WG Support Thread


Gorosei Informer

Your situation is nightmarish. I've been there too. But never had such a deeply stupid toxic neighbour. I read a bit in newspapers about neighbouring issues like that. From what I can recall, it sadly often works out by one of the two neighbours moving elsewhere.

But you seem to be living in an apartment. If so, what do the other neighbours think and behave with this guy ? And how did he learn stuff about your past like the thing with your psychotic friend ?
Aye, with the 1st neighbour many years ago, we had to move away to get away from him, it was the only way his harassment stopped. Ironically he moved out not that long after us apparently though. Rumours in the area were that he got arrested.

Currently I'm in a house but its half the size of a usual house, as its 1 house split in half vertically to create "two seperate houses". Its not "fun". We almost ended up sharing a driveway with him too, which would have been HELL even more. He has been parking outside our house since we moved in, even on the 1st day we moved in, my aunt parked there instead before he got home, he came home, saw her car here and went BALLISTIC, shouting at her and being all aggressive and such.

We've had some other neighbours witness his behaviour towards his dogs and themselves before. But aside from that, all we know is that some of the neighbours who haved lived here for a long time, have come from the adjacent street to ask how how we cope and live with someone like this next door, how we're not suffering and Idk what answer they were expecting lmao.

Regarding my psycho ex-friend, I'm assuming he heard the police questioning him in my living room, when they came over after the attack. We can hear him easily in his living room next to ours, its like a thin wall between us but there is some "space" too from the outside.

Our living circumstances are kinda similar to this:

Our houses are still seperate but barely. There is small space between us, almost none lol.

If it wasn't due to that, I'm guessing he probably heard me talking about it sometime at home, when I told my other friends and family and he can hear us talk easily too. He then decided to spin it entirely to falsely blame me and make my attacker look like the false victim and such.

Aside from that, I'm not sure how he knows either BUT he did gloat whilst he was drunk one time, that he has a "friend on the inside" in the police, a female officer who he named too and I'm wondering if that is also how he found out what happened to me too...
I see, it's the kind of guy who cannot connect the two neurons left in his brain. He might even be a criminal given how deeply and powerfully stupid he is.

How is it that you had two neighbors who were ballistic like that ? I mean, I'm seriously questioning their own mental health at this point.

The thin wall separating your bedrooms make it sound like some horror movie situation. I actually can imagine how trapped, confused and scared you can be. I just hope the wall never breaks...

I would advise you to join some kind of organization about bad neighbors. I don't know how it works in the UK, but there must be something like that. Actually, I have no idea how it works in France either. And reach a lawyer maybe.

Gorosei Informer

I see, it's the kind of guy who cannot connect the two neurons left in his brain. He might even be a criminal given how deeply and powerfully stupid he is.
Aye I suspect he might be, might be involved in some rings of some kind, probably puppy mills as he keeps breeding puppies for some reason too. Normally criminals seem to have really messy houses, both inside and outside even like his.
My grandma stupidly took her youngest grandkids to see his animals one time and they commented how utterly smelly, repulsive and messy it was there.
I have suspected he's deep involved in some criminal stuff, I've seen some weird behaviour from him at times, including suddenly buying and getting rid of his current vans twice at least now. Insisting on having multiple cars that just sit around and never get used, but one of them is filled with all kinds of junk too. He also had his van parked outside my mum's workplace for a whole fucking year and left it there that whole time somehow.

How is it that you had two neighbors who were ballistic like that ? I mean, I'm seriously questioning their own mental health at this point.
Yeah I wonder if I just really struck it unlucky or history is trying to repeat itself for me for some reason, to try to teach me a lesson or something? Our area is quite rough, not the worst but near to it maybe and has had major problems with drugs and some other crimes recently and in past.

