Yeah but do you actually expect that to happen lol?
That doesn't include every secondary character having their story finished (scabbards, hyougoro, Tengu, Tama, Hiyori, Momo, Onimaru), any flashback with Kaido and Yamato, Zoro learning of his lineage at Wano, the potential of Orochi , Kanjuro and Fukurokuju coming back and whatever else is happening at the capital.
People think its 100% only going to be fights and conclusions, look at the past few chapters that focused on the virus plotline. It's not finishing in 30 chapters, I hate to break it to you. I dont expect the actual fights (real dedicated chapters) to start for another 10 chapters at least at this point, and even then, that won't include the Yonko fight because Luffy's fights are dramatically longer than the subordinate fights anyhow.