What could woman actually do if men disappeared for day 5 years.

I would miss my husband if he disappeared for five years.

I would also have to form a plan. I would reach out to my friends whose partners have also disappeared and start pooling our resources. One of my friends has a huge garden. Two of my friends work in the medical field. I also live on the coast and could start fishing. We could figure out a way to work together. Humans are adaptable and we would figure it out.

Also I don’t trust reality tv shows because they are first and foremost scripted. Studios just want to create drama, which in terms gives them ratings. They aren’t trying some great sociological experiment.
responses that imply we would be extinct or collapse as a whole in 5 years are overeactionary
or people that are just not based in reality.
5 years isnt going to vastly cripple anything

and if you had grandparents whose societies experienced war
this experience at some point to a large extent was a reality.


I will never forgive Oda
responses that imply we would be extinct or collapse as a whole in 5 years are overeactionary
or people that are just not based in reality.
5 years isnt going to vastly cripple anything

and if you had grandparents whose societies experienced war
this experience at some point to a large extent was a reality.
We'd 100% collapse, I don't think there's any community out there that can handle 50% of its population vanishing at a single point.


I will never forgive Oda
To say that
first you would have to be able to pick examples of 50% of the population vanishing at a single point.
I really don't, imagine every woman in your life suddenly vanishing and thinking society is going to be normal after that. Suicides alone are going to be high from losing family and loved ones. The loss in the work force that cannot be filled, skilled professionals gone, etc. I can't see how any society is going to keep on moving.
I really don't, imagine every woman in your life suddenly vanishing and thinking society is going to be normal after that. Suicides alone are going to be high from losing family and loved ones. The loss in the work force that cannot be filled, skilled professionals gone, etc. I can't see how any society is going to keep on moving.
in short theres no evidence because it hasnt happened
op didnt clarify but I made some assumptions with this question

That there wasnt a thanos like expulsion
and that There is a general understanding that for a period of 5 years society would be predominantly women which is often the case during war.

There is economic drawback , labor shortage , but in 5 years there will not be extinction or catastrophic collapse.
I really don't, imagine every woman in your life suddenly vanishing and thinking society is going to be normal after that. Suicides alone are going to be high from losing family and loved ones. The loss in the work force that cannot be filled, skilled professionals gone, etc. I can't see how any society is going to keep on moving.
Yeah no. Nurses is about the biggest hit we'll take. After a year everything would still be up a running.
I really don't, imagine every woman in your life suddenly vanishing and thinking society is going to be normal after that. Suicides alone are going to be high from losing family and loved ones. The loss in the work force that cannot be filled, skilled professionals gone, etc. I can't see how any society is going to keep on moving.
It definitely isn't an easy scenario to simulate but taking OP's comments at face value nothing alludes to him holistically considering human needs in either the case of men surviving or women doing so.

So factor like emotional and sexual needs have been disregarded in the quesiton so its redundant to pose them as probable deterrents to progression for either men or women surviving. THE QUESITON itself revolves around competence if majority of the men dissappear how'd Women cope with managing the infrastructure functioning the society.

You have to start off with this framework without inflating it by adding things not accounted for in the quesiton.