Future Events Why splitting up the yonko does make sense

Bringing BM to wano was a mistake...........lets see how oda resolves this issue...............
That’s what folk need to get.

This will not be resolved well. Big Mom is only in the arc to cut down the length of Elbaf. She’s a massive casualty of Oda’s desire to finish the series quicker, with a second Yonko “falling” in an arc that has nothing to do with her. That’s why it’ll going to be her turning into Olin, so she can be beaten without really being beaten.

I am certain that the orginal plan was WCI as a short setup arc, Wano taking place without Big Mom and then a longer Elbaf arc with the BM Pirates.

Then Oda decided to add the Katakuri fight to boost up Luffy in stregth and as a pirate prior to Wano, which somehow managed to both drag out WCI and finished it too abruptly, and has brought Big Mom to Wano as a sideshow to deal with her quick so the fight against the full BM Pirates doesn’t need to happen.

Her presence on Wano has never made sense. She’s completely removed from the narrative of freeing Wano and is a constantly being treated as an afterthought despite how strong she is. The story is all focused on beating Kaido and has never managed to deal with the fact there’s someone almost as strong as him there as well.