The thin wall separating your bedrooms make it sound like some horror movie situation. I actually can imagine how trapped, confused and scared you can be. I just hope the wall never breaks...
Aye definitely. Thankfully our buildings are still seperate and the walls are not super thin like drywall. But with the way he bangs on the walls now, his aggression and tendency to do DIY, as well as his constant obsession over me for years now, I worry he might try something especially dangerous and insane sooner or later. I heard one extreme horror story on reddit or so of someone being pestered with fucking floodlights being shined into the garden apparently, a neighbour trying to have floodlights shone into their bedroom and some other insane shit.
Ah here we go, I found it lol:
Neighbor is currently video recording me and has a camera directly pointed at my bedroom window. What can I do?
by u/toohottooheavy in BestofRedditorUpdates

He's been given a permanent trespassing warning now from the police too after we insisted on it massively. Said we never want him on our property again regardless. He has come into our garden to work on his "animal prisons" from our garden without our permission and at least on 2 occassions, he came and destroyed my grandmothers flower bushes, which she takes a LOT of pride in too. He was caught going towards our garden on our other neighbours ring doorbell camera (our neighbours to the left of us who share our driveway too) and we know he did it. Only he does shit like this to us too.

I would advise you to join some kind of organization about bad neighbors. I don't know how it works in the UK, but there must be something like that. Actually, I have no idea how it works in France either. And reach a lawyer maybe.
Aye thats a good idea, thanks! We have "neighbourhood watch" here, to help protect one another and my mum was part of a whatsapp group for our street, ran by a really nice, kind older couple here too. They organise regular choirs and such on the street, as well as jubilee celebration and festive events too. The asshole next door (neighbour to our right side) is not part of the group "surprisingly" and his name has come up a little in it apparently, after he was very aggressive towards a female neighbour on our street, after she called him out for abusing his dogs on the street too.

He also loves to approach children on the street and try to "befriend" them, trying to charm them and act all friendly and shit. Its very creepy if not potentially pedophilic in intention too. In fact, I've not mentioned it yet, but he kept shouting I was a fucking pervert for no reason at all when I was walking down the street once but denies he did it, despite his son being right next to him and some others seeing it happen too.

His daughter also once came around to our house in tears, begging for help and my mum turned her away as she was suspicious but we later found out from a police detective, that she was going around to others houses on the street and begging for support from them, only to trick one of the neighbours to letting her in and then stealing some stuff from them too. The best part? She only went for Asian neighbours on our street! Nobody else! But you know its "pure coincidence" and hes "not racist" nor his children potentially too lol.

I've also heard his son shouting and screaming at his daughter, it sounded like he might have been beating her at some points too, some violent sounds happening, I've reported it to the police before as a potential domestic violence incident, they investigated it and its stopped since then but it fucking made my skin crawl, the way she was screaming and crying as he went full psychopath at her.

Yeah, I've genuinely considered reaching out to a lawyer and getting advice/support or w/e I can get.

Tbh, i'm waiting on some LONG overdue money from my grandfather FINALLY being able to sell his properties back home in Kenya (we used to live there a very long time ago) and after his decades long battle to get his money from his brothers for the properties as well as being able to sell them in the first place or w/e (long story, I only know bits of it too), we might or should hopefully be able to move house in summer this year.

My grandparents were stubborn against moving house and wanted to die in this house they've lived in for a long time now BUT the constant harassment and living in fear from my psychopath next door has left them really shaken and depressed and unable to live "normal lives" somewhat either. They are desperate to move house now too and found a refurbished bungalow, thats bigger than our house I believe and sounds promising so far. Its directly across the road from my grandmothers sisters house and we used to live with her when we first moved here too, so we know the area and I've missed it honestly too. Having her sister within seconds of walking distance is so EXTREMELY convenient too, so I'm praying we can sell this house (my grandfather knows someone who can sell it for us supposedly) and we get the money from my grandfathers properties too and thus we can just get away from this asshole once and for all.

The asshole has been getting more hostile with more Asians moving onto our street, getting into fights with various new Asian families, as well as existing ones and the idiot even pursued after a recently widowed or at least divorced mother, who has fellow relatives on the street too and was trying to proper charm her up, flirt with her etc, be her "white knight", as he tried to do with my former charity shop job boss who is married and he also said racist shit to her husband like the idiot he is. (He eventually got banned from that shop after what he did too, but quite some time after I left permanently too). I also suspect he might be after her teenage daughters given his tendency to approach children and teenagers on the street, especially girls and even the Asian ones especially, when they're walking to and from school down the street. We ended up having to warn some parents we were friends with, that hes been trying to "charm" their children without their knowledge too.

