Character Discussion Who is less evil between Kaido and Big Mom?

Who is less evil?

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To me, a good litmus test to see how fucked up someone is, is how they treat those close to themselves. Cause if BM is willing to treat her own children like tools, has zero sympathy or respect for them, then that clearly means she sees those civilians as even less than that.
At least they are well fed and they don't starve to death which is something that it isn't happening under Kaido's reign
big mama treats her kingdom like a child playing with dolls. she means well, but if things don't go her way she throws a tantrum, she is easily blinded by desire. she is selfish and short-sighted, but is genuinely trying to create the perfect world.
kaido just doesn't give a fuck about absolutely nothing, he wants to engulf the world in war because war for him is fun.
big mama treats her kingdom like a child playing with dolls. she means well, but if things don't go her way she throws a tantrum, she is easily blinded by desire. she is selfish and short-sighted, but is genuinely trying to create the perfect world.
kaido just doesn't give a fuck about absolutely nothing, he wants to engulf the world in war because war for him is fun.
big mama treats her kingdom like a child playing with dolls. she means well, but if things don't go her way she throws a tantrum, she is easily blinded by desire. she is selfish and short-sighted, but is genuinely trying to create the perfect world.
kaido just doesn't give a fuck about absolutely nothing, he wants to engulf the world in war because war for him is fun.
That's one of the biggest facts that I've seen. Massive W for this newbie.
Kaido enslaves people so thats is worse than big mom done,half her shit is she going nuts from hunger

she is less worse than him but still pretty bad
Big Mom enslaves people too

Did you forget that no one can leave Totto Land and that she literally has the ability Soul Pocus to control people with fear and take their life span.
Big Mom enslaves people too

Did you forget that no one can leave Totto Land and that she literally has the ability Soul Pocus to control people with fear and take their life span.
Yeah you cant leave but as long you keep outisde her view the life there seems pretty chill, i wouldnt live in Wano, would go to Whole Cake if i had to choose betwenn both
To me, a good litmus test to see how fucked up someone is, is how they treat those close to themselves. Cause if BM is willing to treat her own children like tools, has zero sympathy or respect for them, then that clearly means she sees those civilians as even less than that.
Not always, big mom has her moments when children or food are involved, she tried to protect otama and she got mad about october town getting destroyed after those people were kind and gave her food.

Kaido doesn't give a shit about anyone unless they're strong. Even then he only wants to use them for his own reasons, he would have rather killed Yamato than let her leave on her own.

Big mom will use her influence to "protect" a territory to an extent, if they provide her with food she likes and those people are at least able to maintain somewhat normal lives.

Kaido on the other hand, enslaved an entire country and works their citizens to death to make weapons that he either uses on other civilians (or pirates or marines). The country he took over was dying, the people unable to feed themselves and without so much as clean water.

Kaido is a way bigger asshole, way easier to hate as a villain. Big mom is also pretty bad for sure, but honestly the worst part about big mom is her design


When were you under the impression this game is..
Kaidou is less evil, Big Mom kills her children on a whim and enslaves them.

Kaidou actually respects and shows empathy for his crewmates at the very least.
Totland vs Wano.

Pay a bit of your soul and live a happy safe life vs forced into slavery for the rest of your life in a shithole country.