Questions & Mysteries What would you guys do if Zoro doesn't fight Kaido at all?


The Road To Harmony
At this point, you might as well change the subject to "How disappointed would you be if Zoro doesn't do much to Kaido?" Because facing him is all but guaranteed.

Oda has been building up a confrontation all arc. From developing Zoro's motivation for defeating Kaido, the blatant Chekhov's gun Enma, Kaido constantly mentioning how another Samurai will never be as great as Oden, Zoro's singular desire of facing Kaido since setting foot on Onigashima. It just can't be ignored or dismissed.
After all those statements from Zoro and his actions u can make it like u win :suresure:
Sanji once said that he would cause the most trouble on the Straw Hats for the World Government. Do you take his words at face value and believe them, too?
Lmao, backtracking like a bitch. No ones ever said what you're trying to imply

"bUt luFfY stiLl bEatS ZoRo"

You initially said Zoro will never fight Kaido ever. Gl with that one.
Don’t play stupid, as if you haven’t been part of this dirtbag website since it’s inception. Saying that no one has ever said that here, a place that’s flooded with Zoro fanboys, is a flat out lie.

Nobody is backtracking. I don’t think Zoro fights Kaido. I don’t think he’ll go from Pica to drawing against Killer to Kaido when Luffy had to go through Doflamingo, ridiculously stronger than Pica, two Yonko commanders, both well above Pica, one of which far above anyone Zoro has fought and far and away above Zoro, only to get oneshot by Kaido. If so, that is bad writing. I said from the beginning that I think Zoro fights King, likely with Killer and maybe Bepo. I still think that is the case. Nobody is backtracking.
Don’t bother quoting me again.
Sanji once said that he would cause the most trouble on the Straw Hats for the World Government. Do you take his words at face value and believe them, too?

Don’t play stupid, as if you haven’t been part of this dirtbag website since it’s inception. Saying that no one has ever said that here, a place that’s flooded with Zoro fanboys, is a flat out lie.

Nobody is backtracking. I don’t think Zoro fights Kaido. I don’t think he’ll go from Pica to drawing against Killer to Kaido when Luffy had to go through Doflamingo, ridiculously stronger than Pica, two Yonko commanders, both well above Pica, one of which far above anyone Zoro has fought and far and away above Zoro, only to get oneshot by Kaido. If so, that is bad writing. I said from the beginning that I think Zoro fights King, likely with Killer and maybe Bepo. I still think that is the case. Nobody is backtracking.

Don’t bother quoting me again.
so u take Sanji speech as Zoro speech while he wanted to fight him to take revenge for what he did to wano :denzimote:


Sanji once said that he would cause the most trouble on the Straw Hats for the World Government. Do you take his words at face value and believe them, too?

Don’t play stupid, as if you haven’t been part of this dirtbag website since it’s inception. Saying that no one has ever said that here, a place that’s flooded with Zoro fanboys, is a flat out lie.

Nobody is backtracking. I don’t think Zoro fights Kaido. I don’t think he’ll go from Pica to drawing against Killer to Kaido when Luffy had to go through Doflamingo, ridiculously stronger than Pica, two Yonko commanders, both well above Pica, one of which far above anyone Zoro has fought and far and away above Zoro, only to get oneshot by Kaido. If so, that is bad writing. I said from the beginning that I think Zoro fights King, likely with Killer and maybe Bepo. I still think that is the case. Nobody is backtracking.

Don’t bother quoting me again.
What's the point of lying to yourself? You know Zoro is gonna be involved in the Kaido fight.

Even Zoro's biggest haters have accepted he will be in the fight against Kaido. They've just decided to accept it and downplay whatever feat he pulls off instead lol.


Sanji once said that he would cause the most trouble on the Straw Hats for the World Government. Do you take his words at face value and believe them, too?
That was an off hand comment Sanji made to persuade Kuma to kill him instead of Zoro.

How are you comparing that to something that’s been building up ever since they set foot on Onigashima? And before that had tons of lore/storylines pointing in that direction? These two things not even remotely the same.


Survivors Guilt
That was an off hand comment Sanji made to persuade Kuma to kill him instead of Zoro.

How are you comparing that to something that’s been building up ever since they set foot on Onigashima? And before that had tons of lore/storylines pointing in that direction? These two things not even remotely the same.
When you hate a drawing enough, there’s no ends you won’t go to in order to let ***** know of it
What's the point of lying to yourself? You know Zoro is gonna be involved in the Kaido fight.

Even Zoro's biggest haters have accepted he will be in the fight against Kaido. They've just decided to accept it and downplay whatever feat he pulls off instead lol.
I still don’t think he is, I believe he will be fighting King. Even if he does end up against Kaido, I don’t think he’s going to do anything of note to Kaido, and if he does, it will be bad writing in my opinion. I’ve said why previously.
That was an off hand comment Sanji made to persuade Kuma to kill him instead of Zoro.

