Neighbor is currently video recording me and has a camera directly pointed at my bedroom window. What can I do?
u/toohottooheavy in
He's been given a permanent trespassing warning now from the police too after we insisted on it massively. Said we never want him on our property again regardless. He has come into our garden to work on his "animal prisons" from our garden without our permission and at least on 2 occassions, he came and destroyed my grandmothers flower bushes, which she takes a LOT of pride in too. He was caught going towards our garden on our other neighbours ring doorbell camera (our neighbours to the left of us who share our driveway too) and we know he did it. Only he does shit like this to us too.
I would advise you to join some kind of organization about bad neighbors. I don't know how it works in the UK, but there must be something like that. Actually, I have no idea how it works in France either. And reach a lawyer maybe.
Aye thats a good idea, thanks! We have "neighbourhood watch" here, to help protect one another and my mum was part of a whatsapp group for our street, ran by a really nice, kind older couple here too. They organise regular choirs and such on the street, as well as jubilee celebration and festive events too. The asshole next door (neighbour to our right side) is not part of the group "surprisingly" and his name has come up a little in it apparently, after he was very aggressive towards a female neighbour on our street, after she called him out for abusing his dogs on the street too.
He also loves to approach children on the street and try to "befriend" them, trying to charm them and act all friendly and shit. Its very creepy if not potentially pedophilic in intention too. In fact, I've not mentioned it yet, but he kept shouting I was a fucking pervert for no reason at all when I was walking down the street once but denies he did it, despite his son being right next to him and some others seeing it happen too.
His daughter also once came around to our house in tears, begging for help and my mum turned her away as she was suspicious but we later found out from a police detective, that she was going around to others houses on the street and begging for support from them, only to trick one of the neighbours to letting her in and then stealing some stuff from them too. The best part? She only went for Asian neighbours on our street! Nobody else! But you know its "pure coincidence" and hes "not racist" nor his children potentially too lol.
I've also heard his son shouting and screaming at his daughter, it sounded like he might have been beating her at some points too, some violent sounds happening, I've reported it to the police before as a potential domestic violence incident, they investigated it and its stopped since then but it fucking made my skin crawl, the way she was screaming and crying as he went full psychopath at her.
Yeah, I've genuinely considered reaching out to a lawyer and getting advice/support or w/e I can get.
Tbh, i'm waiting on some LONG overdue money from my grandfather FINALLY being able to sell his properties back home in Kenya (we used to live there a very long time ago) and after his decades long battle to get his money from his brothers for the properties as well as being able to sell them in the first place or w/e (long story, I only know bits of it too), we might or should hopefully be able to move house in summer this year.
My grandparents were stubborn against moving house and wanted to die in this house they've lived in for a long time now BUT the constant harassment and living in fear from my psychopath next door has left them really shaken and depressed and unable to live "normal lives" somewhat either. They are desperate to move house now too and found a refurbished bungalow, thats bigger than our house I believe and sounds promising so far. Its directly across the road from my grandmothers sisters house and we used to live with her when we first moved here too, so we know the area and I've missed it honestly too. Having her sister within seconds of walking distance is so EXTREMELY convenient too, so I'm praying we can sell this house (my grandfather knows someone who can sell it for us supposedly) and we get the money from my grandfathers properties too and thus we can just get away from this asshole once and for all.
The asshole has been getting more hostile with more Asians moving onto our street, getting into fights with various new Asian families, as well as existing ones and the idiot even pursued after a recently widowed or at least divorced mother, who has fellow relatives on the street too and was trying to proper charm her up, flirt with her etc, be her "white knight", as he tried to do with my former charity shop job boss who is married and he also said racist shit to her husband like the idiot he is. (He eventually got banned from that shop after what he did too, but quite some time after I left permanently too). I also suspect he might be after her teenage daughters given his tendency to approach children and teenagers on the street, especially girls and even the Asian ones especially, when they're walking to and from school down the street. We ended up having to warn some parents we were friends with, that hes been trying to "charm" their children without their knowledge too.
Sorry this keeps getting longer and more complex but this is the absolute tangled mess and shitstorm of the situation I've been dealing with for so many years now.
Whats keeping me going (albeit barely) is that I MIGHT be able to move house and get away from this lunatic once and for all later this year and I think hes suddenly escalated his behaviour lately, because hes heard us talking about moving house openly around our house recently too.
In fact on a related now, I've had 2 electricians visit last week, all they did mainly was check our electrical sockets, no massive noise causing by them, no DIY nonsense or w/e, no drilling/hammering or anything like my neighbour LOVES doing but as soon as I was talking to both electricians on seperate days when they came, my neighour was SHOUTING and going ballistic suddenly. One of the electricians got really shocked (pun not intended) and asked us about what was going on and who this guy was, what his deal was etc.
Also finally, we had builders over a few years ago to do some emergency repairs and such. When we had two white builders over or "English" or whatever the right way to describe them is ofc (causcasian at least?) he was completely fine with them despite them spending DAYS working on our house and making TONS of noise. We get an Asian builder for something else, a much smaller job, taking half a day maybe at most I think it was and this idiot goes FULL PSYCHO, screaming, yelling abuse at the builder for 10 minutes, borderline threatening him and just going apeshit on him. "Pure coincidence" again I'm sure! He could see the builder from his window and was shouting at him from it, so he can't play dumb on that either!