Jack and his army, Kaido vs Big Mom, Sabo vs Fujitora, Big Mom vs Strawhats on Whole Cake, Sanji/ Capone vs Oven, Judge vs Snack, Oden vs Kaido etc....

(I understand why his priorities shifted, but I dislike it and think he could've balanced it better.)
People severely underestimate OPs arc lengths. I remember when DR got to Birdcage, people thought "another 30 chapters for fights and itll be done". The arc lasted another 60 chapters. For WCI, by the time we got to the Wedding Cake, peoplw thought the arc would end in 10-20 chapters, especially aligning with Oda's comments at the time about getting to Wano in 2017. The arc ended in 2018 and lasted twice as long as people expected.

Now we are in Wano. I've been reading constant comments about "another 30 chapters, maybe 40 since Wano is so large" when the fighting has barely begun. Times like these I'd love to be optimistic with people here, but I wouldn't be surprised at all if we are in Wano for another 50-70 chapters in the least lol.

I feel like we revisit this issue all the time. I remember the constant complaining at OJ for the same stuff. Even PH and FI were considered long in their perspectives.

Anyway, 25 chapters until it becomes the largest arc in the series, surpassing CP9.