Urouge is 2 decades older than luffy, but they both started their pirate careers at the same time. Same for Capone.
Like I said, Age is irrelevant here. Luffy is going to become the pirate king at 19 lol. Kaido and Shanks beginning their careers at the same time (relatively) is an established fact.
I’m not trying to downplay Shanks, but Kaido is objectively more impressive.
I never troll. You are arguing against the authors own words here.
Kaido was a cabin boy for the Rox, that was his debut. Shanks became a pirate around that exact same time, so they’ve had the exact same time to amass bounties and Kaido did it better.
I never troll. You are arguing against the authors own words here.
Kaido was a cabin boy for the Rox, that was his debut. Shanks became a pirate around that exact same time, so they’ve had the exact same time to amass bounties and Kaido did it better.
You actually compare it wrong is not about how old is he but how long he is being captain so about 23 years that’s a long time to build that bounty and Wb did the same and got highest bounty actually wb did that in less time than shanks, bb will do it even faster than that so what is that 39 yo with bounty of 4 bill when he is captain for 20+ years ? Is tottaly irrelevant he didn’t reach it faster he started earlier that’s it .!
I never troll. You are arguing against the authors own words here.
Kaido was a cabin boy for the Rox, that was his debut. Shanks became a pirate around that exact same time, so they’ve had the exact same time to amass bounties and Kaido did it better.
It seems this thread is trying to prove that Shanks is the most dangerous Yonko because of his age. I have to disagree with this premise. This does not prove that the other pirates were less of a threat at age 39. The rest were part of the Rocks crew, a legendary infamous crew, out to take over the world.
Shanks having a 4B bounty with 39 is indeed impressive, but we can't deny that in comparison to the other "original" Yonkou his took kind off a hit, especially since Shanks fans took pride in the opposite due to false editor hype.
Comparing bounties in a specific age is also not much of use, tbh. 39 Year old is prime Shanks on the peak of his pirate life, just like the other Yonkou. I doubt that his bounty will increase at from this point onwards.
well in Roger Vs WB Pirate war Marco mentioned that he seems weak but with a strong will
nonetheless to "WG" ... Shanks wasn't famous for what we know ...
and still Shanks could have get a part of his bounty cause he was a Roger Pirate .... sure
but rest of Yonko were part of Rocks and it's almost as good
again for "KAIDO" I think the argument of him might have a 4 Bil bounty is indeed "possible" while it make no sense for WB
but I expect Kaido to earned more than 600 Mil since 20 years ago ...
he is the most trouble maker and we know his crew got much stronger ....
He has at least a 15-20 year head start on Shanks imo. Doesn't matter if they are considered of the same generation, a decade plus head start is pretty big.
When Kaido and Shanks were apprentices, they wouldn't be considered full blown Pirates. Their Piracy careers would have taken off when they themselves took to the seas as Pirate Captains. So that just means something happened with Kaido between the timeframe of those 16-18 years between Rocks being defeated and Gol D. Rogers death that prohibited him from starting his life as an active Pirate.
The most likely scenario is that he was caught during the battle of God's Valley, and didn't escape til many years later.
if a pirate is a confirmed owner of a RP then they are automatically a huge threat to the WG.
as a Roger Pirate Shanks had access to all 4 at some point.
WG just glad he is inept.
if a pirate is a confirmed owner of a RP then they are automatically a huge threat to the WG.
as a Roger Pirate Shanks had access to all 4 at some point.
WG just glad he is inept.
Who cares about Shanks bounty? It's going to be lower because he's younger and because he's less problematic than Kaido and Big Mom. Only thing that matters is who would win in a fight.
Who cares about Shanks bounty? It's going to be lower because he's younger and because he's less problematic than Kaido and Big Mom. Only thing that matters is who would win in a fight.
in fact the only thing that matter is that who is a better and more interesting character who the fuck care about power level after the story end?
who the fuck gonna be effected in their mind cause of a dude power level?
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