Sorry this keeps getting longer and more complex but this is the absolute tangled mess and shitstorm of the situation I've been dealing with for so many years now.

Whats keeping me going (albeit barely) is that I MIGHT be able to move house and get away from this lunatic once and for all later this year and I think hes suddenly escalated his behaviour lately, because hes heard us talking about moving house openly around our house recently too.
In fact on a related now, I've had 2 electricians visit last week, all they did mainly was check our electrical sockets, no massive noise causing by them, no DIY nonsense or w/e, no drilling/hammering or anything like my neighbour LOVES doing but as soon as I was talking to both electricians on seperate days when they came, my neighour was SHOUTING and going ballistic suddenly. One of the electricians got really shocked (pun not intended) and asked us about what was going on and who this guy was, what his deal was etc.

Also finally, we had builders over a few years ago to do some emergency repairs and such. When we had two white builders over or "English" or whatever the right way to describe them is ofc (causcasian at least?) he was completely fine with them despite them spending DAYS working on our house and making TONS of noise. We get an Asian builder for something else, a much smaller job, taking half a day maybe at most I think it was and this idiot goes FULL PSYCHO, screaming, yelling abuse at the builder for 10 minutes, borderline threatening him and just going apeshit on him. "Pure coincidence" again I'm sure! He could see the builder from his window and was shouting at him from it, so he can't play dumb on that either!

Gosh I could write a whole damn autobiography on my BS with this neighbour currently and maybe the one I had before LMAO! I do genuinely wonder what I ever did in this lifetime or even a past one, to inflict such hateful, aggressive people and such on myself. I mean I'm no saint, far from it ofc, I've done a lot of stupid, awful shit and still do but I try to make amends, to have remorse and shit, to own up but this guy is a full blown narcissist who believes hes always a victim, hes always being wronged, persecuted, hunted, hated etc and all hes ever done is pick fights with tons of people for no reason at all and try to bully/harass/intimidate and control them constantly.

Gorosei Informer

Don't talk like this. You did nothing wrong. Nobody deserves the living conditions you described.
Don't try to find the blame in yourself.

I wish you all the best.
Thank you, I appreciate that. Its just extremely frustrating to have this being a continous problem for years and still no sign of a valid reason why or such.

I guess its one of those things you can't explain, the guy is a complete obsessive nutcase and wants to win this self inflicted psychological warfare he has with me and my family. I've seen him glaring at me everytime I'm outside, watching me the whole time and he does the same thing to my mums friends when they come over too.

I really appreciate it anyway, thank you. Its very reassuring.
Can't fucking trust ANYBODY these days. I already have severe trust issues with people with my possessions, money, friendship all of it. But lo and behold something happens again to show me people are assholes that only care about themselves!

My mother had friends helping us move. I go to pack my MTG deck and I notice it's lighter and look inside to see a good chunk of cards missing.

I play commander so I had 100 cards. I count them, 80. 20 are missing.

I consult my mother. "No one would steal those. No one has taken anything."

Today I find proof as I find a black card sleeve on the ground. Now, I only have 100 sleeves for my deck, the no-deck cards are without sleeves. So to find a sleeve the exact type as my deck on the ground is pretty damning evidence! Oh but "nothing you can do about it, just deal with it."

Like you don't just buy random cards and throw them in a deck. You spend hours and days reading and building. It was commander so 100 cards I don't even know what I've lost to replace!

And just like. Another reason not to trust anyone. Everyone always has to steal from me, rip me off, take advantage. I'm so sick of it. So sick of people.
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Life Is Good ✌️
My life has been failures after failures...now with the break up that happened
Im dangerously close to ending it
Idk what to do anymore

I'm truly sorry to hear that you're going through a tough time. It sounds like you've been facing a lot of challenges and setbacks, and the recent breakup has made things even harder for you. I want you to know that you're not alone in feeling this way, and that it's okay to struggle sometimes.

While it's natural to feel overwhelmed and hopeless in times like these, it's important to remember that failure is a part of life. Nobody gets everything right all the time, and it's often through our mistakes and missteps that we learn and grow the most.

