General & Others Why do people think Mihawk will “FIGHT FOR” Buggy?

I don’t get why people still think this. We have seen how this plays out before with mihawk

Mihawk was a “employee” of the WG yet he’d never attended any meetings and no one even expected him to attend Marineford. He only went there because he personally wanted to fight Whitebeard. And immediately left when the fight switched to fighting Shanks

So why would this be any different? Why would Mihawk “fight for Buggy”? Like people keep talking about like Sengoku or Fujitora storming the Cross Guild base or something and Mihawk fighting them but why?

Genuinely why would Mihawk fight to save Buggy? Or Crocodile? Or Cross Guild? He doesn’t care about the One Piece. The entire organization has been hijacked by Buggy. The only use the organization has for Mihawk currently is that it still provides cover from the marines.

But see, if Sengoku and Fujitora show up to destroy the group, IT NO LONGER PROVIDES COVER. Cross Guild loses it entire point for Mihawk the moment he actually starts getting inconvenienced. Therefore HE WONT FIGHT. HE’LL JUST LEAVE. LIKE IN MARINEFORD.

This is really obvious. Mihawk will never fight for Buggy. And he won’t fight for Crocodile either since Mihawk’s interest in Crocodile’s “utopia” plan was that it involved creating a Militarized nation that the government wouldn’t attack. Mihawk’s interest in Crocodile was centered around Mihawk finding a way to NOT fight the marines AGAIN.

For some reason people think that there’s supposed to be some greater purpose to mihawk being in cross guild than the one presented already. There isn’t. Mihawk is in Cross Guild so that mihawk can one day come across Zoro and fight him. And Mihawk is in Cross guild to give Buggy cover for his gags to take them to Laugh tale.

That’s it. Those are the reasons. Oda needs Buggy’s gags to play out so that somehow Buggy makes it to laugh tale, so he put Mihawk there as a deterrent to prevent any random person from just killing buggy. It’s not because Mihawk will ever actually do something like fight someone for poneglyphs or whatever. Therefore Sengoku or Fujitora will never attack Cross Guild because Oda cannot justify why Mihawk would fight to save Cross Guild. Get it?

Buggy’s gags will take Cross Guild to Laugh tale without Mihawk having to raise a finger. You wanna know why? Because Mihawk WOULD NEVER raise a finger on behalf of Buggy.
Not how it works
the organization benefits him as much as he is a benefit to them
it provides much needed manpower to fend off the world government
no matter how strong you are the amount of soldiers they can commit to reprehend can easily become overwhelming.

cross guild provides much needed cover and manpower to cover for that . The wg cant commt resources carelessly as they would have before siminlar to how they would proceed with caution against other yonko also takes the heat off his head by installing buggy as the head and in turn mihawk gets to do what he wants and lends his strength if he needs to . That was the point of the cross guild chapter .

if you think hes going to sit idly aside , leave the organization, while buggy pushes on to chase after the one piece , you are delusional and quite frankly boring. its time he goes and does something.
forced to fight because he is attacked
There is NO ONE ON THE PLANET that can force Mihawk to fight them.

He’s a top tier. Fighting him is an instant risk to you own health… So if Mihawk says “I don’t want to to fight you” and then leaves you take it

Like if Fujitora shows up to destroy Cross guild, and Mihawk sees him and says “I renounce my position in cross Guild, go ahead and kill our leader, buggy, and kill all the underlings below him, I’m leaving.” Fujitora will let him pass… Plain and simple
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Mihawk noticed luffy true power in marineford. It’s not his technique. He possesses some quality that makes people want to help him. Funny enough so does Buggy. So for me I can see him actually helping buggy at some point.
No buggy isn’t like Luffy… luffy inspires people… Buggy lies to idiots

For Mihawk to ever compare the two, it would mean mihawk thinks these two things are the same… He thinks Luffy’s actual charisma is the same as Buggy lying to idiots who who don’t know he’s lying

Do you think mihawk can’t tell the difference between these two things?

also, mihawk didn’t care that Luffy could do this… Mihawk didn’t randomly start helping Luffy too just because of this… he still wanted to kill Luffy even after knowing this… so… I don’t know why you think “being able to make allies” is a thing that can move mihawk in any way
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cross guild provides much needed cover and manpower to cover for that . The wg cant commt resources carelessly as they would have before siminlar
@LANJI CUCKSMOKE yes exactly. That’s what mihawk wants. For the government to not attack him AT ALL

That’s why he’s going along with buggy, because Cross guild IS DOING WHAT HE WANTS… Providing cover


Get it? He’s here for the cover. If something happens and the cover no longer exists, he leaves

And Sengoku and Fujitora and 100 battleships is in fact a break in the cover

Mihawk doesn’t want to fight. That’s it. That’s why he joined the warlords. That’s why he joined cross guild…he went to Marineford not to fight for the WG, but to ease his own boredom

If mihawk doesn’t want to fight, he will not fight. That’s it. And there’s nothing anyone can do to change that.

mihawk is currently in cross guild for the reason you stated, it’s an operation big enough for the marines to NOT WANT TO ATTACK IT… but if for some reason THEY DO DECIDE TO ATTACK IT, then Mihawk’s reason for being it, is no longer there
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I mean, no matter how silly it seems, Oda is clearly building up Buggy and Cross Guild to be major players in the fight for the One Piece.

There is no one else in Cross Guild to do the heavy lifting against top tiers besides Mihawk.

Mihawk won’t fight “for” Buggy, but I am sure that whatever Mihawk does in Laugh Tale will inadvertently benefit Buggy and keep him in the race.

It can be as simple as Crocodile scheming to make a profit from the final war, and smooth talking Mihawk to come for the ride. At that point, Oda is free to come up with whatever B.S. reason to get Mihawk actively involved in a fight
if you think hes going to sit idly aside , leave the organization, while buggy pushes on to chase after the one piece , you are delusional and quite frankly boring. its time he goes and does something.
If oda genuinely wanted Mihawk to take any action, he would have done so a long time ago.

The simple reality is, Mihawk doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things and he is simply the final fight for an irrelevant bum like Zoro. But this doesn't invalidate his strength.

We're in the final saga where oda is focusing on crucial plot points like Joyboy and true history and One Piece. You think oda is gonna give some panel time for a side quest of Mihawk vs someone?

If you expect him to fight someone, it's u who is misinterpreting the story
I think mihawk has no choice but to accept buggy dream because of the circumstances he’s involved in. No matter what he chooses, he has to fight. Oda is forcing mihawk to get involved in the story.
MIhawk is a wise man, just like @Gaimon The Pirate

Pirate God actually

The animals are dancing the nIka dance and represent all races united and sharing food and sake, the Hitotsunagi no DaiHiHou

Thanks to his peak Haki, Mihawk already can see the future and knows that Buggy is the man who will sit on the empty throne in the end of One Piece

gO D. A's ultimate foreshadow
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Throughout Heaven & Earth,I alone am d Honored One
MIhawk is a wise man, just like @Gaimon The Pirate

Pirate God actually

The animals are dancing the nIka dance and represent all races united and sharing food and sake, the Hitotsunagi no DaiHiHou

Thanks to his peak Haki, Mihawk already can see the future and knows that Buggy is the man who will sit on the empty throne in the end of One Piece

gO D. A's ultimate foreshadow