Because if Inu could he would’ve won during the 120 straight hours when Jack was fighting and he was able to rest and recuperate. Not to mention minks have high base healing and they have the ability to take super medicine to instantly heal.
If inu or Neko couldn’t win with everything in his favor a half dead Inu winning now would be real dumb.
Dude, i don't care about how much they rest
They fought for 12 Hours & neither was able to Defeat the other
Nothing you say can change the fact that Jack was unable to defeat Inurashi for 12 Hours
So they are Equals
Now, Oda simply need to give Inu a little edge & the Fight will end just like previous Fights & we can finally switch to other stuff
After Zou Arc, Inu & Neko became Friends once again, so it's possible that they taught each other some moves
Maybe Inu will Defeat Jack with a New Move that is Combination of both his Fighting Style & Neko's
Or maybe, they will both take each other out, cuz we don't need Inu after this Fight
Also do you understand what does Two Men fighting means?
It's so dumb if others interfere, did Robin help Kyros when he was struggling against Diamante?
Ofc not, cuz it was his Fight for Revenge, it was Personal, no one should interfere
Inu vs Jack is not only a 1 v 1 between Brave Beasts, but it's also very Personal & Inu himself told Scabbards to let him handle Jack
You think Oda couldn't just draw Scabbards teaming up on Jack & defeating him in half Chapter & be done with it??
Ofc he could have done that, but he chose to let Inu get his 1 v 1 against him
You said they got their Revenge in Roof Top but Jack literally answered your question
He told Inu that there isn't Full Moon here & Inu replied that there isn't Poison Gas either
Meaning Roof Fight was payback for Jack using Poison, that's whey they destroyed him in a Non-Fair Fight
But now it's time for them to settle their score & see who truly wins in 1 v 1 that started back in Zou
And obviously the Ally should win, not the Villain that already exhausted his screen time