Character Discussion Why is Mihawk considered a pirate?


Slash Slash BigSlash

Here is my theory, I think people just put bounties on Mihawk and the marines took it up.

by this I mean, there’s a specific type of role that the marines SHOULD have but we’ve never seen them actually have. That’s extradition.

If for example Higuma the Bear from Luffy’s village were to manage to escape into the sea after killing Luffy, even without a pirate flag, he becomes the marines responsibility. If Goa kingdom only has an army and no navy, then it becomes the Marine’s responsibility to hunt down Higuma since Goa is part of the World government so the services of the Marines should extend to them even if Higuma isn’t actually a pirate. Since Higuma is on the sea, the marines would have to be the ones to Capture him and extradite him back to Goa kingdom to be punished in Goa.

I think this is what happened with Mihawk.

mihawk Defeated whoever was the strongest swordsman on his home island and according to who that was and how the fight went, Mihawk could’ve easily become wanted by his own Country’s government. And even if he didn’t get a bounty from this like maybe it was a fair duel that was recognized by the public, the fact that mihawk decided to go to sea to beat other countries’ strongest swordsmen increases the chance that he eventually would get a bounty like this.

imagine this, Mihawk arrives at some island and finds their strongest swordsman and tells them he wants a fight. He doesn’t say “a fight to the death”, he just says a a fight. The strongest swordsman knowing he’s the strongest is arrogant and just accepts. He gets beaten and then
1) is killed and immediately Mihawk gets a murder charge
2) gets severely injured and goes to complain to his government that he was attacked abruptly
3) gets defeated and forced to submit with little injury but then has a vendetta against mihawk and tries a sneak attack and gets killed or he goes and complains again to his government and makes some shit up to make Them give Mihawk a bounty

what I’m saying is there’s not many Zoro type people in the world who would just take getting defeated so honorably especially if they were already the strongest on their island and were proud of their strength

And if Mihawk kept doing this for like dozens of islands ALL OVER the world and a number of those Islands were part of the World Government, every time Mihawk escaped to sea, he would become the Marines’ problem and even if he hasn’t done pirate stuff, he still has extradition on his head from multiple countries and the marines job is extradition

basically Mihawk’s bounty is entirely built on grudges since he’s going around crippling multiple countries’ armies since he keeps defeating their best men.

And After a while the marines realized they couldn’t catch the guy and just gave up and made him a warlord. Or he just got tired of beating chased and offered the marines his services as long as they stopped chasing him and he could keep going around beating everybody.

If you notice, in this scenario, Mihawk never has to even beat one marine. Not even destroying a single Marine ship. He just has to has to not get caught while still racking up multiple bounties all over the world. And since we know random people like Issho and Greedbull can exist on random islands all over the world, Mihawk isn’t just fighting fodder, he could legit be beating people who are the lynch pin to a country’s military power. Like he finds a country where their big military hero is an Issho type guy and beating just that guy and possibly injuring him beyond being able to fight again, completely throws off the country’s military and then once again bounty for extradition is put on him.

Therefore as an example, this is how Mihawk’s bounty would be formed. (I’m gonna say it’s 2 billion). Consider that a low level bandit in East blue could get 8 million bounty.

The Navy trying and failing to catch him-30 million


20 WG allied countries put bounties of minimum 80 million on his head. I’m using 30 countries because there’s 170 countries in the WG and Mihawk traveling the world could have easily managed to find 30 with reasonable people to beat. I’m also using 50 million because we saw that Dressrosa, a “poor country” can manage to make 10 billion and Nico robin said 500 million is enough to buy a small country. So it’s clear that Dressrosa being “poor” is in regards to being a World government Ally. A poor WG country is different from just a plain poor country. Therefore 50 million for a bounty is reasonable for a WG country. So we have 1.6 billion.


30 Non Allied countries put bounties of like 10 million on his head. I’m using 10 million again because Poor countries but it’s possible for some countries not to be rich and not in the WG. The marines aren’t actually obligated to these countries so they don’t have to actually consider these bounties BUT since they can’t ignore that this happened, they’ll just take half. So only 150 million comes from this sine it’s just portrayal and the marines don’t have to consider it.

