Character Discussion What "popular" characters do you find to be boring or dislike ?


Massively disappointed that his swordsmanship is nothing but a copy of Roger's.

It does make sense though since he is someone who Mihawk couldn't defeat, which means it's a top top tier sword style just as much as the sword style of the WSS.

But Oda could've made it a little bit different rather than being a literal copy of Roger's.

Now Shanks is looking more like a budget Roger than being someone at Roger's level.
Not sure if I haven't responded in this thread already and I'm too lazy to review all 12 pages, but...


I hate Oden with the same passion that Oda wanks him, like literally the worst OP character ever, ruining manga since Punk Hazard.

Like the dude was so distastefully thrown down our throats, so that we were to swoon all over his hairy ass, just how about no way in fucking hell.

Literally hate him more than Spandam, Spandam is just a regular scum who got the beating he deserved, Oden is oh so great and revered upon, it irks me everytime I am remembered of him.

One of the greatest things about Wano ending is the fact that we don't have to suffer this neverending Oden wank anymore.
Is Oden even popular in the English one piece community? Do the majority of people really like Odens character, his dumb fuck choices and the EPIC glazing Oda gave him in Wano?

Anyway I don't give a fuck about Buggy, Brook, Chopper, Nika, and Shanks and his family who Oda will glaze be default.
Well, he was #24 in the global poll, but I don't remember where the western community put him.


All suffer from the same issues, they have all the personality of a dead fish, no real values and the ones they have contradict all the time. Their screen presence in the new world is underwhelming.

The only interesting thing about them is discussion of power level and the fact that they are related to actual interesting characters.
Yamato. The worse Mary Sue character in all of mangadom. I seriously would have dropped OP if she joined the SH's.

Carrot- What a waste of time and panel space she turned out to be

Chopper. Not cute, just obnoxious af

Brook- I don't "hate" him, but I seriously forget he exist half the time and don't see him as a necessary crew member, more of a waste of space tbh

Garp- idc what his motives are (sword founder, likely) he let Ace die and the way he treated Luffy was never funny or cute to me. idgaf if it turns out he was anti WG the whole time, his methods and actions suck ass.

Koby- Hate his cutesy, overly goody two shoes personality, plus he's a crybaby
-Shanks, I feel the urge to gouge out my eyes every time he is on screen.
I hope that Blackbeard (who’s actually a great character) will brutally kill him asap, and improve the story by getting us rid of that obnoxious presence

- Sabo, its very existence is just an insult. That shitty copycat meant to dry the tears of whiny fanboys.

- Yamato, one of the worst fictional character I ever encountered.
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-Shanks, I feel the urge to gouge out my eyes every time he is on screen.
I hope that Blackbeard (who’s actually a great character) will brutally kill him asap, and improve the story by getting us rid of that obnoxious presence

- Sabo, its very existence is just an insult. That shitty copycat meant to dry the tears of whiny fanboys.

- Yamato, one of the worst fictional character I ever encountered.
Garp. The man is abysmal at parenting, abusing physically his grandkids and leaving them under the care of bandits, and putting them through hellish training while failing to even teach them morals, and for all of his legend as the "Hero of the Marines" he looks like he's a terrible marine as well.
Rayleigh, I don't find him to be that interesting and it's annoying how protected he is and how he never really faces consequences for helping Luffy many times despite the marines and WG knowing he's alive and well and living in Saobody.