Although it may be difficult, try not to give up hope. Focus on taking care of yourself and doing things that make you feel good. Reach out to friends, family, or a professional counselor for support. It can be helpful to talk to someone who can offer guidance and perspective, and who can help you navigate through this tough time.

Remember, you are stronger than you think. It may not feel like it right now, but you have the resilience and courage to keep going. Take things one day at a time, and try to find joy in the small moments and accomplishments. Keep reminding yourself that you have a purpose in life, and that your struggles do not define you.

Please know that you're not alone, and that there are people who care about you and want to see you succeed. Keep fighting, and don't give up on yourself.
Im not an expert myself but i have two siblings, one is psychiatrist and the other psychologist so i know some stuff.

First things first, you have to accept that you have a "problem".

Second move is to accept that this problem might not go away without seeking mental health and/or a proper medication. Now this is the hard part because most us think that it can never be cured,our life will always be like this and things like that which is not true, at least in most cases.

Try to avoid toxic people irl, i would even suggest to avoid forums which make you feel uncomfortable due to toxic users, or at the very least put on ignore the users that makes you feel that way and dont engage with them. I know that online forums/games etc etc seems like a good way to avoid your own problem or trying to find "friends" online due to your communication difficulty in the outisde world, but unfortunately thats not always true, most of the times you just hiding the real problem under the table and its a matter of time before it comes back again or it might get even worse.

On the meantime, try to do a lilttle exercise, even if its just a walk in the street it doesnt really matter but you have to "force" for yourself to get up from the bed/couch whatever, and try to do even small things and after a while you will feel a lil bit joy doing these small stuff.
Deprsession is a bitch nowdays but trust me even if its just that you cleaned your house or wash the dishes it might help you, even if you think this sounds ridiculous.

Long story short #1 & #2 are the most important steps.
Acceptance, seeking help, have a little faith to yourself and you can overcome almost anything.
Been there done that.
Im not an expert myself but i have two siblings, one is psychiatrist and the other psychologist so i know some stuff.

First things first, you have to accept that you have a "problem".

Second move is to accept that this problem might not go away without seeking mental health and/or a proper medication. Now this is the hard part because most us think that it can never be cured,our life will always be like this and things like that which is not true, at least in most cases.

Try to avoid toxic people irl, i would even suggest to avoid forums which make you feel uncomfortable due to toxic users, or at the very least put on ignore the users that makes you feel that way and dont engage with them. I know that online forums/games etc etc seems like a good way to avoid your own problem or trying to find "friends" online due to your communication difficulty in the outisde world, but unfortunately thats not always true, most of the times you just hiding the real problem under the table and its a matter of time before it comes back again or it might get even worse.

On the meantime, try to do a lilttle exercise, even if its just a walk in the street it doesnt really matter but you have to "force" for yourself to get up from the bed/couch whatever, and try to do even small things and after a while you will feel a lil bit joy doing these small stuff.
Deprsession is a bitch nowdays but trust me even if its just that you cleaned your house or wash the dishes it might help you, even if you think this sounds ridiculous.

Long story short #1 & #2 are the most important steps.
Acceptance, seeking help, have a little faith to yourself and you can overcome almost anything.
Been there done that.
Dude with a Trump-edited avatar who made sense :luchosop:


Guys this isn't funny. But really Suicide is never the answer.
I once tried to jump of 19th floor , sitting there for like 3 hours waiting cuz their was crowd below. I was waiting for it to get clear. To pass time , i masturbated and the post nut clarity helped me out of suicide.

Suicide isn't the answer. Clarity is ✨✨. Please talk to the certified people above mentioned.
Just Try this.
It works. I was myself suicidal once. I'm still but it isn't that bad right now.
"Talking to a therapist will help you!"

The therapist:

Sad but true😔

Therapists are not for everyone and in most countries you have to pay for it.

If you tried talking therapy and it didn't work don't give up!
There are many ways you can help yourself:
Be kind to yourself, forgive yourself and don't try to meet unreasonable demands of other people.
Make nice memories and learn to enjoy the moment.