Questions & Mysteries Why there are so many Admiral Haters here?

Admirals fans overwank their faves and use other rating system for other characters that is why. Was kuzan, kizaru, akainu one shoted and disapeared for 20 minute? admiral be like no they were sneak attacked or holding back and wb, garp overrated. Mainwhile when the admirals clearly cheat, use squardo or oniguna + handcuff or attack an injured king their victory is unflawed. That plus aramaki of the whiteblade and Hachinosu where shiryu took 80% of garp hp outperforming kuzan in a single panel plus tank a furious garp attack (unlike with his former disciple garp had no reason to hold back since he had to relation with shiryu) and laugh it off since his goal was accomplished anyway. But but it wasnt not named the attack that pierced garp wasnt named either nor the furious quake punch garp gave akainu in marinford after ace die.


Keep zoro out of this
You ain't our opponent.
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Anyone else notice.

It's always admiral fandom that calls people retards excessively?

Not saying yonko fans don't do this but they insult people's reading comprehension and what not.

Really proves my point about toxicity.
You should try reading arguments of Goofy stans. lol.
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Anyone else notice.

It's always admiral fandom that calls people retards excessively?

Not saying yonko fans don't do this but they insult people's reading comprehension and what not.

Really proves my point about toxicity.
I don't think this is actually about toxicity and is genuinely an issue of a large difference of interpretation.

Most people when they first read through the series are very much not close readers and probably didn't pay attention/remember a lot of details. They just get the gist of the story and that's that.

So when they catch up and its time for them to start discussing the series with other people, they have lots of holes in their memory about the story and go off vibes, especially true when power-scaling. For example: the amount of people that think Enel is stronger than a Pacafista.

When confronted with this gap in understanding, stubborn people will insist their first reading was the correct one and that everyone else is wrong, while introspective people will reread the story and either reaffirm or reconsider their perspective. The issue is that One Piece is such a long story that rereading it is asking a lot.

So you have to keep in mind that 99% of the time you are discussing One Piece online, its with someone who's understanding and memory of the series is from the first time they read it, and it most likely sucks.

For the admirals It really doesn't help that they don't, or at least didn't have that many concrete feats prior to the current arc. So very few people when they first catch up to the series weekly have the impression that the Admirals are as strong as the Emperors. Upon closer readings a case can be made for the Admirals, but for the average joe catching up to One Piece they don't really care. So most people arguing for the side of the Admirals tend to repeat themselves in nearly every argument they have, which I imagine is where the "toxicity" comes from.
Most people who read one piece are kids, or adults that are unemployed and thus hate the idea of having a job and working for someone else. Piracy in one piece represents a delusion of being able to do and take whatever you want and live like that, whilst also somehow being a good person at the same time. Thats why people prefer yonkos to admirals and that bias clouds their powerscaling
As an Admiral fan I'm sure it must seem like that they're just haters when everyone laughs at your nonsensical Admiral wank, but no, there aren't many Admiral haters, the manga has just got to the point where the Admiral = Yonko agenda is dead and buried with most people agreeing that Yonko > Admiral, and thus, a good chunk of the Admiral wankers like yourself have ran away unable to cope with the fact that they've been completely wrong for years, with only the truly deluded ones like Lee remaining.
I read this like five times and couldn't understand what you were trying to get across
Most people would be embarrassed to admit they're illiterate like that, congrats.
I'm being serious, you said you're an admiral fan but you're bashing another admiral fan? I don't get it
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Most people in this community are retarded.
There is your answer lol
Yeah even you is retarded asf. Look at your pfp, I can't believe you read shit like that. Do some pressups and lift weights. Dumbass
I'm being serious, you said you're an admiral fan but you're bashing another admiral fan? I don't get it
I didn't say I was an Admiral fan, I said the guy who made this thread is an Admiral fan, reading is hard I know, keep at it though and maybe you'll get it.
2-3 years ago in this forum i remember Admirals were respected and equated with Yonkos. Even those who said Yonko>Admiral would say that the Admirals were only slightly behind. But now, many people in the forum are opens the Admiral downplay threads, thrash talking about Admirals. Admirals began to be seen as not a top tier, even seen as weaker than Yonko Commanders.

Why has the number of these trolls increased? Are they trying to take it out their pain with downplaying Admirals when Yonko Saga is trashly written?

@Extravlad @Elder Lee Hung @SakazOuki @The White Crane @MarineHQ @EmperorKinyagi @Kurozumi Wiwi
Same reason why people make jokes about Zolo because ZKKlosers are being hated, both ZKKfans and Assmiral fans always lie so people toy with Admirals:

They lie so much even his own Admiral fan friend debunks his ass:
