Character Discussion When you realize that Zoro is talent and Sanji is hardwork

I was born in the mid 90s. The first and majority of One Piece contents I consumed in the 2000s is through Onemanga site, Mangatraders forum, and IRC chats. Don't know if you guys ever heard and use them.


Back in the day, there was this notion/sayings of "Zoro is hardwork, Sanji is talent".

Of course this is true, in a way. Especially when Oda emphasizes Zoro with weight training and doing other exercises, while at the same time showing Sanji being laid back and spends time comfily with the crew.

These kind of scenes lead to the impression of Zoro works harder than Sanji.


Fast forward almost two decades later: adulthood arrives, and One Piece becomes bigger & more explored. The notion of Zoro=hard work & Sanji=talent kinda got reversed. How?

- Zoro has CoC, Sanji doesn't
This thing itself speaks volumes that Zoro's innate talent > Sanji's innate talent.

- Zoro has top tier physique without DF or scientific modification
His natural body's talent achieved this top tier level without "external" help. Again, proof that Zoro's physique talent > Sanji's physique talent.

Well, everyone can understand and accept these. But what's the deal with Sanji and hardwork?

The answer is adulthood and the realistic POV it brings to life. When you view Zoro's and Sanji's overall actions throughout the series with more realistic approach, you will notice that Sanji ALSO put effort & hardwork too. Zoro does exert more physical burden, but Sanji exert more physical activities.

Yes, the keyword here is "cook" and/or "cooking". Casually, a cook's job is just to present a meal. But in reality, this process is long and complex. Sanji needs to prepare ingredients first. He had to go shopping or hunts. Then he cooks, present the meals, wash the dishes, cleans the kitchen, etc. These kind of things seems menial and easy, but the amount of effort spent is large. Besides that:

Daily life:
- Zoro trains, exercise, occasionally scouts, and then sleep
- Sanji cooks, sleep

- Zoro fights an opponent, done
- Sanji also fights an opponent, but he usually also defend people, and sometimes, do stealth and do missions to save the arc/crew

Post battle:
- Zoro party and drinks.
- Sanji cooks and cleanup.

So, yeah. Zoro might exert and spent more strength, but Sanji is busier and have more activities. In one perspective, Sanji's hardwork > Zoro's hardwork..


In the end, actually I think Sanji and Zoro is BOTH about talent and hardwork.
Zoro is the definition of hard work though, sure he has CoC but without training it would remain latent forever (one of the oldest bloomers we know) plus even if he awoked it without training his ass he would end up as a Boa/Doffy/Chinjao level conqueror or even lower.
Sanji is the definition of talent, whether that's manufactured talent or otherwise is another question.
The only thing you got accurate is the CoC thing since the manga tells it is something for "the ones chosen by the heavens". So its like, you're born with it, you don't choose anything. They are such chosen ones that most use this power for a long time and don't even realize they are using it.

Every other physical capability are buffed for the Monster Trio in general. From speed, to strength and toughness

But Sanji exposes more of his body, thats the way he fights, he needs to have more physical strength, lifting weights is a part of his martial art. Meanwhile Zoro is a swordsman, he can block and hit things without getting hurt in the process, its also easier to be more lethal even if you're handicapped.

- Zoro has top tier physique without DF or scientific modification
His physique is inferior than Sanji's, all the way through, even Zoro knows that and uses Sanji to boost him with his leg at certain moments, cuz he knows his attacks will be much more effective that way.

Post Exoskeleton, we have Zoro getting hurt by nails, getting impaled, while Sanji breaks blades with his neck and says "ouch", breaks all of his bones and walks away like nothing happened, so Sanji is leagues above in that aspect, although Zoro's endurance is decent, it already got topped.

But since Zoro has CoC and hes a swordsman, it will certainly boost his defensive capabilities as well, to compensate his fragile body in comparison to Luffy and Sanji.

For CoC coating users, most are Top Tiers, for Exoskeleton users, we have Veteran~High Veteran level fighters who rely on Raid Suits to fight properly, which includes fighting Sanji. So yeah, Sanji definitely seems more impressive to me considering the position he holds as a fighter.

Theres also the emotional charge some of these power ups draw. Zoro put his life on the line by wielding Enma at its beast, and unlocking CoC coating. The way he achieves his swords are also honorable and involves danger (except for Shusui, which was easy as hell, almost free)

Sanji used the suit he hates because they were fighting an Emperor's crew and he thought could save someone if he put his pride aside for a moment (and he did both things), Sanji was supposed to be just another Germa and Judge's puppet, he was the "failure", the one who should've died as a child, that shouldn't even have borned. Every step Sanji had to take since the day he was born has put his life on the line.

Then we have Sanji's hardwork as a martial artist, haki training to improve his flames on top of the Exo, CoO training, mind you that his flames aren't even a Germa ability.

So overall, both of them needed to go through a lot of stuff to be here. Doesn't matter which one of them you see more as a talented or a hardworking guy
Both have/are now a mix of both stuff.
Talent = Conqueror Haki
Talent = Germa's body
Both talents came out during this arc.

And Zoro is still above in hardwork department since during prets he was training constantly while Sanji wasn't.
Then both trained hard during TS.
Then both didnt train shit until Wano, where Zoro again did some training.
We can say that Sanji was/is a "talent" during this period since he didnt do shit but was keeping up regardless.