How are you comparing that to something that’s been building up ever since they set foot on Onigashima? And before that had tons of lore/storylines pointing in that direction? These two things not even remotely the same.
I’m comparing it because it’s the same. Characters in this series talk a bunch of shit. A lot of the time, they don’t back it up or it’s a bluff. It literally happened to Luffy earlier in the arc, the first time he tried to fight Kaido. Zoro has been victim of it in the past, when he challenged Mihawk and got destroyed with a butter knife. It happens all the time.
When you hate a drawing enough.
Zoro is my second favorite character. I just don’t subscribe to the fanboy bullshit half this site puts out. Try again.
so u take Sanji speech as Zoro speech while he wanted to fight him to take revenge for what he did to wano :denzimote:
The last half of that is hilarious because that’s actually Luffy’s role. You know, the guy that actually will save Wano and the guy that Kaido actually gives a rats ass about.
This thread is so redundant now.

After Zoro made that speech there's barely any chance he won't fight Kaido, infinitesimal in the merriest of cases.

A legit thread would question what will happen next *at best*, but about confronting Kaido?

It's nearly 100% happening.
I kind of agree.

But its not set in stone that Zorro will have a important rule,thats just a assumption
Maybe you intellectuals could point out exactly the issue with it? Because Zoro has not fought Kaido, and also will never, ever be on the level of people Luffy contends with. Even if he does end up fighting Kaido, Luffy will now and always curb stomp him, as will the people that are Luffy’s rivals.

Also, the two of you quoted someone in a thread where the last comment is from over two months ago. Doesn’t make you look sad at all 😂
At calm down I wasn't trying to be agressive

Zoro has said multiple times he intends to fight Kaido so either you want the deuteragonist to be a liar or you want the person with designated role of fighter to be too weak to do what they want.


Kitetsu Wanker
At calm down I wasn't trying to be agressive

Zoro has said multiple times he intends to fight Kaido so either you want the deuteragonist to be a liar or you want the person with designated role of fighter to be too weak to do what they want.
People dont like Luffy threatened by his evil twin Zoro because they want to wank Luffy as unparalleled combatant while he is at best average.

Cyrus the Cactus

Mihawk Reigns Supreme
I don’t think he’ll go from Pica to drawing against Killer to Kaido when Luffy had to go through Doflamingo, ridiculously stronger than Pica, two Yonko commanders, both well above Pica, one of which far above anyone Zoro has fought and far and away above Zoro, only to get oneshot by Kaido. If so, that is bad writing.
Kid and Law haven't done nearly as much as Luffy has either, yet you think they'll take part in the fight with Kaido. There's been hints that Zoro will fight Kaido for quite some time, yet you ignore it. You don't seem to mind Law and Kid getting plot power ups yet don't want Zoro to get one despite the narrative pointing to Zoro fighting Kaido?
At calm down I wasn't trying to be agressive

Zoro has said multiple times he intends to fight Kaido so either you want the deuteragonist to be a liar or you want the person with designated role of fighter to be too weak to do what they want.
Right, because you quoted a months old quote out of kindness and a willingness to have a genuine discussion.

The main character of the series said that he intended to fight Kaido and was going to beat him, and then got squashed the first time he squared up against him. He talked shit, and didn’t pull through. It’s happened many times to many characters in the series, but for some reason, Zoro must be immune to it.
Kid and Law haven't done nearly as much as Luffy has either, yet you think they'll take part in the fight with Kaido. There's been hints that Zoro will fight Kaido for quite some time, yet you ignore it. You don't seem to mind Law and Kid getting plot power ups yet don't want Zoro to get one despite the narrative pointing to Zoro fighting Kaido?
Law and Kid are the two top dogs of the generation behind Luffy and have been separated from all of the rest alongside Luffy as the leaders of it. They’re in another league than Zoro. So, no, I don’t mind. Zoro is not on the level of people Luffy contends with, and never will be.
Right, because you quoted a months old quote out of kindness and a willingness to have a genuine discussion.

The main character of the series said that he intended to fight Kaido and was going to beat him, and then got squashed the first time he squared up against him. He talked shit, and didn’t pull through. It’s happened many times to many characters in the series, but for some reason, Zoro must be immune to it.

Law and Kid are the two top dogs of the generation behind Luffy and have been separated from all of the rest alongside Luffy as the leaders of it. They’re in another league than Zoro. So, no, I don’t mind. Zoro is not on the level of people Luffy contends with, and never will be.
Well we know that's not th e case because last chapter we saw how no name zoro slash was more powerful than Punk Gibson. He also doesn't have ryo and think he think Kaidi with a bunch of scrap metal. Also we haven't Zoro go all out yet.
Also do you think that 3 people alone can take out Kaido when we saw what did to scabbard who included at least 3 NYC level characters and what about the no samurai as monstrous as Oden line.
Right, because you quoted a months old quote out of kindness and a willingness to have a genuine discussion.

The main character of the series said that he intended to fight Kaido and was going to beat him, and then got squashed the first time he squared up against him. He talked shit, and didn’t pull through. It’s happened many times to many characters in the series, but for some reason, Zoro must be immune to it.

Law and Kid are the two top dogs of the generation behind Luffy and have been separated from all of the rest alongside Luffy as the leaders of it. They’re in another league than Zoro. So, no, I don’t mind. Zoro is not on the level of people Luffy contends with, and never will be.
Law is in another league then zoro? Law had went all out and the feats are not impressive they aren’t even as impressive as zoro who hasn’t went all out . On top of that zoro has way better haki feats and potrayal. Laws a swordman of course he’s inferior to zoro . Stop embarrassing yourself