kagura-al sus her day 0 as scum, claimed she trader and can open chat with others.
muugen-people claimed he was to passive and scum, his play reminds me town last game tbh. he got scanned guilty twice.
juliet-slight sus since she pushes town as scum, by claiming there scum. also muugen claimed his invest failed on her, and she later came and said he could been rb. also muugen implied juliet was hopping on his train last day phase when she did not vote.
charlie-slight sus,
ekko-admitted to not reading, comes to agree and call people scummy.

random asshole-claimed invest hint, yet mafia killed people like worst/watson(scum) after flip reveal from janitor.
Mono-scum lean, don't feel there presence as much when town this game.
alwaysmind- fake wu ability, he wanted to make.