General hype around his strength since the Marines know he’s the Strongest swordsman will add in the remaining 220 million.

There we have 2 billion made from simply fighting people and evading the marines without any explicit pirate behavior of any kind.

And I’m saying it’s 2 billion AFTER the warlords have been abolished since in this case, Countries that previously could not give Mihawk a bounty since he’s a government agent now get the right to give him a bounty. By that I mean among those 20 WG countries, a number of them had Mihawk walk in and destroy their best men but since Mihawk was Warlord, they couldn’t do shit until now.

If every time he ran from marines why isn't he doing it this time, that would be that part of the course for him but he is getting ready for a showdown. Your theory is internsting, but I don't think Mihawk couldve gone around whole world without beating some of the top dogs of marines. Mind you he doesn't have to kill them just defeat them.
Cuz Mihawk is a pirate in the first place?:kaidowhat:

I know he is considered a pirate. But he is nothing like the rest of the pirates. He doesn't want to find the One Piece, he doesn't want to find ancient weapons, he doesn't want wealth or territories, etc. All he wants is a good fight. He doesn't even have a pirate flag. I also don't remember him referring to himself as a pirate.

I understand that he has a bounty and even that he is considered a criminal. But not all criminals are pirates, there are also revos like Kuma or Dragon.

Warchief Sanji D Goat

Snake Empress!🐍
I know he is considered a pirate. But he is nothing like the rest of the pirates. He doesn't want to find the One Piece, he doesn't want to find ancient weapons, he doesn't want wealth or territories, etc. All he wants is a good fight. He doesn't even have a pirate flag. I also don't remember him referring to himself as a pirate.

I understand that he has a bounty and even that he is considered a criminal. But not all criminals are pirates, there are also revos like Kuma or Dragon.
He's a lone wolf pirate.


Zoro Worshipper

I guess the question is why did he earn a bounty in the first place.
Well that is basically self-explanatory.

He did or not something to earn it, however we still lack insight on what that was.

We can posit that he messed with the Marines, but we don't know anything about it. Was he part of a pirate crew? Eventually. Was he an independent pirate? Did he mess with the WG? Is his bounty originating from an accident?

There are so many scenarios, some robust just like others that we feel knocked. :)

If we go by his personality of lone wolf I tend to see the chance of being in a crew less likely unless his personality was altered with the passing of time, but yet again he could have been a solitary pirate...
... or not.
If every time he ran from marines why isn't he doing it this time, that would be that part of the course for him but he is getting ready for a showdown. Your theory is internsting, but I don't think Mihawk couldve gone around whole world without beating some of the top dogs of marines. Mind you he doesn't have to kill them just defeat them.
Actually if you notice, Mihawk is specifically the ONLY warlord who shows no interest in fighting. Mihawk says “He’s excited to be chased”

Buggey says “Let’s fight” and then runs of course

Hancock says the marines shouldn’t fuck with their strength so they are obviously going to fight

Weevil is obviously fighting

Mihawk is literally the only warlord who doesn’t mention fighting. He only talks about being chased

See like we saw with Whitebeard, fighting marines doesn’t end. If Mihawk actually decided to one day fight marines head on, it would’ve gone on and on forever. Even Whitebeard prefers running than fighting when it comes to marines.

I think we’ve seen many signs that Mihawk is very docile guy when it comes to people he doesn’t want to fight really. He lets Zoro fuck around when he could demolish him instantly in East blue. He doesn’t give a shit about Shanks both times they meet. Even other people notice this. Doffy is surprised Mihawk showed up to marineford and even Akainu is surprised Mihawk chose to do anything. Like Mr Absolute Justice himself was just expecting Mihawk to stand around doing nothing simply because of his reputation.

