Rewatched Ant Man And The Wasp, better than I remember. I used to hate it but now I like it a lot more, not the most brilliant or entertaining film but I like the cast, tone and humour a lot. Some of them really carry the film and I adore Paul Rudd and his take on Ant-Man especially. 7/10 I think is fair? Or 8 at maximum?
I liked the "villains" a lot and I hope "Ghost" returns sooner or later, "no bias" of course, well actually....lmao. There were some pretty cool and fun scenes and CGI/special FX and such, Ant-Man woks extremely well for that fun and wow factor too. Ghost really made me think of Reaper from Overwatch too. A lot of similiarity, so Blizzard probably took inspiration from Ghost for Reaper ofc, as Marvel's Ghost has existed decades before Reaper too ofc lol.
Luis is always great too, hilarious, charming, fun character too lol.
Also watched Ant-Man Quantumania yesterday, definitely a drastic change in tone and more of a setup film, which was kinda frustrating and it did get a bit too serious, bleak and drag on. There also some things I didn't like outright but rather not elaborate on. I did end up liking the film though, Cassies new actress is decent and "MODOK" was not as awful as I expected and felt a little sorry for him by the end, he ended up being quite endearing by then but I cannot stand MODOK in general and just the sight of him grosses me out massively lol. Not the best CGI with him either exactly, reminds of the terrible CGI with Heimdall's son in Thor Love and Thunder.
Film wasn't truly brilliant but not terrible either, just fairly decent at best. Kang's actor was really good imo, especially by the bonus scenes, although I've not seen the Loki series so can't comment on him there but I am VERY hyped after what I've seen now. It will be great to have another super villain puppet master ultimate threat to worry about like with Thanos all over again.
There was a pretty awesome scene of Ant-Man going savage as he went giant and slammed Kang against the wall too, loved that moment. Nice to see Paul show a more brutal, wrathful and thus serious and angrier side there too. I like Michael Douglas as Hank a lot too and him coming to the rescue with the evolved ants was awesome too.
Also the scene with Paul rapidly "cloning" and the million of variants of him and them interacting and working together was excellent too. Nice "foreshadowing" too for Kang as well!
I'd give this a 6 or 7 out of 10 at maximum anyway. Maybe 7 tbh. Lower than the previous films definitely but still decent-ish.
I like it when Marvel and DC take themselves less seriously and allow more creativity, weirdness and "fun", as well as humour too. But still needs some seriousness, gravitas, drama, tension etc ofc.