The story of One Piece is the story of the rise of two captains, Luffy and Blackbeard, and their crews. Blackbeard is a blatant evil Whitebeard, their epithets should give that away. And he’s looking to have a large dash of Rocks as well, making him a combination of Roger’s two major rivals
For the Marines, there’s Coby and Smoker, and we’ll just have to see what Oda does when he reintroduces them. Smoker has acted more like Garp throughout the series, but Coby came first and is obviosuly being built up for something.
Kid is a failure as a rival. He’s never fought against Luffy, only alongside him, his crew is, Killer excepted, garbage, and what little achievements he have pales alongside Luffy. He’s like the typical Shonen Rival who gets beaten by the hero, starts working alongside them and ends up completely overshadowed. Like Renji in Bleach. Or Gaara or Neji. Except Kid doesn’t even have the period where he was a legit opponent to Luffy the way those guys were.