Mihawk knows the Marines can’t catch him if he runs and he knows starting an actual fight with the marines would literally go on forever. So he runs. Just like he chose to run now, I think this is what Mihawk did all the time before as well

Slash Slash BigSlash

Actually if you notice, Mihawk is specifically the ONLY warlord who shows no interest in fighting. Mihawk says “He’s excited to be chased”

Buggey says “Let’s fight” and then runs of course

Hancock says the marines shouldn’t fuck with their strength so they are obviously going to fight

Weevil is obviously fighting

Mihawk is literally the only warlord who doesn’t mention fighting. He only talks about being chased

See like we saw with Whitebeard, fighting marines doesn’t end. If Mihawk actually decided to one day fight marines head on, it would’ve gone on and on forever. Even Whitebeard prefers running than fighting when it comes to marines.

I think we’ve seen many signs that Mihawk is very docile guy when it comes to people he doesn’t want to fight really. He lets Zoro fuck around when he could demolish him instantly in East blue. He doesn’t give a shit about Shanks both times they meet. Even other people notice this. Doffy is surprised Mihawk showed up to marineford and even Akainu is surprised Mihawk chose to do anything. Like Mr Absolute Justice himself was just expecting Mihawk to stand around doing nothing simply because of his reputation.

Mihawk knows the Marines can’t catch him if he runs and he knows starting an actual fight with the marines would literally go on forever. So he runs. Just like he chose to run now, I think this is what Mihawk did all the time before as well
Oh yeah that's a good point, he doesn't say he is going to fight does he. I agree to some extent. But I think the reason he doesn't fight marines is also because he knows that he is stronger then each of them individually and doesn't want to go on a pointless battle where he already knows the outcome.
Mihawk knows the Marines can’t catch him if he runs and he knows starting an actual fight with the marines would literally go on forever. So he runs. Just like he chose to run now, I think this is what Mihawk did all the time before as well
Mihawk is not a coward. In Marineford, he was the first shichibukai to make a move, attacking WB no less. I think that fighting the Marines has no interest for him. Unless they send an admiral after him, he won't consider it a worthy battle.
Mihawk has no crew and no territories (except his island, although it is abandoned). So why is he considered a danger to the world? His only goal is to find worthy rivals to beat them in duels. Why bother to send a fleet after him, knowing the casualties the Marines would take? Is it out of pride or fear of his power?

It's something that has always bothered me. What do you think?
That anxiety you are having is proof enough that deep down you know the VAs sent to bring him in can actually do the job.

Anyways a pirate is any outlaw who sails the seas. Mihawk has been fighting in the seas for years of course he is going to be labeled a pirate.
Oh yeah that's a good point, he doesn't say he is going to fight does he. I agree to some extent. But I think the reason he doesn't fight marines is also because he knows that he is stronger then each of them individually and doesn't want to go on a pointless battle where he already knows the outcome.
Well yeah exactly. That’s why The only thing in Marineford that caught Mihawk attention was Whitebeard. Just from his general demeanor even Akainu didn’t think Mihawk would actually fight so it’s made a point that Mihawknis only there because he only cares about Whitebeard

mihawk seems like unless he’s actually bored like with Don krieg, he only ever fights when he sees it’s necessary

Slash Slash BigSlash

Mihawk is not a coward. In Marineford, he was the first shichibukai to make a move, attacking WB no less. I think that fighting the Marines has no interest for him. Unless they send an admiral after him, he won't consider it a worthy battle.
We already know that Mihawk can tell individual power level just by looking at them. But he couldn't believe himself seeing that WB is this weak. And send that slash make sure if WB at that stage was worth fighting and from his statement the distance between us is small he decided not to engage WB. Otherwise it doesn't make sense from his personality why he wouldn't go after WB. I think at that point Mihawk was the strongest in Marineford.
Mihawk is not a coward. In Marineford, he was the first shichibukai to make a move, attacking WB no less. I think that fighting the Marines has no interest for him. Unless they send an admiral after him, he won't consider it a worthy battle.
@Mochiman I didn’t say he was a coward. I’m saying he prefers running to standing their in one place and fighting fodder for days and days and days without gaining anything from fighting the fodder other than getting tired. Because that’s what would happen if you decide to fight the Marines like that

Whitebeard himself ran from a random no name marine ship simply because this is what happens when you fight marines head on like that
The funniest part is; Zoro wasn't a pirate before joining to Luffy's crew. He was a bounty hunter who wanted to be the strongest swordsman.

Mihawk fans: pirate Mihawk's dream was being the strongest swordsman.:gokulaugh: Who ever said that nonsense?

Then they don't even think why this guy is a pirate. What is his reason? Remember what Zoro said about the pirates. Zoro doesn't like pirates, until he met Luffy. You need different motivations to be a pirate. Zoro definitely doesn't have that pirate motivation without Luffy. If Luffy dies Zoro would quit being a pirate.

The only exception pirate that who doesn't want to find Laugh Tale and doesn't want treasures was Whitebeard, because he wanted family. What's Mihawk's excuse for not wanting One Piece or other kind of treasures? He obviously doesn't want family like Whitebeard so you need to think about him differently than you think about Whitebeard as a pirate. Obviously they are two different pirates as well. Because Whitebeard would never join Shichibukai government dogs too.

Mihawk is a pirate and there's a reason for that we don't know yet. You don't need to be a pirate to be the strongest swordsman; Zoro as a bounty hunter was aiming for the strongest swordsman.

Mihawk said it was fun to cut Don krieg's Fleet. Perhaps that's his motivation as a pirate. Then why don't you cut Yonko crew Fleet? Because someone like Vista, Crocodile or Jozu can stop him before he can do it.

Pirate Mihawk not being a ''great pirate'' and him being a Shichibukai pirate is actually a proof that he isn't as powerful as Yonko pirates, who are the 4 greatest pirates currently. If you don’t believe it then Oda draw Marineford battle, Mihawk's equal was Vista not even Marco.


Mihawk has no crew and no territories (except his island, although it is abandoned). So why is he considered a danger to the world? His only goal is to find worthy rivals to beat them in duels. Why bother to send a fleet after him, knowing the casualties the Marines would take? Is it out of pride or fear of his power?

It's something that has always bothered me. What do you think?
he is a threat that is freind with yonkou shanks. either he is with you or you need to take him out. he may have beat even some marine swordmen on his way of becoming wss
That anxiety you are having is proof enough that deep down you know the VAs sent to bring him in can actually do the job.
You mean the triple threat of Doberman Onigimo and Momonga can’t take down the Yonko themselves?
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The funniest part is; Zoro wasn't a pirate before joining to Luffy's crew. He was a bounty hunter who wanted to be the strongest swordsman.
@Erkan12 So Zoro’s dream remained the same though.

you’re saying Mihawk’s dream changed but you are presenting Zoro as an example yet his dream specifically DID NOT change



Kitetsu Wanker
I am also interested in why Mihawk is considered a pirate, so far I dont have anything to justify him being one.
However, the Marines dont need much to label someone a pirate so his "crime" could be anything.
Challenging Marine swordsmen would probably be enough of a reason to label him one.
We should eventually find out about his backstory...
- His boredom is not the problem, his cowardice is, when Shanks challenged everyone he was the first one to escape from Marineford. He was afraid of finishing his fight with Vista and Crocodile. He didn’t want to fight Jozu, let alone someone stronger like Marco or Whitebeard. His boredom must be related to his cowardice because he allied himself with marines against Yonko Whitebeard and still failed to do anything against Yonko. And whenever Yonko Shanks challenges him to fight he escapes. He was being a messenger boy to his superior Shanks informing him about Luffy. He fights fodders like Don Krieg, pre-ts Luffy and East Blue Zoro instead. He even apologized from his superior Yonko Shanks before attacking pre-ts Luffy but he still failed against Vista and Crocodile, they owned him.
Everything you've just said is headcanon.
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The guy was present at Roger's funeral, which sparked the great Pirate Age. The most rational conclusion is that he set out to sea after that to become a Pirate like many others who were there. What changed between then and the time he became a Shichibukai remains to be seen, but at some point, Piracy was something he was apart of.
I've theorized he was a subordinate of a famous pirate captain like Rocks.